Post-Quantum Cryptography Market Set for Accelerated Growth as SEALSQ and WISeKey Lead the Way in Securing Digital Infrastructure
SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) announced that the post-quantum cryptography (PQC) market is positioned for rapid growth as organizations seek protection against future quantum threats. Despite predictions that quantum computing may take 15-30 years to become fully useful, the company emphasizes the immediate need for PQC implementation.
SEALSQ has developed quantum-resistant algorithms, including the internationally recognized CRYSTALS-Kyber, optimized for microcontrollers and embedded devices. The company, along with its parent WISeKey, is implementing PQC solutions aligned with upcoming regulatory standards, including NIST's PQC standards expected by 2024-2025 and the US Federal mandate requiring quantum-safe cryptography by 2035.
Various sectors are setting implementation timelines: EU critical sectors by 2025-2027, financial services by 2026-2028, and healthcare by the late 2020s. The company positions itself to address immediate enterprise and government needs for quantum-resistant security solutions.
SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) ha annunciato che il mercato della crittografia post-quantistica (PQC) è destinato a crescere rapidamente, poiché le organizzazioni cercano protezione contro le future minacce quantistiche. Nonostante le previsioni che indicano che il calcolo quantistico potrebbe richiedere dai 15 ai 30 anni per diventare pienamente utile, l'azienda sottolinea l'immediata necessità di implementare la PQC.
SEALSQ ha sviluppato algoritmi resistenti ai quanti, incluso il riconosciuto a livello internazionale CRYSTALS-Kyber, ottimizzato per microcontrollori e dispositivi embedded. L'azienda, insieme alla casa madre WISeKey, sta implementando soluzioni PQC in linea con i prossimi standard normativi, inclusi gli standard PQC del NIST previsti per il 2024-2025 e il mandato federale degli Stati Uniti che richiede crittografia sicura quantisticamente entro il 2035.
Diversi settori stanno fissando tempistiche per l'implementazione: i settori critici dell'UE entro il 2025-2027, i servizi finanziari entro il 2026-2028 e il settore sanitario entro la fine degli anni 2020. L'azienda si posiziona per affrontare le esigenze immediate di imprese e governi in materia di soluzioni di sicurezza resistenti ai quanti.
SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) anunció que el mercado de la criptografía post-cuántica (PQC) está posicionado para un crecimiento rápido a medida que las organizaciones buscan protección contra futuras amenazas cuánticas. A pesar de las predicciones de que la computación cuántica puede tardar entre 15 y 30 años en ser completamente útil, la empresa enfatiza la necesidad inmediata de implementación de la PQC.
SEALSQ ha desarrollado algoritmos resistentes a lo cuántico, incluyendo el reconocido internacionalmente CRYSTALS-Kyber, optimizado para microcontroladores y dispositivos embebidos. La empresa, junto con su matriz WISeKey, está implementando soluciones de PQC alineadas con los próximos estándares regulatorios, incluidos los estándares PQC del NIST que se esperan para 2024-2025 y el mandato federal de EE. UU. que requiere criptografía segura frente a cuánticos para 2035.
Varios sectores están estableciendo cronogramas de implementación: sectores críticos de la UE para 2025-2027, servicios financieros para 2026-2028 y atención médica para finales de la década de 2020. La compañía se posiciona para abordar las necesidades inmediatas de las empresas y los gobiernos en materia de soluciones de seguridad resistentes a lo cuántico.
SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES)는 조직들이 미래의 양자 위협으로부터 보호받기 위해 노력함에 따라 포스트 양자 암호화(PQC) 시장이 빠른 성장세를 보일 것이라고 발표했습니다. 양자 컴퓨팅이 완전히 유용해지려면 15-30년이 걸릴 수 있다는 예측에도 불구하고, 이 회사는 즉각적인 PQC 구현의 필요성을 강조합니다.
SEALSQ는 마이크로컨트롤러 및 임베디드 장치를 위해 최적화된 국제적으로 인정받는 CRYSTALS-Kyber를 포함한 양자 저항 알고리즘을 개발했습니다. 이 회사는 모회사인 WISeKey와 함께 2024-2025년까지 예상되는 NIST의 PQC 표준을 포함한 다가오는 규제 기준에 맞춘 PQC 솔루션을 구현하고 있습니다. 또한 미국 연방 정부의 요구하는 2035년까지 양자 안전 암호화를 도입해야 합니다.
여러 산업 부문에서 구현 일정을 정하고 있습니다: EU의 주요 부문은 2025-2027년까지, 금융 서비스는 2026-2028년까지, 의료 서비스는 2020년대 후반까지입니다. 이 회사는 기업과 정부의 즉각적인 양자 저항 보안 솔루션 필요에 대응하기 위해 자리매김하고 있습니다.
SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) a annoncé que le marché de la cryptographie post-quantique (PQC) est prêt pour une croissance rapide à mesure que les organisations cherchent une protection contre les futures menaces quantiques. Bien que des prévisions indiquent que l'informatique quantique pourrait prendre 15 à 30 ans pour devenir pleinement utile, l'entreprise souligne la nécessité immédiate de mettre en œuvre la PQC.
