Lanchi Ventures Leads $42M Series A Financing for Allink Biotherapeutics to Accelerate Global Development of Bispecific Antibody and ADC Pipeline
Allink Biotherapeutics has secured a $42 million Series A financing led by Lanchi Ventures, with participation from Yuanbio Venture Capital, Legend Capital, C&D Emerging Industry Equity Investment, and existing investors. The funding will support the global clinical development of lead candidates ALK201 and ALK202 through Phase 1 studies across Australia, the United States, and China. The company focuses on developing next-generation bispecific antibody and antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) therapeutics for oncology and immunology applications. The proceeds will also fund portfolio expansion, technology platform development, and global footprint growth.
Allink Biotherapeutics ha ottenuto un finanziamento di Serie A da 42 milioni di dollari guidato da Lanchi Ventures, con la partecipazione di Yuanbio Venture Capital, Legend Capital, C&D Emerging Industry Equity Investment e investitori esistenti. Il finanziamento supporterà lo sviluppo clinico globale dei candidate principali ALK201 e ALK202 attraverso studi di Fase 1 in Australia, Stati Uniti e Cina. La società si concentra sullo sviluppo di terapie basate su anticorpi bispecifici di nuova generazione e coniugati farmaco-anticorpo (ADC) per applicazioni in oncologia e immunologia. I proventi finanzieranno anche l'espansione del portafoglio, lo sviluppo di piattaforme tecnologiche e la crescita della presenza globale.
Allink Biotherapeutics ha asegurado un financiamiento de Serie A de 42 millones de dólares liderado por Lanchi Ventures, con la participación de Yuanbio Venture Capital, Legend Capital, C&D Emerging Industry Equity Investment y otros inversores existentes. Los fondos apoyarán el desarrollo clínico global de los candidatos principales ALK201 y ALK202 a través de estudios de Fase 1 en Australia, Estados Unidos y China. La empresa se centra en desarrollar terapias con anticuerpos bispecíficos de nueva generación y conjugados de anticuerpo-fármaco (ADC) para aplicaciones en oncología e inmunología. Los ingresos también financiarán la expansión de la cartera, el desarrollo de plataformas tecnológicas y el crecimiento de la presencia global.
Allink Biotherapeutics는 Lanchi Ventures가 주도하고 Yuanbio Venture Capital, Legend Capital, C&D Emerging Industry Equity Investment 및 기존 투자자들이 참여한 4200만 달러 규모의 A 시리즈 자금 조달을 확보했습니다. 이번 자금은 호주, 미국, 중국에서 ALK201 및 ALK202의 1상 연구를 통한 글로벌 임상 개발을 지원할 것입니다. 이 회사는 온콜로지 및 면역학 응용을 위한 차세대 이중 특이성 항체 및 항체-약물 접합체(ADC) 치료제를 개발하는 데 주력하고 있습니다. 수익금은 포트폴리오 확장, 기술 플랫폼 개발 및 글로벌 발자취 확대에도 사용될 것입니다.
Allink Biotherapeutics a sécurisé un financement de série A de 42 millions de dollars dirigé par Lanchi Ventures, avec la participation de Yuanbio Venture Capital, Legend Capital, C&D Emerging Industry Equity Investment et d'investisseurs existants. Ce financement soutiendra le développement clinique mondial des principaux candidats ALK201 et ALK202 à travers des études de phase 1 en Australie, aux États-Unis et en Chine. L'entreprise se concentre sur le développement d'anticorps bispécifiques de nouvelle génération et de conjugués anticorps-médicament (ADC) pour des applications en oncologie et en immunologie. Les fonds seront également utilisés pour l'expansion du portefeuille, le développement de plateformes technologiques et la croissance de l'empreinte mondiale.
Allink Biotherapeutics hat eine Serie-A-Finanzierung in Höhe von 42 Millionen US-Dollar gesichert, die von Lanchi Ventures angeführt wird, mit Beteiligung von Yuanbio Venture Capital, Legend Capital, C&D Emerging Industry Equity Investment und bestehenden Investoren. Die Finanzierung wird die globale klinische Entwicklung der Hauptkandidaten ALK201 und ALK202 durch Phase-1-Studien in Australien, den Vereinigten Staaten und China unterstützen. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung von neuartigen bispezifischen Antikörpern und Antikörper-Wirkstoff-Konjugaten (ADC) für Anwendungen in Onkologie und Immunologie. Die Mittel werden auch die Portfolioerweiterung, die Entwicklung von Technologieplattformen und das Wachstum des globalen Fußabdrucks finanzieren.
- Secured substantial $42M Series A financing
- Strong investor backing from multiple venture capital firms
- Advanced from preclinical to clinical development stage in just over a year
- Expanding global clinical presence across Australia, US, and China
- Early-stage clinical programs with no proven efficacy yet
- Requires significant capital for multiple clinical trials and global expansion
- Advancement of ALK201 and ALK202 through global Phase 1 trials across multiple regions
- Development of their proprietary bispecific antibody and ADC technology platform
- Expansion of pipeline assets in oncology and immunology
The ADC therapeutics market is experiencing rapid growth, with major pharma companies actively seeking acquisitions in this space. Recent ADC deals have commanded significant premiums, suggesting strong potential returns for early investors. However, clinical development risks remain as the company's assets are still in early stages.
The ADC therapeutics sector has seen explosive growth, with the global market projected to reach
The series A investment round secures resources for advancing global Phase I/II clinical programs and orchestrating the company's global footprint expansion.
"Since company inception a little over a year ago, AllinkBio has rapidly advanced from lead asset PCC to clinical development stage," said Hui Feng, Ph.D., Founder and Chief Executive Officer of AllinkBio, "We are grateful for the continued support from existing shareholders and delighted to welcome new investors who recognize both our scientific excellence and capability of translating scientific findings into clinical applications. Their support enables us to accelerate the development of our diverse pipeline spanning multiple modalities including next-generation ADCs and bispecific antibodies targeting oncology and immunology diseases. Looking ahead, we are poised to achieve multiple pipeline milestones in the coming months as we pursue our long-term mission of bringing innovative therapeutics to patients with significant unmet medical needs."
"AllinkBio's exceptional execution speed and quality in advancing its lead program from preclinical to clinical stage, led by Dr. Feng, one of the leading figures in
The Series A financing proceeds will be deployed to advance:
- Global clinical development of lead candidates ALK201 and ALK202 through Phase 1 studies in
Australia ,the United States andChina - Enrichment of current portfolio by developing multiple highly competitive new assets in oncology and immunology
- Further development of the company's proprietary bispecific antibody and ADC technology platform
- Global footprint expansion to achieve world prominence
The successful completion of this round of financing marks a pivotal moment in AllinkBio's growth trajectory. With the new financial resources in place, combined with the company's efficient R&D capabilities, AllinkBio is well-positioned for expedited growth toward new heights on both its product and corporate development fronts.
About AllinkBio
Founded in 2023, AllinkBio is a clinical stage biotechnology company leveraging its innovative proprietary platforms in bispecific antibodies and ADCs to develop a diverse pipeline of First-in-Class (FIC) and Best-in-Class (BIC) therapeutics. AllinkBio aims to develop treatment paradigm shifting new drugs for patients in the oncology and immunology disease areas and address critical unmet medical needs globally.
About Lanchi Ventures
Lanchi Ventures (LCV), a leading early-stage venture capital firm with offices in
SOURCE Lanchi Ventures