Noah Holdings reported Q3 2024 financial results with net revenues of RMB683.7 million (US$97.4 million), an 8.8% decrease year-over-year. The decline was primarily due to a 33.0% decrease in mainland China revenues, partially offset by a 28.9% increase in overseas revenues. Income from operations decreased 3.2% to RMB240.8 million, while net income attributable to shareholders fell 42.4% to RMB134.4 million. The company's overseas expansion showed momentum with an 89.6% increase in overseas relationship managers. Total assets under management were RMB150.1 billion, representing a 3.1% decrease from the previous year.
Noah Holdings ha riportato i risultati finanziari del terzo trimestre 2024 con ricavi netti di RMB683,7 milioni (US$97,4 milioni), una diminuzione dell'8,8% rispetto all'anno precedente. Il calo è stato principalmente dovuto a una diminuzione del 33,0% dei ricavi dalla Cina continentale, parzialmente compensata da un aumento del 28,9% dei ricavi provenienti dall'estero. L'utile operativo è diminuito del 3,2% a RMB240,8 milioni, mentre l'utile netto attribuibile agli azionisti è sceso del 42,4% a RMB134,4 milioni. L'espansione internazionale dell'azienda ha mostrato slancio con un aumento dell'89,6% dei manager delle relazioni all'estero. Il totale degli attivi in gestione ammontava a RMB150,1 miliardi, rappresentando una diminuzione del 3,1% rispetto all'anno precedente.
Noah Holdings informó los resultados financieros del tercer trimestre de 2024 con ingresos netos de RMB683,7 millones (US$97,4 millones), una disminución del 8,8% en comparación con el año anterior. La caída fue principalmente debido a una reducción del 33,0% en los ingresos de China continental, parcialmente compensada por un aumento del 28,9% en los ingresos del extranjero. La ingresos de operaciones disminuyó un 3,2% a RMB240,8 millones, mientras que el ingreso neto atribuible a los accionistas cayó un 42,4% a RMB134,4 millones. La expansión en el extranjero de la empresa mostró impulso con un aumento del 89,6% en gerentes de relaciones en el extranjero. El total de activos bajo gestión fue de RMB150,1 mil millones, lo que representa una disminución del 3,1% con respecto al año anterior.
Noah Holdings는 2024년 3분기 финансов 결과를 발표하며 순수익이 RMB683.7백만 (US$97.4백만)으로 작년 대비 8.8% 감소했다고 전했습니다. 이 감소는 주로 중국 본토에서의 수익이 33.0% 줄어든 것 때문이며, 해외 수익은 28.9% 증가하여 부분적으로 보완되었습니다. 영업수익은 RMB240.8백만으로 3.2% 감소했으며, 주주에 귀속되는 순이익은 RMB134.4백만으로 42.4% 감소했습니다. 회사의 해외 확장은 해외 관계 관리자 수가 89.6% 증가하면서 활기를 보였습니다. 관리하에 있는 총 자산은 RMB150.1억으로 작년 대비 3.1% 감소했습니다.
Noah Holdings a annoncé les résultats financiers du troisième trimestre 2024 avec des revenus nets de RMB683,7 millions (US$97,4 millions), soit une baisse de 8,8% par rapport à l'année précédente. Cette diminution est principalement due à une baisse de 33,0% des revenus en Chine continentale, partiellement compensée par une augmentation de 28,9% des revenus à l'étranger. Le revenu opérationnel a diminué de 3,2% pour atteindre RMB240,8 millions, tandis que le résultat net attribuable aux actionnaires a chuté de 42,4% pour s'établir à RMB134,4 millions. L'expansion à l'étranger de l'entreprise a montré un élan avec une augmentation de 89,6% des gestionnaires de relations à l'étranger. Le total des actifs sous gestion était de RMB150,1 milliards, représentant une diminution de 3,1% par rapport à l'année précédente.
Noah Holdings meldete die finanziellen Ergebnisse für das dritte Quartal 2024 mit Nettoerlösen von RMB683,7 Millionen (US$97,4 Millionen), was einem Rückgang von 8,8% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr entspricht. Der Rückgang war hauptsächlich auf einen Rückgang der Einnahmen aus Festlandchina um 33,0% zurückzuführen, der teilweise durch einen Anstieg der Einnahmen aus dem Ausland um 28,9% ausgeglichen wurde. Das Betriebs Einkommen verringerte sich um 3,2% auf RMB240,8 Millionen, während das Nettoeinkommen, das den Aktionären zugeschrieben wird, um 42,4% auf RMB134,4 Millionen sank. Die internationale Expansion des Unternehmens zeigte Schwung mit einem Anstieg der Auslandsbeziehungsmanager um 89,6%. Das Gesamtvermögen unter Verwaltung betrug RMB150,1 Milliarden, was einem Rückgang von 3,1% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr entspricht.
