Mitek Appoints Edward H. West as CEO

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Mitek Systems (NASDAQ: MITK), a global leader in digital identity verification, mobile capture, and fraud management, has appointed Ed West as its new Chief Executive Officer and Board member, effective immediately. Scott Carter, who served as Interim CEO since June 2024, will transition to non-executive Chairman of the Board.

West brings extensive experience in driving top-line growth through innovative product development and business model transformation. His background includes leadership roles as CEO, COO, and CFO in public and private companies, ranging from startups to Fortune 100 firms. Most recently, he served as CEO of Cardtronics plc (NASDAQ: CATM), where he led the company's transformation from a hardware-centric business to a broader financial services solutions provider, achieving double-digit organic growth in the US and expanded EBITDA margins.

The appointment aligns with Mitek's strategy to modernize its platform and expand into new verticals, leveraging West's expertise in building fintech partnerships, integrating digital solutions, and optimizing efficiency through data and analytics.

Mitek Systems (NASDAQ: MITK), un leader globale nella verifica dell'identità digitale, nella cattura mobile e nella gestione delle frodi, ha nominato Ed West come nuovo Amministratore Delegato e membro del Consiglio, con effetto immediato. Scott Carter, che ha ricoperto il ruolo di Amministratore Delegato ad interim da giugno 2024, passerà a Presidente non esecutivo del Consiglio.

West porta con sé una vasta esperienza nella promozione della crescita dei ricavi attraverso lo sviluppo di prodotti innovativi e la trasformazione dei modelli di business. Il suo background include ruoli di leadership come CEO, COO e CFO in aziende pubbliche e private, che spaziano da start-up a imprese Fortune 100. Recentemente, ha ricoperto il ruolo di CEO di Cardtronics plc (NASDAQ: CATM), dove ha guidato la trasformazione dell'azienda da un business centrato sull'hardware a un fornitore di soluzioni finanziarie più ampio, raggiungendo una crescita organica a doppia cifra negli Stati Uniti e ampliando i margini EBITDA.

La nomina si allinea con la strategia di Mitek di modernizzare la propria piattaforma ed espandersi in nuovi settori, sfruttando l'esperienza di West nella costruzione di partnership fintech, nell'integrazione delle soluzioni digitali e nell'ottimizzazione dell'efficienza attraverso i dati e l'analisi.

Mitek Systems (NASDAQ: MITK), un líder global en la verificación de identidad digital, captura móvil y gestión del fraude, ha nombrado a Ed West como su nuevo Director Ejecutivo y miembro de la Junta, con efecto inmediato. Scott Carter, quien ha servido como Director Ejecutivo interino desde junio de 2024, pasará a ser Presidente no ejecutivo de la Junta.

West aporta una amplia experiencia en impulsar el crecimiento de ingresos a través del desarrollo de productos innovadores y la transformación de modelos de negocio. Su experiencia incluye roles de liderazgo como CEO, COO y CFO en empresas públicas y privadas, que van desde startups hasta compañías Fortune 100. Más recientemente, se desempeñó como CEO de Cardtronics plc (NASDAQ: CATM), donde lideró la transformación de la empresa de un negocio centrado en hardware a un proveedor más amplio de soluciones financieras, logrando un crecimiento orgánico de dos dígitos en EE. UU. y ampliando los márgenes de EBITDA.

El nombramiento se alinea con la estrategia de Mitek de modernizar su plataforma y expandirse a nuevos sectores, aprovechando la experiencia de West en la construcción de asociaciones fintech, la integración de soluciones digitales y la optimización de la eficiencia a través de datos y análisis.

미텍 시스템즈 (NASDAQ: MITK)는 디지털 신원 검증, 모바일 캡처 및 사기 관리 분야의 글로벌 리더로서 Ed West를 새로운 CEO이자 이사로 즉시 임명했습니다. 2024년 6월부터 임시 CEO로 활동했던 Scott Carter는 비상임 의장으로 전환될 예정입니다.