SEALSQ a développé des algorithmes résistants aux quanta, y compris le reconnu internationalement CRYSTALS-Kyber, optimisé pour les microcontrôleurs et les dispositifs intégrés. L'entreprise, avec sa société mère WISeKey, met en œuvre des solutions PQC conformes aux futures normes réglementaires, y compris les normes PQC du NIST attendues pour 2024-2025 et le mandat fédéral américain nécessitant une cryptographie sécurisée contre les menaces quantiques d'ici 2035.
Différents secteurs fixent des délais d'implémentation : les secteurs critiques de l'UE d'ici 2025-2027, les services financiers d'ici 2026-2028 et les soins de santé d'ici la fin des années 2020. L'entreprise se positionne pour répondre aux besoins immédiats des entreprises et des gouvernements en matière de solutions de sécurité résistantes aux menaces quantiques.
SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) gab bekannt, dass der Markt für post-quantenKryptographie (PQC) für ein schnelles Wachstum positioniert ist, da Organisationen Schutz gegen zukünftige quantenbedingte Bedrohungen suchen. Trotz Vorhersagen, dass die Quantencomputing in 15 bis 30 Jahren vollständig nützlich sein könnte, betont das Unternehmen den sofortigen Bedarf an PQC-Implementierungen.
SEALSQ hat quantenresistente Algorithmen entwickelt, einschließlich des international anerkannten CRYSTALS-Kyber, das für Mikrocontroller und eingebettete Geräte optimiert wurde. Das Unternehmen implementiert zusammen mit seiner Muttergesellschaft WISeKey PQC-Lösungen, die mit den kommenden regulatorischen Standards übereinstimmen, einschließlich der PQC-Standards von NIST, die für 2024-2025 erwartet werden, und dem US-Bundesmandat, das bis 2035 quantensichere Kryptographie verlangt.
Verschiedene Sektoren setzen Implementierungsfristen fest: Kritische Sektoren der EU bis 2025-2027, Finanzdienstleistungen bis 2026-2028 und das Gesundheitswesen bis Ende der 2020er-Jahre. Das Unternehmen positioniert sich, um den unmittelbaren Bedürfnissen von Unternehmen und Regierungen nach quantenresistenten Sicherheitslösungen gerecht zu werden.
- Early market positioning in the growing PQC sector
- Development of internationally recognized quantum-resistant algorithm CRYSTALS-Kyber
- Alignment with upcoming regulatory standards and mandates
- None.
The emergence of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) represents a critical strategic pivot in cybersecurity infrastructure. SEALSQ's CRYSTALS-Kyber implementation positions them advantageously in a market projected to see accelerated growth well before quantum computing maturity. The regulatory timeline convergence between 2024-2028 across NIST, CISA, EU and industry verticals creates a compelling demand catalyst.
The company's dual focus on microcontroller optimization and IoT ecosystem security addresses a significant market gap, particularly as mandatory compliance deadlines approach for critical infrastructure sectors. This positions SEALSQ to capture early-mover advantage in a market that must act despite quantum computing being 15-30 years away from full utility.
The integration with WISeKey's Root of Trust infrastructure enhances the company's competitive moat, offering a comprehensive security stack that aligns with both current needs and future quantum threats. This strategic positioning is particularly valuable given the regulatory-driven adoption timeline across healthcare, financial services and IoT sectors between 2025-2028.
The proactive development of quantum-resistant algorithms optimized for embedded systems demonstrates exceptional technical foresight. The CRYSTALS-Kyber implementation is particularly noteworthy as it addresses the critical challenge of resource-constrained devices in IoT environments. This approach solves a key market pain point that competitors haven't adequately addressed.
The integration of PQC capabilities into WISeKey's Root of Trust creates a robust security architecture that meets both immediate and future cryptographic requirements. This is important as organizations must maintain backward compatibility while preparing for quantum threats. The timeline for PQC adoption aligns perfectly with regulatory mandates, particularly the US Federal mandate for quantum-safe cryptography by 2035 and EU cybersecurity strategy requirements by 2025-2027.
Geneva, Switzerland, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) ("SEALSQ" or "Company"), a company specializing in Semiconductors, PKI, and Post-Quantum technology hardware and software products, today announced that the post-quantum cryptography (PQC) market is poised for rapid growth as enterprises and governments urgently seek solutions to protect critical infrastructure from future quantum threats.
PQC companies like SEALSQ and its parent company, WISeKey International Holding Ltd (“WISeKey”, SIX: WIHN; Nasdaq: WKEY), a global leader in cybersecurity, digital identity, and IoT solutions platform, are at the forefront of this transformation, delivering advanced quantum-resistant solutions to safeguard data and systems today against the quantum challenges of tomorrow.
This comes amid recent comments that quantum computing technology may not become “very useful” for another 15-30 years. While such a timeline suggests that the full potential of quantum computing is still distant, the risk posed by future quantum computers to classical cryptographic systems is imminent. Organizations must act now to adopt PQC solutions to secure their data and systems against potential traditional and quantum-based cyberattacks.