- 28.9% increase in overseas revenues to RMB376.9 million
- 79.7% sequential increase in income from operations
- 89.6% year-over-year increase in overseas relationship managers to 146
- 20.9% increase in overseas registered clients to 17,287
- Operating margin improved to 35.2% from 33.2% year-over-year
- 8.8% decrease in total net revenues to RMB683.7 million
- 42.4% decrease in net income attributable to shareholders to RMB134.4 million
- 33.0% decrease in mainland China revenues to RMB306.8 million
- 17.2% decrease in total active clients to 7,857
- 36.1% decrease in aggregate value of investment products distributed
NOAH's Q3 2024 results show mixed performance with concerning trends in mainland China offset by strong overseas growth. Total revenues declined 8.8% year-over-year to
Key concerns include the
The strategic pivot toward international markets is gaining traction, evidenced by the
- Net revenues for the third quarter of 2024 were
RMB683.7 million (US ), an$97.4 million 8.8% decrease from the corresponding period in 2023, primarily due to a33.0% decrease in net revenues from mainlandChina , which was partially offset by a28.9% increase in net revenues from overseas.
Net revenues from mainlandChina for the third quarter of 2024 wereRMB306.8 million (US ), a$43.7 million 33.0% decrease from the corresponding period in 2023, primarily due to decreases of89.9% in revenue from distribution of domestic insurance products and17.3% in revenue from recurring service fees from RMB private equity products.
Net revenues from overseas for the third quarter of 2024 wereRMB376.9 million (US ), a$53.7 million 28.9% increase from the corresponding period in 2023, primarily due to increases of42.5% in revenue from offshore investment products and42.4% in revenue from insurance products, which were partially offset by a38.8% decrease in revenue from other services provided to offshore high-net-worth investors.
Net Revenues by segment is as follows:
(RMB millions, except percentages) | Q3 2023 | Q3 2024 | YoY Change | ||||
Wealth management | 548.8 | 465.0 | (15.3 %) | ||||
Asset management | 191.4 | 208.9 | 9.2 % | ||||
Other businesses | 9.8 | 9.8 | (0.7 %) | ||||
Total net revenues | 750.0 | 683.7 | (8.8 %) |
Net Revenues by geography is as follows:
(RMB millions, except percentages) | Q3 2023 | Q3 2024 | YoY Change | ||||
Mainland | 457.7 | 306.8 | (33.0 %) | ||||
Overseas | 292.3 | 376.9 | 28.9 % | ||||
Total net revenues | 750.0 | 683.7 | (8.8 %) |
- Income from operations for the third quarter of 2024 was
RMB240.8 million (US ), a$34.3 million 3.2% decrease from the corresponding period in 2023, mainly due to the8.8% decrease in net revenues, which was partially offset by an11.6% decrease in operating costs and expenses driven by various cost control measures. Income from operations increased by79.7% sequentially for the third quarter of 2024, primarily due to an11.0% increase in net revenues and an8.1% decrease in operating costs and expenses.
Income from operations by segment is as follows:
(RMB millions, except percentages) | Q3 2023 | Q3 2024 | YoY Change | ||||
Wealth management | 154.5 | 138.9 | (10.1 %) | ||||
Asset management | 106.5 | 122.5 | 15.0 % | ||||
Other businesses | (12.1) | (20.6) | 70.5 % | ||||
Total income from operations | 248.9 | 240.8 | (3.2 %) |
- Net income attributable to Noah shareholders for the third quarter of 2024 was
RMB134.4 million (US ), a$19.2 million 42.4% decrease from the corresponding period in 2023, mainly due to (i) a3.2% decrease in income from operations; (ii) approximatelyRMB43.6 million in unrealized USD-denominated foreign exchange losses; and (iii) a one-off30.0% increase in income tax expenses associated with a dividend withholding tax for offshore dividend payments from PRC subsidiaries. Net income attributable to Noah shareholders increased by34.7% sequentially in the third quarter of 2024, mainly due to a79.7% increase in income from operations. - Non-GAAP[1] net income attributable to Noah shareholders for the third quarter of 2024 was
RMB150.5 million (US ), a$21.4 million 35.2% decrease from the corresponding period in 2023 and a41.9% increase from the second quarter of 2024.
Wealth Management Business
Noah offers global investment products and provides value-added services to global Mandarin-speaking high-net-worth investors in its wealth management business. Noah primarily distributes private equity, private secondary, mutual funds and other products denominated in RMB, USD and other currencies.
- Total number of registered clients as of September 30, 2024, was 460,380, a
1.8% increase from September 30, 2023, and a0.3% increase from June 30, 2024. Among registered clients as of September 30, 2024, the number of overseas registered clients was 17,287, a20.9% increase from September 30, 2023, and a3.0% increase from June 30, 2024. - Total number of active clients[2] for the third quarter of 2024 was 7,857, a decrease of
17.2% from the third quarter of 2023 and a9.0% decrease from the second quarter of 2024. Among active clients during the third quarter of 2024, the number of overseas active clients was 3,139, a37.4% increase from the third quarter of 2023, and a3.2% decrease from the second quarter of 2024. - Aggregate value of investment products distributed during the third quarter of 2024 was
RMB14.3 billion (US ), a$2.0 billion 36.1% decrease from the corresponding period in 2023, mainly due to a42.1% decrease in distribution of mutual fund products. The aggregate value of investment products distributed decreased by1.1% sequentially, mainly due to a decrease in distribution of private secondary products. Among the investment products distributed during the third quarter of 2024, Noah distributedRMB7.8 billion (US ) of overseas investment products, an$1.1 billion 11.4% increase from the corresponding period of 2023, primarily due to a76.7% increase in distribution of overseas mutual fund products.
