Building Accessibility Into Our Mixed Reality Products

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Meta recently partnered with people with disabilities and disability advocates to integrate accessibility into their mixed reality technology. This co-design approach aims to prioritize real-life user experiences, center the needs of historically underserved communities, and build trust. The company believes this strategy will create better product experiences for everyone, citing the 'curb cutting' effect where solutions designed for specific groups often benefit a wider audience.

Meta acknowledges there's still much work to be done to make mixed reality more inclusive and establish new industry standards. By collaborating with communities often overlooked by technology, Meta aims to enable everyone to thrive in the metaverse. This approach not only drives real-world impact but also unlocks new possibilities in product development.

Meta ha recentemente collaborato con persone con disabilità e difensori dei diritti delle persone con disabilità per integrare l'accessibilità nella loro tecnologia di realtà mista. Questo approccio di co-design mira a dare priorità alle esperienze degli utenti nella vita reale, centrando le esigenze di comunità storicamente sottoservite e costruendo fiducia. L'azienda crede che questa strategia porterà a migliori esperienze di prodotto per tutti, citando l'effetto 'curb cutting', dove soluzioni progettate per gruppi specifici spesso avvantaggiano un pubblico più ampio.

Meta riconosce che c'è ancora molto lavoro da fare per rendere la realtà mista più inclusiva e stabilire nuovi standard di settore. Collaborando con comunità spesso trascurate dalla tecnologia, Meta punta a permettere a tutti di prosperare nel metaverso. Questo approccio non solo genera un impatto reale, ma sblocca anche nuove possibilità nello sviluppo del prodotto.

Meta se ha asociado recientemente con personas con discapacidad y defensores de los derechos de personas con discapacidad para integrar la accesibilidad en su tecnología de realidad mixta. Este enfoque de co-diseño tiene como objetivo priorizar las experiencias reales de los usuarios, centrar las necesidades de comunidades históricamente desatendidas y construir confianza. La compañía cree que esta estrategia creará mejores experiencias de producto para todos, citando el efecto 'curb cutting', donde las soluciones diseñadas para grupos específicos a menudo benefician a una audiencia más amplia.

Meta reconoce que todavía hay mucho trabajo por hacer para hacer la realidad mixta más inclusiva y establecer nuevos estándares en la industria. Al colaborar con comunidades a menudo pasadas por alto por la tecnología, Meta busca permitir que todos prosperen en el metaverso. Este enfoque no solo impulsa un impacto en el mundo real, sino que también desbloquea nuevas posibilidades en el desarrollo de productos.

Meta는 최근 장애인 및 장애인 옹호자와 협력하여 그들의 혼합 현실 기술에 접근성을 통합했습니다. 이 공동 설계 접근 방식은 실제 사용자 경험을 우선시하고 역사적으로 소외된 커뮤니티의 필요를 중심에 두며 신뢰를 구축하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 회사는 이 전략이 모두를 위한 더 나은 제품 경험을 만들어낼 것이라고 믿으며, 특정 그룹을 위해 설계된 솔루션이 종종 더 넓은 대중에게 실질적인 혜택을 주는 '커브 컷팅(curbed cutting)' 효과를 언급합니다.

Meta는 혼합 현실을 더 포괄적으로 만들고 새로운 산업 표준을 구축하기 위해 해야 할 일이 많다고 인정합니다. 기술에 의해 종종 간과되는 커뮤니티와 협력함으로써 Meta는 모든 사람이 메타버스에서 번창할 수 있도록 하려는 목표를 가지고 있습니다. 이러한 접근 방식은 실제 세계에 영향을 미칠 뿐만 아니라 제품 개발에서도 새로운 가능성을 열어줍니다.

Meta a récemment collaboré avec des personnes en situation de handicap et des défenseurs des droits des personnes handicapées pour intégrer l'accessibilité dans sa technologie de réalité mixte. Cette approche de co-conception vise à donner la priorité aux expériences des utilisateurs dans la vie réelle, à centrer les besoins de communautés historiquement sous-représentées et à bâtir la confiance. L'entreprise pense que cette stratégie créera de meilleures expériences produit pour tous, citant l'effet de 'curb cutting' où les solutions conçues pour des groupes spécifiques profitent souvent à un public plus large.

