HCA Healthcare Collects Record-Breaking 21,137 Pounds of Medication During Sixth Annual “Crush the Crisis”
HCA Healthcare announced record-breaking results from its sixth annual 'Crush the Crisis' prescription drug take-back day, collecting 21,137 pounds of unused or expired medications. This represents approximately 14.5 million doses collected across more than 125 collection sites. The initiative, conducted in partnership with local law enforcement and aligned with the DEA's National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, has now collected over 88,600 pounds of medication since 2019. Top collecting facilities included CJW Medical Center in Virginia (992 pounds) and HCA HealthONE Aurora in Colorado (861 pounds).
HCA Healthcare ha annunciato risultati da record per la sua sesta edizione annuale della giornata di raccolta dei farmaci 'Crush the Crisis', raccogliendo 21.137 libbre di farmaci inutilizzati o scaduti. Questo corrisponde a circa 14,5 milioni di dosi raccolte in oltre 125 punti di raccolta. L'iniziativa, condotta in collaborazione con le forze dell'ordine locali e in linea con la Giornata Nazionale di Raccolta dei Farmaci da Prescrizione della DEA, ha già raccolto oltre 88.600 libbre di farmaci dal 2019. Tra le strutture che hanno raccolto di più ci sono il CJW Medical Center in Virginia (992 libbre) e l'HCA HealthONE Aurora in Colorado (861 libbre).
HCA Healthcare anunció resultados récord de su sexto 'Día de Devolución de Medicamentos' anual 'Crush the Crisis', recolectando 21,137 libras de medicamentos no utilizados o expirados. Esto representa aproximadamente 14.5 millones de dosis recolectadas en más de 125 sitios de recolección. La iniciativa, realizada en asociación con las fuerzas del orden locales y alineada con el Día Nacional de Devolución de Medicamentos Recetados de la DEA, ha recolectado más de 88,600 libras de medicamentos desde 2019. Las instalaciones principales que más recolectaron incluyeron el CJW Medical Center en Virginia (992 libras) y el HCA HealthONE Aurora en Colorado (861 libras).
HCA Healthcare는 여섯 번째 연례 '危機를 무너뜨리자'(Crush the Crisis) 처방약 반납 행사에서 기록적인 성과를 발표하며 21,137파운드의 사용하지 않거나 만료된 약품을 수거했습니다. 이는 125개 이상의 수거 장소에서 수거된 약 1,450만 회분에 해당합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 지역 경찰과의 협력을 통해 진행되었으며, DEA의 국가 처방약 반납일과 연계되어 2019년 이후 총 88,600파운드 이상의 약품을 수거했습니다. 최고 수거 시설은 버지니아의 CJW 의료 센터(992파운드)와 콜로라도의 HCA HealthONE 오로라(861파운드)가 포함되었습니다.
HCA Healthcare a annoncé des résultats records pour sa sixième journée annuelle de collecte de médicaments 'Crush the Crisis', recueillant 21 137 livres de médicaments inutilisés ou expirés. Cela représente environ 14,5 millions de doses collectées dans plus de 125 sites de collecte. L'initiative, menée en partenariat avec les forces de l'ordre locales et alignée sur la Journée Nationale de Retour de Médicaments sur Ordonnance de la DEA, a maintenant collecté plus de 88 600 livres de médicaments depuis 2019. Les établissements ayant le plus collecté comprennent le CJW Medical Center en Virginie (992 livres) et l'HCA HealthONE Aurora dans le Colorado (861 livres).
HCA Healthcare gab Rekordergebnisse von seinem sechsten jährlichen 'Crush the Crisis' Rückgabetag für verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente bekannt, an dem 21.137 Pfund ungenutzte oder abgelaufene Medikamente gesammelt wurden. Dies entspricht etwa 14,5 Millionen Dosen, die an über 125 Sammelstellen gesammelt wurden. Die Initiative, die in Zusammenarbeit mit den örtlichen Strafverfolgungsbehörden durchgeführt wurde und mit dem Nationalen Rückgabetag für verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente der DEA übereinstimmt, hat seit 2019 über 88.600 Pfund Medikamente gesammelt. Zu den größten Sammelstellen gehörten das CJW Medical Center in Virginia (992 Pfund) und das HCA HealthONE Aurora in Colorado (861 Pfund).
- Record-breaking collection of 21,137 pounds of medication, surpassing previous years
- Successful operation across 125+ collection sites
- Implementation of Enhanced Surgical Recovery program showing decreased opioid usage
- Advanced data utilization from 43 million annual patient encounters for improved care
- None.
The collection of 21,137 pounds of unused medications, while impressive for community health, has minimal direct financial impact on HCA Healthcare's business operations. The initiative demonstrates strong corporate social responsibility and community engagement, which can positively influence brand perception and stakeholder relationships.
The company's data-driven approach to pain management and prescription control through Enhanced Surgical Recovery (ESR) and Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) systems represents more significant long-term value. These programs can reduce operational costs, improve patient outcomes and potentially decrease liability risks associated with opioid prescriptions. However, this particular news about medication collection, while admirable, is not likely to materially affect HCA's financial performance or stock value.
“I am amazed by the results of this year’s Crush the Crisis,” said Dr. Randy Fagin, chief medical officer of HCA Healthcare’s National Group. “Our colleagues showed up for their communities to help remove unneeded medication before it could fall into the wrong hands. This record-breaking year is a testament to how HCA Healthcare cares for the communities we serve.”
HCA Healthcare facilities across the country partnered with local law enforcement to help communities safely and anonymously dispose of unused or expired medication. An estimated 14.5 million doses of medication were collected at more than 125 collection sites. HCA Healthcare’s “Crush the Crisis” events were held in alignment with the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, which collected 629,953 pounds of medication.
The HCA Healthcare facilities that helped collect the greatest amount of medication during the event this year include:
CJW Medical Center in
Richmond, Virginia collected 992 pounds -
HCA HealthONE Aurora in
Aurora, Colorado collected 861 pounds -
HCA HealthONE Sky Ridge in
Lone Tree, Colorado collected 842 pounds -
Medical City McKinney in
McKinney, Texas collected 694 pounds -
HCA HealthONE Mountain Ridge in
Thornton, Colorado collected 534 pounds
HCA Healthcare uses data from approximately 43 million annual patient encounters to help continuously improve care. The organization uses the science of “big data” to help reduce prescription drug misuse and transform pain management, with initiatives in surgical, emergency and other care settings, including:
- Enhanced Surgical Recovery (ESR): a multi-modal approach to pain management using pre, intra and post-operative interventions to optimize outcomes. HCA Healthcare’s ESR programs have demonstrated significant improvements in surgical recovery and patient satisfaction, including decreases in opioid usage.
- Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS): aims to stem increasing rates of opioid-related addiction, misuse diversion and death by making it more difficult for medication-seekers to doctor-shop and alter prescriptions. Physicians have access to aggregated electronic health records, providing data to help them prescribe opioids judiciously.
About HCA Healthcare
All references to “Company,” “HCA” and “HCA Healthcare” as used throughout this document refer to HCA Healthcare, Inc. and its affiliates.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241120575181/en/
Frank Morgan
Harlow Sumerford
Source: HCA Healthcare