The aggregate value of investment products distributed, categorized by product type, is as follows:
Three months ended September 30, | |||||||
2023 | 2024 | ||||||
Product type | (RMB in billions, except percentages) | ||||||
Mutual fund products | 14.9 | 66.9 % | 8.6 | 60.6 % | |||
Private secondary products | 5.7 | 25.4 % | 3.6 | 25.0 % | |||
Private equity products | 0.7 | 3.1 % | 1.1 | 7.5 % | |||
Other products[3] | 1.0 | 4.6 % | 1.0 | 6.9 % | |||
All products | 22.3 | 100.0 % | 14.3 | 100.0 % |
The aggregate value of investment products distributed, categorized by geography, is as follows:
Type of products in mainland | Three months ended September 30, | ||||||
2023 | 2024 | ||||||
(RMB in billions, except percentages) | |||||||
Mutual fund products | 12.9 | 84.0 % | 5.2 | 80.2 % | |||
Private secondary products | 1.8 | 11.4 % | 0.8 | 12.3 % | |||
Private equity products | - | 0.3 % | - | 0.0 % | |||
Other products | 0.7 | 4.3 % | 0.5 | 7.5 % | |||
All products in mainland | 15.4 | 100.0 % | 6.5 | 100.0 % |
Type of overseas products | Three months ended September 30, | ||||||
2023 | 2024 | ||||||
(RMB in billions, except percentages) | |||||||
Mutual fund products | 2.0 | 28.1 % | 3.4 | 44.6 % | |||
Private secondary products | 3.9 | 56.2 % | 2.8 | 35.7 % | |||
Private equity products | 0.7 | 10.8 % | 1.1 | 13.7 % | |||
Other products | 0.3 | 4.9 % | 0.5 | 6.0 % | |||
All Overseas products | 6.9 | 100.0 % | 7.8 | 100.0 % |
- Coverage network in mainland
China included 13 cities as of September 30, 2024, compared with 59 cities as of September 30, 2023, and 15 cities as of June 30, 2024, primarily due to the continued streamlining of the Company's coverage network. - Aggregate number of overseas relationship managers was 146 as of September 30, 2024, an increase of
89.6% from September 30, 2023, and29.2% from June 30, 2024.
Asset Management Business
Noah's asset management business is conducted through Gopher Asset Management Co., Ltd. ("Gopher Asset Management"), a leading multi-asset manager in
- Total assets under management as of September 30, 2024, were
RMB150.1 billion (US ), a$21.4 billion 2.5% decrease from June 30, 2024, and a3.1% decrease from September 30, 2023, mainly due to exits in RMB private equity investment products and exchange rate fluctuations affecting the value of overseas assets under management.
MainlandChina assets under management as of September 30, 2024, wereRMB110.6 billion (US ), compared with$15.8 billion RMB119.5 billion as of September 30, 2023, andRMB114.9 billion as of June 30, 2024.
Overseas assets under management as of September 30, 2024, wereRMB39.5 billion (US ), compared with$5.6 billion RM35.4 billion as of September 30, 2023, andRMB39.1 billion as of June 30, 2024.
Total assets under management, categorized by investment type, are as follows:
Investment type | As of |
| As of | |||||||
(RMB billions, except percentages) | |||||||||||
Private equity | 133.0 | 86.4 % | 0.5 | 3.4 [4] | 130.1 | 86.7 % | |||||
Public securities[5] | 10.4 | 6.7 % | 2.3 | 2.8 | 9.9 | 6.6 % | |||||
Real estate | 5.8 | 3.8 % | - | 0.3 | 5.5 | 3.7 % | |||||
Multi-strategies | 4.2 | 2.7 % | - | 0.1 | 4.1 | 2.7 % | |||||
Others | 0.6 | 0.4 % | - | 0.1 | 0.5 | 0.3 % | |||||
All Investments | 154.0 | 100.0 % | 2.8 | 6.7 | 150.1 | 100.0 % |
Total assets under management, categorized by geography, are as follows:
Mainland | As of |
| Allocation/ Redemption | As of | |||||||
(RMB billions, except percentages) | |||||||||||
Private equity | 103.4 | 90.1 % | - | 3.3 | 100.1 | 90.5 % | |||||
Public securities | 6.0 | 5.2 % | 0.5 | 1.0 | 5.5 | 5.0 % | |||||
Real estate | 2.4 | 2.1 % | - | 0.2 | 2.2 | 2.0 % | |||||
Multi-strategies | 2.5 | 2.1 % | - | 0.2 | 2.3 | 2.0 % | |||||
Others | 0.6 | 0.5 % | - | 0.1 | 0.5 | 0.5 % | |||||
All Investments | 114.9 | 100.0 % | 0.5 | 4.8 | 110.6 | 100.0 % |
Overseas Investment type | As of June 30, |
| Allocation/ Redemption | As of | |||||||
(RMB billions, except percentages) | |||||||||||
Private equity | 29.6 | 75.5 % | 0.5 | 0.1 | 30.0 | 75.9 % | |||||
Public securities | 4.4 | 11.2 % | 1.8 | 1.8 | 4.4 | 11.1 % | |||||
Real estate | 3.4 | 8.7 % | - | 0.1 | 3.3 | 8.4 % | |||||
Multi-strategies | 1.7 | 4.6 % | - | (0.1) | 1.8 | 4.6 % | |||||
All Investments | 39.1 | 100.0 % | 2.3 | 1.9 | 39.5 | 100.0 % |
[1] Noah's Non-GAAP financial measures are its corresponding GAAP financial measures excluding the effects of all forms of share-based compensation and net of relevant tax impact, if any. See "Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Results" at the end of this press release. |
[2] "Active clients" for a given period refers to registered clients who purchase investment products distributed or receive services provided by the Company during that given period. |
[3] "Other products" refers to other investment products, which includes insurance products, multi-strategies products and others. |
[4] The asset allocation/redemption of overseas investment products includes the fluctuation result of foreign currencies exchange rate. |
[5] The asset allocation/redemption of public securities also includes market appreciation or depreciation. |
Other Businesses
Noah's other businesses mainly include providing clients with additional comprehensive services and investment products. Operating results for other businesses also include headquarter rental income, depreciation and amortization, as well as operating expenses.