West는 혁신적인 제품 개발과 비즈니스 모델 혁신을 통한 매출 성장을 이끄는 광범위한 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 그의 경력에는 스타트업부터 Fortune 100 기업에 이르는 공개 및 비공식 기업의 CEO, COO 및 CFO로서의 리더십 역할이 포함되어 있습니다. 최근 그는 Cardtronics plc (NASDAQ: CATM)의 CEO로 재직하며 하드웨어 중심의 비즈니스에서 더 넓은 금융 서비스 솔루션 제공업체로의 전환을 이끌었고, 미국에서 두 자릿수의 유기적 성장을 달성하며 EBITDA 마진을 확대한 바 있습니다.

이번 임명은 미텍의 플랫폼 현대화 및 새로운 수직 시장 확장 전략과 일치하며, 이는 West의 핀테크 파트너십 구축, 디지털 솔루션 통합 및 데이터 및 분석을 통한 효율성 최적화에 대한 전문성을 활용하는 것입니다.

Mitek Systems (NASDAQ: MITK), un leader mondial dans la vérification d'identité numérique, la capture mobile et la gestion de la fraude, a nommé Ed West comme nouveau directeur général et membre du conseil, avec effet immédiat. Scott Carter, qui a été directeur général par intérim depuis juin 2024, deviendra président non exécutif du conseil.

West apporte une vaste expérience dans la stimulation de la croissance des revenus grâce au développement de produits innovants et à la transformation des modèles commerciaux. Son parcours comprend des postes de leadership en tant que PDG, COO et CFO dans des sociétés publiques et privées, allant des startups aux entreprises Fortune 100. Plus récemment, il a été PDG de Cardtronics plc (NASDAQ: CATM), où il a dirigé la transformation de l'entreprise d'un modèle commercial centré sur le matériel vers un fournisseur plus large de solutions de services financiers, réalisant une croissance organique à deux chiffres aux États-Unis et élargissant les marges EBITDA.

La nomination s'inscrit dans la stratégie de Mitek d moderniser sa plateforme et de s'étendre à de nouveaux secteurs, tirant parti de l'expertise de West dans la création de partenariats fintech, l'intégration de solutions numériques et l'optimisation de l'efficacité grâce aux données et à l'analyse.

Mitek Systems (NASDAQ: MITK), ein globaler Marktführer in der digitalen Identitätsverifizierung, mobilen Erfassung und Betrugsmanagement, hat Ed West mit sofortiger Wirkung zum neuen Chief Executive Officer und Vorstandsmitglied ernannt. Scott Carter, der seit Juni 2024 als Interim-CEO tätig war, wird zum nicht geschäftsführenden Vorsitzenden des Vorstands wechseln.

West bringt umfassende Erfahrung in der Förderung des Umsatzwachstums durch innovative Produktentwicklung und Transformation von Geschäftsmodellen mit. Sein beruflicher Werdegang umfasst Führungsrollen als CEO, COO und CFO in öffentlichen und privaten Unternehmen, von Start-ups bis hin zu Fortune-100-Firmen. Zuletzt war er CEO von Cardtronics plc (NASDAQ: CATM), wo er die Transformation des Unternehmens von einem hardwarezentrierten Geschäftsmodell zu einem breiteren Anbieter von Finanzdienstleistungslösungen leitete und ein organisches Wachstum im zweistelligen Bereich in den USA sowie eine Erweiterung der EBITDA-Margen erreichte.

Die Ernennung steht im Einklang mit der Strategie von Mitek, seine Plattform zu modernisieren und in neue Sektoren zu expandieren, wobei Wests Expertise in der Entwicklung von Fintech-Partnerschaften, der Integration digitaler Lösungen und der Optimierung von Effizienz durch Daten und Analysen genutzt wird.

  • Appointment of experienced CEO with proven track record in fintech transformation
  • Alignment of new CEO's expertise with Mitek's growth strategy
  • Potential for accelerated innovation and expansion into new verticals
  • New CEO's background in driving top-line growth and improving EBITDA margins
  • None.

SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Mitek Systems, Inc. (“Mitek” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: MITK), a global leader in digital identity verification, mobile capture and fraud management, today announced the appointment of Ed West as Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board of Directors, effective immediately. Scott Carter, who has served as Interim CEO since June 2024, will serve as non-executive Chairman of the Board of Directors.

