Consumer Trust in Brands Wanes as ChatGPT Disrupts Marketing Industry: Global Study from Jack Morton Reveals Skepticism and Regional Differences
Jack Morton's global research reveals significant changes in consumer trust following ChatGPT's impact on marketing. The study, surveying 5,000 consumers across five countries, shows that over 50% of consumers will no longer trust brands that don't fulfill promises, while 25% believe brands inherently make false promises. Consumer expectations have evolved, with 85% globally caring about brand behavior towards communities, customers, and employees. Regional variations exist, with 43% of Singapore consumers likely to stop buying from untrustworthy brands compared to one-third in the US and UK. The study also indicates increased consumer skepticism, with only 29% willing to share personal data with brands pre-ChatGPT.
La ricerca globale di Jack Morton rivela cambiamenti significativi nella fiducia dei consumatori a seguito dell'impatto di ChatGPT sul marketing. Lo studio, che ha coinvolto 5.000 consumatori in cinque paesi, mostra che oltre il 50% dei consumatori non si fiderà più dei marchi che non mantengono le promesse, mentre il 25% ritiene che i marchi facciano intrinsecamente false promesse. Le aspettative dei consumatori sono evolute, con l'85% a livello globale che si preoccupa del comportamento dei marchi nei confronti delle comunità, dei clienti e dei dipendenti. Esistono variazioni regionali, con il 43% dei consumatori di Singapore che è propenso a smettere di acquistare da marchi non affidabili rispetto a un terzo negli Stati Uniti e nel Regno Unito. Lo studio indica anche un aumento dello scetticismo tra i consumatori, con solo il 29% disposto a condividere dati personali con i marchi prima di ChatGPT.
La investigación global de Jack Morton revela cambios significativos en la confianza del consumidor tras el impacto de ChatGPT en el marketing. El estudio, que encuestó a 5,000 consumidores en cinco países, muestra que más del 50% de los consumidores ya no confiarán en las marcas que no cumplen sus promesas, mientras que el 25% cree que las marcas hacen promesas falsas por naturaleza. Las expectativas del consumidor han evolucionado, con un 85% a nivel mundial que se preocupa por el comportamiento de las marcas hacia las comunidades, los clientes y los empleados. Existen variaciones regionales, con el 43% de los consumidores en Singapur que probablemente dejarán de comprar en marcas no confiables en comparación con un tercio en EE. UU. y el Reino Unido. El estudio también indica un aumento del escepticismo entre los consumidores, con solo el 29% dispuesto a compartir datos personales con las marcas antes de ChatGPT.
잭 모턴의 글로벌 연구는 ChatGPT가 마케팅에 미친 영향으로 인해 소비자의 신뢰에 중요한 변화가 있음을 보여줍니다. 이 연구는 5개국에서 5,000명의 소비자를 조사한 결과, 50% 이상의 소비자가 약속을 지키지 않는 브랜드를 더 이상 신뢰하지 않을 것이라고 나타났으며, 25%는 브랜드가 본질적으로 거짓 약속을 한다고 생각합니다. 소비자의 기대는 진화했으며, 전 세계적으로 85%가 커뮤니티, 고객 및 직원에 대한 브랜드의 행동을 중요하게 생각합니다. 지역별 차이가 있으며, 43%의 싱가포르 소비자가 신뢰할 수 없는 브랜드에서 구매를 중단할 가능성이 있는 반면, 미국과 영국에서는 3분의 1에 해당합니다. 또한, 연구는 소비자의 회의론이 증가하고 있음을 보여줍니다. ChatGPT 이전에 브랜드와 개인 데이터를 공유할 의향이 있는 사람은 29%에 불과합니다.
La recherche mondiale de Jack Morton révèle des changements significatifs dans la confiance des consommateurs suite à l'impact de ChatGPT sur le marketing. L'étude, qui a interrogé 5 000 consommateurs dans cinq pays, montre que plus de 50 % des consommateurs ne feront plus confiance aux marques qui ne tiennent pas leurs promesses, tandis que 25 % pensent que les marques font intrinsèquement de fausses promesses. Les attentes des consommateurs ont évolué, avec 85 % au niveau mondial qui se soucient du comportement des marques envers les communautés, les clients et les employés. Des variations régionales existent, avec 43 % des consommateurs de Singapour susceptibles de cesser d'acheter auprès de marques peu fiables, contre un tiers aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni. L'étude indique également une augmentation du scepticisme des consommateurs, avec seulement 29 % prêts à partager des données personnelles avec des marques avant ChatGPT.