Ms. Jingbo Wang, co-founder and chairwoman of Noah, commented, "I'm pleased to report a significant sequential rebound in net revenues, operating margin, and net income as the pace of our overseas expansion gains momentum and client demand for global asset allocation strengthens. Net revenues from overseas grew by
Net Revenues
Net revenues for the third quarter of 2024 were
- Wealth Management Business
- Net revenues from one-time commissions for the third quarter of 2024 were
RMB175.1 million (US ), an$25.0 million 11.8% decrease from the corresponding period in 2023, primarily due to a decrease in distribution of domestic insurance products. - Net revenues from recurring service fees for the third quarter of 2024 were
RMB251.0 million (US ), a$35.8 million 10.3% decrease from the corresponding period in 2023, primarily due to a decrease in recurring service fees from private secondary products and private equity products associated with the decrease in assets under management in mainlandChina . - Net revenues from performance-based income for the third quarter of 2024 were
RMB3.0 million (US ), a$0.4 million 65.8% decrease from the corresponding period of 2023, primarily due to a decrease in performance-based income from private secondary products. - Net revenues from other service fees for the third quarter of 2024 were
RMB35.9 million (US ), a$5.1 million 41.7% decrease from the corresponding period in 2023, primarily due to a decrease in the value-added services offered to high-net-worth clients.
- Net revenues from one-time commissions for the third quarter of 2024 were
- Asset Management Business
- Net revenues from recurring service fees for the third quarter of 2024 were
RMB150.6 million (US ), a$21.5 million 19.1% decrease from the corresponding period in 2023, primarily due to a decrease in recurring service fees generated from RMB private equity products. - Net revenues from performance-based income for the third quarter of 2024 were
RMB58.0 million (US ), a substantial increase from the corresponding period in 2023, primarily due to an increase in performance-based income realized from offshore private equity products.$8.3 million
- Net revenues from recurring service fees for the third quarter of 2024 were
- Other Businesses
- Net revenues for the third quarter of 2024 were
RMB9.8 million (US ), remaining flat compared with the corresponding period in 2023.$1.4 million
- Net revenues for the third quarter of 2024 were
Operating Costs and Expenses
Operating costs and expenses for the third quarter of 2024 were
- Operating costs and expenses for the wealth management business for the third quarter of 2024 were
RMB326.1 million (US ), a$46.5 million 17.3% decrease from the corresponding period in 2023, primarily due to decreases of23.5% in compensation and benefits and48.6% in selling expenses. - Operating costs and expenses for the asset management business for the third quarter of 2024 were
RMB86.4 million (US ), a$12.3 million 1.8% increase from the corresponding period in 2023. - Operating costs and expenses for other businesses for the third quarter of 2024 were
RMB30.4 million (US ), compared with$4.3 million RMB21.9 million from the corresponding period in 2023.
Operating Margin
Operating margin for the third quarter of 2024 was
- Operating margin for the wealth management business for the third quarter of 2024 was
29.9% , compared with28.2% for the corresponding period in 2023. - Operating margin for the asset management business for the third quarter of 2024 was
58.6% , compared with55.6% for the corresponding period in 2023. - Loss from operation for other businesses for the third quarter of 2024 was
RMB20.6 million (US ), compared with an operating loss of$2.9 million RMB12.1 million for the corresponding period in 2023.
Interest Income
Interest income for the third quarter of 2024 was
Investment Income
Investment income for the third quarter of 2024 was
Income Tax Expenses
Income tax expenses for the third quarter of 2024 were
Net Income
- Net Income
- Net income for the third quarter of 2024 was
RMB137.8 million (US ), a$19.6 million 40.6% decrease from the corresponding period in 2023. - Net margin for the third quarter of 2024 was
20.2% , compared with30.9% for the corresponding period in 2023. - Net income attributable to Noah shareholders for the third quarter of 2024 was
RMB134.4 million (US ), a$19.2 million 42.4% decrease from the corresponding period in 2023. - Net margin attributable to Noah shareholders for the third quarter of 2024 was
19.7% , compared with31.1% for the corresponding period in 2023. - Net income attributable to Noah shareholders per basic and diluted ADS for the third quarter of 2024 was
RMB1.91 (US ) and$0.27 RMB1.91 (US ), respectively, compared with$0.27 RMB3.36 andRMB3.36 respectively, for the corresponding period in 2023.