“We are thrilled to welcome Ed to Mitek Systems,” said Scott Carter. “Ed’s expertise in driving top-line growth through innovative product development and business model transformation will be invaluable as Mitek enters its next chapter. He brings a proven track record of building fintech partnerships, integrating digital solutions, and leveraging data and analytics to optimize efficiency. His background and skill set align perfectly with our strategy to modernize our platform and expand into new verticals, and we’re confident he is the right leader for Mitek.”

West has held domestic and international leadership roles, serving as CEO, COO, and CFO at public and private companies spanning early-stage startups to Fortune 100 companies. Most recently, West served as CEO of Cardtronics plc (NASDAQ: CATM), where he led the company’s shift from a hardware-centric business to a broader financial services solutions provider. Under his leadership, Cardtronics achieved double-digit organic growth in the United States and expanded EBITDA margins. West spearheaded the integration of technology-driven solutions, optimizing ATM placement, improving customer engagement and creating new revenue streams prior to the acquisition of Cardtronics by NCR in 2021.

“I am honored to join Mitek as CEO at such a pivotal time for both the Company and the industry,” said West. “With its strong foundation as a software provider to thousands of financial institutions and the growing global reliance on identity security, Mitek has an exciting opportunity to continue reshaping the future of identity and fraud management. I have tremendous respect for Mitek’s capabilities and advanced technologies, and I look forward to working with the talented global team to drive a purpose-driven mission, accelerate innovation, and deliver value for our customers and shareholders.”

About Edward H. West

Edward H. West served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Cardtronics from 2018 to 2021, having previously served as Chief Financial Officer of the company from 2016 to 2018. From 2012 through 2015, West served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Education Management Corp, having served in positions of increasing responsibility at EDMC beginning in 2006. Earlier in his career, West served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Delta Air Lines where he played a significant role during a transformative period, contributing to the company’s achievement in becoming the most profitable airline in the world. He was named "CFO of the Year" by Institutional Investor Magazine in 2012 and recognized as one of the "Top 40 Under 40" by CFO Magazine. West holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Emory University.

About Mitek:

Mitek (NASDAQ: MITK) is a global leader in digital access, founded to bridge the physical and digital worlds. Mitek’s advanced identity verification technologies and global platform make digital access faster and more secure than ever, providing companies new levels of control, deployment ease and operation, while protecting the entire customer journey. Trusted by 99% of U.S. banks for mobile check deposits and 7,900 of the world’s largest organizations, Mitek helps companies reduce risk and meet regulatory requirements. Learn more at [(MITK-F)]

Follow Mitek on LinkedIn and YouTube, and read Mitek’s latest blog posts here.

Forward-Looking Statements:

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, concerning expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance and underlying assumptions and other statements that are other than statements of historical fact. Although Mitek believes that the expectations and assumptions reflected in these statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that these expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are subject to many risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, the following: our ability to successfully manage leadership transition, execute on our strategy and drive profitability, and the risk factors we identify in our Securities and Exchange Commission filings, and actual results may differ materially from the results discussed in such forward-looking statements. Mitek undertakes no duty to update publicly any forward-looking statement that it may make, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law, regulation, or other competent legal authority.

Investor Contact:

Todd Kehrli or Jim Byers

MKR Investor Relations, Inc.

Source: Mitek Systems, Inc.


Who is the new CEO of Mitek Systems (MITK)?

Ed West has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of Mitek Systems (MITK), effective immediately.

What is Ed West's background before joining Mitek Systems (MITK)?

Ed West most recently served as CEO of Cardtronics plc (NASDAQ: CATM), where he led the company's transformation from a hardware-centric business to a broader financial services solutions provider, achieving double-digit organic growth in the US and expanded EBITDA margins.

What happened to Mitek Systems' (MITK) previous CEO?

Scott Carter, who served as Interim CEO of Mitek Systems (MITK) since June 2024, will transition to the role of non-executive Chairman of the Board of Directors.

How does Ed West's appointment align with Mitek Systems' (MITK) strategy?

Ed West's appointment aligns with Mitek Systems' (MITK) strategy to modernize its platform and expand into new verticals, leveraging his expertise in building fintech partnerships, integrating digital solutions, and optimizing efficiency through data and analytics.

Mitek Systems, Inc.


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