Meta reconnaît qu'il reste encore beaucoup de travail à faire pour rendre la réalité mixte plus inclusive et établir de nouveaux standards dans l'industrie. En collaborant avec des communautés souvent négligées par la technologie, Meta souhaite permettre à chacun de prospérer dans le métavers. Cette approche génère non seulement un impact réel, mais ouvre aussi de nouvelles possibilités dans le développement de produits.

Meta hat kürzlich mit Menschen mit Behinderungen und Verteidigern der Behindertenrechte zusammengearbeitet, um Barrierefreiheit in ihre Mixed-Reality-Technologie zu integrieren. Dieser Co-Design-Ansatz zielt darauf ab, reale Benutzererfahrungen zu priorisieren, die Bedürfnisse von historisch unterversorgten Gemeinschaften ins Zentrum zu rücken und Vertrauen aufzubauen. Das Unternehmen ist der Ansicht, dass diese Strategie bessere Produkterlebnisse für alle schaffen wird, und verweist auf den „Curb-Cutting“-Effekt, bei dem Lösungen, die für spezifische Gruppen entwickelt werden, oft einem breiteren Publikum zugutekommen.

Meta erkennt an, dass es noch viel zu tun gibt, um Mixed Reality inklusiver zu gestalten und neue Branchenstandards zu etablieren. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Gemeinschaften, die von der Technologie häufig übersehen werden, zielt Meta darauf ab, allen zu ermöglichen, im Metaversum zu gedeihen. Dieser Ansatz hat nicht nur einen realen Einfluss, sondern eröffnet auch neue Möglichkeiten in der Produktentwicklung.

  • Proactive approach to inclusive design for mixed reality products
  • Potential for improved product experiences benefiting a wider user base
  • Building trust and relationships with historically underserved communities
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 10, 2024 / Meta
By Maxine Williams, Global Chief Diversity Officer


  • We recently partnered with people with disabilities and disability advocates to integrate accessibility into our mixed reality technology.

We believe the best products are built by working with the communities we serve. We recently invited people with disabilities and accessibility advocates to co-design solutions with our product teams to enhance the accessibility of mixed reality technology.

These co-design efforts help us deliver universal value for our users by:

  • Prioritizing real-life user experiences: Co-designing products with diverse communities helps us ground our design in real-life user experiences, test design assumptions and prioritize solving for user needs.

  • Centering the needs of historically underserved communities to benefit everyone: When we co-design with historically underserved communities, we can create products that drive benefits for all. This is called the "curb cutting" effect. Curb cuts on sidewalks were originally designed for wheelchair users, but ultimately also benefit parents with strollers, cyclists and pedestrians. Similarly, designing mixed reality technology with people with disabilities and accessibility advocates can help us build solutions that benefit everyone.

  • Building community: Co-design requires building deep relationships based on trust and mutual respect. When we co-design products with diverse communities, we not only create products that more people can use, but also develop trust with users that are often left behind by technology.

This co-design not only drives real-world impact, it also unlocks new possibilities, creating better product experiences for everyone. We recognize that we still have a long way to go to make mixed reality more inclusive, establishing and iterating on new industry standards. Co-designing solutions earlier in the development process will enable everyone to thrive in the metaverse. We are dedicated to collaborating with communities that have historically been overlooked by technology, as we believe that, together, we can achieve greater things.

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How is Meta (META) improving accessibility in its mixed reality products?

Meta is partnering with people with disabilities and disability advocates to co-design solutions for their mixed reality technology, integrating accessibility features from the early stages of product development.

What is the 'curb cutting' effect mentioned in Meta's (META) accessibility initiative?

The 'curb cutting' effect refers to how designing solutions for specific groups (like wheelchair users) often benefits a wider audience. Meta applies this concept to their mixed reality technology, believing that designing for people with disabilities will create better experiences for all users.

What are the main benefits of Meta's (META) co-design approach for mixed reality accessibility?

The main benefits include prioritizing real-life user experiences, centering the needs of historically underserved communities, building trust with users often left behind by technology, and creating product experiences that benefit a wider range of users.

Is Meta (META) planning to establish new industry standards for mixed reality accessibility?

Yes, Meta acknowledges that there's still work to be done in making mixed reality more inclusive and plans to establish and iterate on new industry standards for accessibility in this technology.

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