- Net income for the third quarter of 2024 was
- Non-GAAP Net Income Attributable to Noah Shareholders
- Non-GAAP net income attributable to Noah shareholders for the third quarter of 2024 was
RMB150.5 million (US ), a$21.4 million 35.2% decrease from the corresponding period in 2023. - Non-GAAP net margin attributable to Noah shareholders for the third quarter of 2024 was
22.0% , compared with31.0% for the corresponding period in 2023. - Non-GAAP net income attributable to Noah shareholders per diluted ADS for the third quarter of 2024 was
RMB2.14 (US ), down from$0.30 RMB3.35 for the corresponding period in 2023.
- Non-GAAP net income attributable to Noah shareholders for the third quarter of 2024 was
Balance Sheet and Cash Flow
As of September 30, 2024, the Company had
Net cash inflow from the Company's operating activities during the third quarter of 2024 was
Net cash outflow from the Company's investing activities during the third quarter of 2024 was
Net cash outflow from the Company's financing activities was
The Company's senior management will host an earnings conference call to discuss its Q3 Results and recent business activities. Details of the conference call are as follows:
Conference title: Noah Holdings 3Q24 Earnings Conference Call | |||
Date/Time: Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 27, 2024, at 8:00 a.m., Hong Kong Time | |||
Dial in: | |||
– Hong Kong Toll Free: | 800-963976 | ||
– United States Toll Free: | 1-888-317-6003 | ||
– Mainland China Toll Free: | 4001-206115 | ||
– International Toll: | 1-412-317-6061 | ||
Participant Password: | 5468333 |
A telephone replay will be available starting approximately one hour after the end of the conference until December 3, 2024 at 1-877-344-7529 (US Toll Free) and 1-412-317-0088 (International Toll) with the access code 6914431.
A live and archived webcast of the conference call will be available at the Company's investor relations website under the "News & Events" section at
In addition to disclosing financial results prepared in accordance with
The non-GAAP financial measures disclosed by the Company should not be considered a substitute for financial measures prepared in accordance with
When evaluating the Company's operating performance in the periods presented, management reviewed the foregoing non-GAAP net income attributable to Noah shareholders and per diluted ADS and non-GAAP net margin attributable to Noah shareholders to supplement
Noah Holdings Limited (NYSE: NOAH and HKEX: 6686) is a leading and pioneer wealth management service provider offering comprehensive one-stop advisory services on global investment and asset allocation primarily for mandarin-speaking high-net-worth investors. Noah's American depositary shares, or ADSs, are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "NOAH", and its shares are listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under the stock code "6686." One ADS represents five ordinary shares, par value
In the first nine months of 2024, Noah distributed
Noah's wealth management business primarily distributes private equity, public securities and insurance products denominated in RMB and other currencies. Noah's network covers major cities in mainland
For more information, please visit Noah at
In this announcement, the unaudited financial results for the third quarter of 2024 ended September 30, 2024 are stated in RMB. This announcement contains currency conversions of certain RMB amounts into US$ at specified rates solely for the convenience of the reader. Unless otherwise noted, all translations from RMB to US$ are made at a rate of
This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the
Noah Holdings Limited | ||||||||
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets | ||||||||
(unaudited) | ||||||||
As of | ||||||||
June 30, | September 30, | September 30, | ||||||
2024 | 2024 | 2024 | ||||||
RMB'000 | RMB'000 | USD'000 | ||||||
Assets | ||||||||
Current assets: | ||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | 4,604,946 | 3,435,758 | 489,592 | |||||
Restricted cash | 4,574 | 5,786 | 824 | |||||
Short-term investments | 1,287,400 | 1,297,914 | 184,951 | |||||
Accounts receivable, net | 429,417 | 460,076 | 65,560 | |||||
Amounts due from related parties | 444,937 | 468,264 | 66,727 | |||||
Loans receivable, net | 207,122 | 179,089 | 25,520 | |||||
Other current assets | 226,332 | 246,451 | 35,120 | |||||