SEALSQ, has been a pioneer in post-quantum cryptography. It has developed quantum-resistant algorithms optimized for microcontrollers and embedded devices, ensuring the security of IoT ecosystems and critical infrastructure. SEALSQ’s Quantum-Resistant Algorithm CRYSTALS-Kyber, has garnered international recognition and is setting new standards for quantum-safe cryptographic implementations.
WISeKey, a global leader in cybersecurity, has integrated post-quantum capabilities into its Root of Trust and comprehensive PKI suite of solutions. These innovations provide end-to-end encryption and data protection, ensuring businesses and governments can transition seamlessly to a quantum-safe era.
“Post-quantum cryptography is no longer a theoretical discussion, it’s an immediate priority,” said Carlos Moreira, Founder and CEO of SEALSQ. “SEALSQ and WISeKey are committed to leading the charge in delivering quantum-resistant solutions that protect our digital ecosystems today while preparing for the transformative quantum era. Recent comments from industry leaders, underscore the need for proactive measures to secure current infrastructure long before quantum computing reaches its full potential.”
Here is a 6-year timeline (2025–2030) for developing a fully operational quantum computer, alongside the SEALSQ advancements for developing post-quantum chips and post-quantum computing defense capabilities and the generation of a Quantum RootKey by WISeKey.
Furthermore, below is a summary of practical timelines of implementations to be enforced by industry standards and government:
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Standards (Global): First PQC standards finalized; standards expected by 2024-2025.
- CISA (US Critical Infrastructure): Post-Quantum Cryptography Roadmap recommends early adoption by the late 2020s.
- White House Federal Mandate (US): Federal systems to transition to quantum-safe cryptography by 2035.
- European Union Critical Sectors: EU cybersecurity strategy encourages adoption; mandates expected by 2025-2027.
- IoT (Matter, Wi-SUN): Quantum-safe integration encouraged; widespread adoption likely by 2025.
- Financial Services: SWIFT, PCI-DSS expected to incorporate PQC by 2026-2028.
- Healthcare: Mandates for quantum-safe cryptography likely by the late 2020s.
Governments and international organizations are driving the adoption of post-quantum standards. NIST has recently finalized quantum-resistant algorithms as part of its ongoing efforts to secure global cryptographic systems. Companies like SEALSQ and WISeKey are aligning their technologies with these standards, ensuring compliance and enhancing global cybersecurity.
Post-quantum cryptography is expected to experience significant market growth well before quantum computing reaches maturity. Unlike quantum computing companies, which are still developing hardware and software for niche applications, PQC providers are delivering actionable solutions that can be implemented on existing infrastructure. This positions companies like SEALSQ and WISeKey to address the immediate needs of enterprises and governments, paving the way for long-term quantum innovation.
As the digital landscape evolves, SEALSQ and WISeKey remain at the forefront of the PQC revolution, ensuring that critical systems are secure, resilient, and future-proof.
These discussions will take place at the SEALSQ WISeKey PQC AI event at Davos
SEALSQ focuses on selling integrated solutions based on Semiconductors, PKI and Provisioning services, while developing Post-Quantum technology hardware and software products. Our solutions can be used in a variety of applications, from Multi-Factor Authentication tokens, Smart Energy, Smart Home Appliances, Medical and Healthcare and IT Network Infrastructure, to Automotive, Industrial Automation and Control Systems.
Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) refers to cryptographic methods that are secure against an attack by a quantum computer. As quantum computers become more powerful, they may be able to break many of the cryptographic methods that are currently used to protect sensitive information, such as RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). PQC aims to develop new cryptographic methods that are secure against quantum attacks. For more information, please visit
Forward-Looking Statements
This communication expressly or implicitly contains certain forward-looking statements concerning SEALSQ Corp and its businesses. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our business strategy, financial performance, results of operations, market data, events or developments that we expect or anticipates will occur in the future, as well as any other statements which are not historical facts. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. These statements involve known and unknown risks and are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates which are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond our control. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Important factors that, in our view, could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements include the expected success of our technology strategy and solutions for IoMT Security for Medical and Healthcare sectors, SEALSQ's ability to implement its growth strategies, SEALSQ's ability to continue beneficial transactions with material parties, including a limited number of significant customers; market demand and semiconductor industry conditions; and the risks discussed in SEALSQ's filings with the SEC. Risks and uncertainties are further described in reports filed by SEALSQ with the SEC.
SEALSQ Corp is providing this communication as of this date and does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements contained herein as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
SEALSQ Corp. Carlos Moreira Chairman & CEO Tel: +41 22 594 3000 | SEALSQ Investor Relations (US) The Equity Group Inc. Lena Cati Tel: +1 212 836-9611 / Katie Murphy Tel: +212 836-9612 / |

What is SEALSQ's (LAES) main quantum-resistant algorithm?
When will NIST's post-quantum cryptography standards be finalized for LAES compliance?
What is the timeline for US federal systems to transition to quantum-safe cryptography?
When are EU critical sectors expected to mandate quantum-safe cryptography adoption?