Die globale Forschung von Jack Morton zeigt erhebliche Veränderungen im Vertrauen der Verbraucher nach dem Einfluss von ChatGPT auf das Marketing. Die Studie, die 5.000 Verbraucher in fünf Ländern befragt hat, zeigt, dass über 50% der Verbraucher Marken, die ihre Versprechen nicht einhalten, nicht mehr vertrauen werden, während 25% der Meinung sind, dass Marken von Natur aus falsche Versprechen machen. Die Erwartungen der Verbraucher haben sich entwickelt, wobei 85% weltweit sich um das Verhalten von Marken gegenüber Gemeinschaften, Kunden und Mitarbeitern kümmern. Es gibt regionale Unterschiede, wobei 43% der Verbraucher in Singapur wahrscheinlich aufhören werden, bei unzuverlässigen Marken zu kaufen, verglichen mit einem Drittel in den USA und im Vereinigten Königreich. Die Studie zeigt auch, dass das Misstrauen der Verbraucher zunimmt, da nur 29% bereit sind, persönliche Daten vor ChatGPT mit Marken zu teilen.
- 85% of consumers globally care about brand behavior, indicating strong engagement potential
- Slight increase in consumer willingness to share personal data post-ChatGPT
- Over 50% of consumers will abandon brands that don't fulfill promises
- 25% of consumers believe brands intentionally make false promises
- Only 29% of consumers willing to share personal data with brands
- Nearly half of US consumers believe brands rarely meet promises
The research findings reveal concerning trends for the marketing and advertising industry, with direct implications for companies like IPG (Interpublic Group) and its subsidiaries. Over 50% of consumers expressing distrust in brands that don't fulfill promises represents a significant challenge for the advertising sector.
The post-ChatGPT landscape shows a complex dynamic where consumer expectations are rising (85% globally care about brand behavior) while trust is declining. This paradox creates both opportunities and risks for marketing agencies. The regional variations, particularly Singapore's higher sensitivity (43% consumer attrition rate), suggest a need for market-specific strategies.
For IPG and its competitors, this signals a necessary pivot in service offerings, potentially requiring increased investment in AI capabilities while maintaining human oversight to ensure authenticity. The data suggests a fundamental shift in how advertising agencies must approach brand messaging and consumer engagement strategies.
Data shows that more than
The comprehensive study highlights the transformative impact of ChatGPT on consumer expectations and brand trust. "The incredible opportunity for personalization at scale in entertainment, shopping, and experiences of all kinds can be fully realized when consumers trust brands with their personal data and trust them to deliver on the promises they make," said Damian Ferrar, EVP, Global Innovation Director at Jack Morton.
The research, which surveyed 5,000 consumers across the US,
- Increased Consumer Skepticism: Prior to ChatGPT's release, only
29% of consumers were willing to share their personal data with brands. Post-ChatGPT, this number has seen a slight increase, but skepticism remains high, with nearly half of US consumers stating that brands rarely live up to their promises. In addition, people care more today about how brands behave than they did pre-GPT but have less faith in their ability to deliver what they promise. - Heightened Expectations: Consumers now expect brands to act as good partners and corporate citizens. The study found that
85% of consumers globally, and88% in the US, care about how brands behave towards their communities, customers, and employees. - Regional Differences: There are notable regional differences in brand trust. In the US and
UK , roughly one third of consumers will stop buying a brand if it doesn't live up to its promises. However, inSingapore that number jumps to almost half (43% ).
Added Joe Panepinto PhD, SVP, Executive Strategy Director and Global Head of Learning and Engagement, "Our research tracked a significant uptick over the last few years in the percentage of consumers who think brands don't live up to their promises. This growing cynicism can undermine any sincere efforts brands make to earn consumer trust. Brands must be careful what they promise and ensure their actions align with their commitments."
As companies navigate this new era of AI-enabled, hyper-personalized experiences, it is crucial for brands to build and maintain consumer trust. This report provides valuable insights for brands looking to enhance their digital presence and improve customer engagement.
The research was conducted by Jack Morton with support from YouGov and RepData in late spring 2024. Consumers were asked questions about sharing personal data, the expectations for AI and experiences and feelings about how brands behave.
The first part of the Experience Better/Insights report, released in September 2024 examined data privacy in a post ChatGPT world and consumer willingness to share personal data for AI-driven brand experiences.
To access the latest Experience Better/Insights report and gain deeper understanding into consumer attitudes toward data privacy and brand trust, visit our website to download.
About Jack Morton
Jack Morton is an award-winning global brand experience agency. We partner with the world's most powerful companies to build stronger relationships between brands and the people who matter most to them. Driven by our mission to "Be extraordinary," we inspire the world to experience better. We do this through integrated marketing campaigns with experience at the core. Our specialized practice brands include Jack Health, Vivi, Jack 39, Jack X, and Genuine. Our work and agency culture has won some of the world's most prestigious industry awards, including AdWeek's Experiential Agency of the Year, Cannes Lions, Effies, D&AD pencils, Clios, Emmys, EX Awards, and Campaign's Experience Awards, as well as Global Agency of the Year and Best Places to Work. Founded in 1939, Jack Morton is part of the Interpublic Group of Companies (NYSE: IPG). Visit us at or follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.
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