Total current assets | 7,204,728 | 6,093,338 | 868,294 | |||||
Long-term investments, net | 742,322 | 960,572 | 136,880 | |||||
Investment in affiliates | 1,445,356 | 1,404,501 | 200,140 | |||||
Property and equipment, net | 2,416,072 | 2,395,438 | 341,347 | |||||
Operating lease right-of-use assets, net | 102,301 | 121,435 | 17,304 | |||||
Deferred tax assets | 400,401 | 400,447 | 57,063 | |||||
Other non-current assets | 155,825 | 145,394 | 20,718 | |||||
Total Assets | 12,467,005 | 11,521,125 | 1,641,746 | |||||
Liabilities and Equity | ||||||||
Current liabilities: | ||||||||
Accrued payroll and welfare expenses | 346,543 | 270,282 | 38,515 | |||||
Income tax payable | 76,318 | 130,136 | 18,544 | |||||
Deferred revenues | 73,857 | 76,867 | 10,953 | |||||
Dividend payable | 1,018,000 | - | - | |||||
Contingent liabilities | 475,777 | 459,436 | 65,469 | |||||
Other current liabilities | 420,527 | 437,260 | 62,309 | |||||
Total current liabilities | 2,411,022 | 1,373,981 | 195,790 | |||||
Deferred tax liabilities | 245,609 | 243,466 | 34,694 | |||||
Operating lease liabilities, non-current | 55,043 | 77,652 | 11,065 | |||||
Other non-current liabilities | 24,980 | 22,985 | 3,275 | |||||
Total Liabilities | 2,736,654 | 1,718,084 | 244,824 | |||||
Equity | 9,730,351 | 9,803,041 | 1,396,922 | |||||
Total Liabilities and Equity | 12,467,005 | 11,521,125 | 1,641,746 | |||||
Noah Holdings Limited | |||||||||||||
Condensed Consolidated Income Statements | |||||||||||||
(In RMB'000, except for ADS data, per ADS data and percentages) | |||||||||||||
(unaudited) | |||||||||||||
Three months ended | |||||||||||||
September 30, | September 30, | September 30, | Change | ||||||||||
2023 | 2024 | 2024 | |||||||||||
Revenues: | RMB'000 | RMB'000 | USD'000 | ||||||||||
Revenues from others: | |||||||||||||
One-time commissions | 199,286 | 170,023 | 24,228 | (14.7 %) | |||||||||
Recurring service fees | 171,408 | 166,138 | 23,674 | (3.1 %) | |||||||||
Performance-based income | 8,440 | 2,974 | 424 | (64.8 %) | |||||||||
Other service fees | 74,355 | 48,764 | 6,949 | (34.4 %) | |||||||||
Total revenues from others | 453,489 | 387,899 | 55,275 | (14.5 %) | |||||||||
Revenues from funds Gopher | |||||||||||||
One-time commissions | 32 | 6,014 | 857 | 18693.8 % | |||||||||
Recurring service fees | 295,982 | 236,638 | 33,721 | (20.0 %) | |||||||||
Performance-based income | 5,543 | 58,151 | 8,286 | 949.1 % | |||||||||
Total revenues from funds |
301,557 |
300,803 |
42,864 |
(0.3 %) | |||||||||
Total revenues | 755,046 | 688,702 | 98,139 | (8.8 %) | |||||||||
Less: VAT related surcharges | (5,088) | (5,016) | (715) | (1.4 %) | |||||||||
Net revenues | 749,958 | 683,686 | 97,424 | (8.8 %) | |||||||||
Operating costs and expenses: | |||||||||||||
Compensation and benefits | |||||||||||||
Relationship managers | (185,748) | (137,082) | (19,534) | (26.2 %) | |||||||||
Others | (215,047) | (172,902) | (24,639) | (19.6 %) | |||||||||
Total compensation and | (400,795) | (309,984) | (44,173) | (22.7 %) | |||||||||
Selling expenses | (119,707) | (65,939) | (9,396) | (44.9 %) | |||||||||
General and administrative | (67,407) | (72,250) | (10,296) | 7.2 % | |||||||||
Reversal of (Provision for) |
525 |
(5,416) |
(772) |
N.A. | |||||||||
Other operating expenses | (18,982) | (12,859) | (1,832) | (32.3 %) | |||||||||
Government subsidies | 105,297 | 23,576 | 3,360 | (77.6 %) | |||||||||
Total operating costs and |
(501,069) |
(442,872) |
(63,109) |
(11.6 %) | |||||||||
Income from operations | 248,889 | 240,814 | 34,315 | (3.2 %) | |||||||||
Other income: | |||||||||||||
Interest income | 43,465 | 28,416 | 4,049 | (34.6 %) | |||||||||
Investment income | 9,640 | 16,334 | 2,328 | 69.4 % | |||||||||
Other income (expenses) | 2,446 | (43,577) | (6,210) | N.A. | |||||||||
Total other income | 55,551 | 1,173 | 167 | (97.9 %) | |||||||||
Income before taxes and | 304,440 | 241,987 | 34,482 | (20.5 %) | |||||||||
Income tax expense | (68,499) | (89,036) | (12,688) | 30.0 % | |||||||||
Loss from equity in affiliates | (3,897) | (15,184) | (2,164) | 289.6 % | |||||||||
Net income | 232,044 | 137,767 | 19,630 | (40.6 %) | |||||||||
Less: net (loss) gain |
(1,282) |
3,351 |
478 |
N.A. | |||||||||
Net income attributable to | 233,326 | 134,416 | 19,152 | (42.4 %) | |||||||||
Income per ADS, basic | 3.36 | 1.91 | 0.27 | (43.2 %) | |||||||||
Income per ADS, diluted | 3.36 | 1.91 | 0.27 | (43.2 %) | |||||||||
Margin analysis: | |||||||||||||
Operating margin | 33.2 % | 35.2 % | 35.2 % | ||||||||||
Net margin | 30.9 % | 20.2 % | 20.2 % | ||||||||||
Weighted average ADS | |||||||||||||
Basic |
69,472,282 |
70,334,784 |
70,334,784 | ||||||||||
Diluted | 69,485,287 | 70,396,502 | 70,396,502 | ||||||||||
ADS equivalent outstanding at |
63,154,215 |
65,824,608 |
65,824,608 | ||||||||||
[1] Assumes all outstanding ordinary shares are represented by ADSs. Five ordinary share represents one ADS. |
Noah Holdings Limited | ||||||||
Condensed Comprehensive Income Statements | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Three months ended | ||||||||
September 30, | September 30, | September 30, | Change | |||||
2023 | 2024 | 2024 | ||||||
RMB'000 | RMB'000 | USD'000 | ||||||
Net income | 232,044 | 137,767 | 19,630 | (40.6 %) | ||||
Other comprehensive income, net | ||||||||
Foreign currency translation |
21,405 |
(92,022) | (13,113) | N.A. | ||||
Comprehensive income | 253,449 | 45,745 | 6,517 | (82.0 %) | ||||
Less: Comprehensive (loss) |
(1,169) |
4,822 | 687 | N.A. | ||||
Comprehensive income | 254,618 | 40,923 | 5,830 | (83.9 %) |
Noah Holdings Limited | |||||
Supplemental Information | |||||
| |||||
As of | |||||
September 30, | September 30, | Change | |||
Number of registered clients | 452,222 | 460,380 | 1.8 % | ||
Three months ended | |||||
September 30, | September 30, | Change | |||
(in millions of RMB, except number of active clients and percentages) | |||||
Number of active clients | 9,489 | 7,857 | (17.2 %) | ||
Transaction value: | |||||
Private equity products | 693 | 1,070 | 54.3 % | ||
Private secondary products | 5,670 | 3,560 | (37.2 %) | ||
Mutual fund products | 14,929 | 8,651 | (42.1 %) | ||
Other products | 1,024 | 977 | (4.5 %) | ||
Total transaction value | 22,316 | 14,258 | (36.1 %) |
Noah Holdings Limited | ||||||||
Segment Condensed Income Statements | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Three months ended September 30, 2024 | ||||||||
Wealth | Asset | Other | Total | |||||
RMB'000 | RMB'000 | RMB'000 | RMB'000 | |||||
Revenues: | ||||||||
Revenues from others | ||||||||
One-time commissions | 170,023 | - | - | 170,023 | ||||
Recurring service fees | 166,138 | - | - | 166,138 | ||||
Performance-based income | 2,974 | - | - | 2,974 | ||||
Other service fees | 36,087 | - | 12,677 | 48,764 | ||||
Total revenues from others | 375,222 | - | 12,677 | 387,899 | ||||
Revenues from funds Gopher | ||||||||
One-time commissions | 5,776 | 238 | - | 6,014 | ||||
Recurring service fees | 85,850 | 150,788 | - | 236,638 | ||||
Performance-based income | 50 | 58,101 | - | 58,151 | ||||
Total revenues from funds Gopher | 91,676 | 209,127 | - | 300,803 | ||||
Total revenues | 466,898 | 209,127 | 12,677 | 688,702 | ||||
Less: VAT related surcharges | (1,881) | (208) | (2,927) | (5,016) | ||||
Net revenues | 465,017 | 208,919 | 9,750 | 683,686 | ||||
Operating costs and expenses: | ||||||||
Compensation and benefits | ||||||||
Relationship managers | (129,395) | (7,687) | - | (137,082) | ||||
Others | (118,388) | (47,556) | (6,958) | (172,902) | ||||
Total compensation and benefits | (247,783) | (55,243) | (6,958) | (309,984) | ||||
Selling expenses | (48,392) | (11,704) | (5,843) | (65,939) | ||||
General and administrative |
(45,766) |
(17,500) |
(8,984) |
(72,250) | ||||
Provision for credit losses | (1,758) | (2,203) | (1,455) | (5,416) | ||||
Other operating expenses | (5,708) | (22) | (7,129) | (12,859) | ||||
Government subsidies | 23,350 | 226 | - | 23,576 | ||||
Total operating costs and expenses | (326,057) | (86,446) | (30,369) | (442,872) | ||||
Income (loss) from operations | 138,960 | 122,473 | (20,619) | 240,814 | ||||
Noah Holdings Limited | ||||||||
Segment Condensed Income Statements | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Three months ended September 30, 2023 | ||||||||
Wealth | Asset | Other | Total | |||||
RMB'000 | RMB'000 | RMB'000 | RMB'000 | |||||
Revenues: | ||||||||
Revenues from others | ||||||||
One-time commissions | 199,286 | - | - | 199,286 | ||||
Recurring service fees | 171,408 | - | - | 171,408 | ||||
Performance-based income | 8,440 | - | - | 8,440 | ||||
Other service fees | 61,915 | - | 12,440 | 74,355 | ||||
Total revenues from others | 441,049 | - | 12,440 | 453,489 | ||||
Revenues from funds Gopher | ||||||||
One-time commissions | - | 32 | - | 32 | ||||
Recurring service fees | 109,368 | 186,614 | - | 295,982 | ||||
Performance-based income | 405 | 5,138 | - | 5,543 | ||||
Total revenues from funds Gopher | 109,773 | 191,784 | - | 301,557 | ||||
Total revenues | 550,822 | 191,784 | 12,440 | 755,046 | ||||
Less: VAT related surcharges | (2,074) | (389) | (2,625) | (5,088) | ||||
Net revenues | 548,748 | 191,395 | 9,815 | 749,958 | ||||
Operating costs and expenses: | ||||||||
Compensation and benefits | ||||||||
Relationship managers | (179,854) | (5,894) | - | (185,748) | ||||
Others | (144,256) | (64,041) | (6,750) | (215,047) | ||||
Total compensation and benefits | (324,110) | (69,935) | (6,750) | (400,795) | ||||
Selling expenses | (94,088) | (18,723) | (6,896) | (119,707) | ||||
General and administrative |
(53,401) |
(9,217) |
(4,789) |
(67,407) | ||||
(Provision for) reversal of credit |
(894) |
(400) |
1,819 |
525 | ||||
Other operating expenses | (11,677) | (298) | (7,007) | (18,982) | ||||
Government subsidies | 89,925 | 13,656 | 1,716 | 105,297 | ||||
Total operating costs and expenses | (394,245) | (84,917) | (21,907) | (501,069) | ||||
Income (loss) from operations | 154,503 | 106,478 | (12,092) | 248,889 | ||||
Noah Holdings Limited Supplement Revenue Information by Geography (unaudited) | |||||||
Three months ended September 30, 2024 | |||||||
Wealth | Asset | Other | Total | ||||
RMB'000 | RMB'000 | RMB'000 | RMB'000 | ||||
Revenues: | |||||||
Mainland | 225,569 | 73,589 | 12,677 | 311,835 | |||
Overseas | 241,329 | 135,538 | - | 376,867 | |||
Total revenues | 466,898 | 209,127 | 12,677 | 688,702 | |||
Three months ended September 30, 2023 | |||||||
Wealth | Asset | Other | Total | ||||
RMB'000 | RMB'000 | RMB'000 | RMB'000 | ||||
Revenues: | |||||||
Mainland | 333,911 | 116,355 | 12,440 | 462,706 | |||
Overseas | 216,911 | 75,429 | - | 292,340 | |||
Total revenues | 550,822 | 191,784 | 12,440 | 755,046 |
Noah Holdings Limited | |||||||
Supplement Revenue Information by Product Types | |||||||
| |||||||
Three months ended | |||||||
September 30, | September 30, | Change | |||||
(in thousands of RMB, except percentages) | |||||||
Mainland China: | |||||||
Public securities | 137,967 | 108,038 | (21.7 %) | ||||
Private equity products | 218,502 | 180,636 | (17.3 %) | ||||
Insurance products | 85,445 | 8,617 | (89.9 %) | ||||
Others | 20,792 | 14,544 | (30.1 %) | ||||
Subtotal | 462,706 | 311,835 | (32.6 %) | ||||
Overseas: | |||||||
Investment products [2] | 134,209 | 191,200 | 42.5 % | ||||
Insurance products | 101,754 | 144,942 | 42.4 % | ||||
Online business [3] | 2,706 | 7,865 | 190.7 % | ||||
Others | 53,671 | 32,860 | (38.8 %) | ||||
Subtotal | 292,340 | 376,867 | 28.9 % | ||||
Total revenues | 755,046 | 688,702 | (8.8 %) | ||||
[1] Includes mutual funds and private secondary products. |
[2] Includes non-money market mutual fund products, discretionary products, private secondary |
[3] Includes money market mutual fund products, securities brokerage business. |
Noah Holdings Limited | |||||||
Supplement Information of Overseas Business | |||||||
| |||||||
Three months ended | |||||||
September 30, | September 30, | Change | |||||
Net Revenues from Overseas |
292.3 |
376.9 |
28.9 % | ||||
Number of Overseas |
14,296 |
17,287 |
20.9 % | ||||
Number of Overseas Active |
2,284 |
3,139 |
37.4 % | ||||
Transaction Value of |
7.0 |
7.8 |
11.4 % | ||||
Number of Overseas |
77 |
146 |
89.6 % | ||||
Overseas Assets Under |
35.4 |
39.5 |
11.6 % | ||||
Noah Holdings Limited | ||||||
Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Results | ||||||
(In RMB, except for per ADS data and percentages) | ||||||
(unaudited) | ||||||
Three months ended | ||||||
September | September 30, | Change | ||||
2023 | 2024 | |||||
RMB'000 | RMB'000 | |||||
Net income attributable to Noah shareholders | 233,326 | 134,416 | (42.4 %) | |||
Adjustment for share-based compensation | (1,161) | 19,846 | N.A. | |||
Less: tax effect of adjustments | (281) | 3,745 | N.A. | |||
Adjusted net income attributable to Noah shareholders | 232,446 | 150,517 | (35.2 %) | |||
Net margin attributable to Noah shareholders | 31.1 % | 19.7 % | ||||
Non-GAAP net margin attributable to Noah shareholders | 31.0 % | 22.0 % | ||||
Net income attributable to Noah shareholders per ADS, | 3.36 | 1.91 |
(43.2 %) | |||
Non-GAAP net income attributable to Noah shareholders | 3.35 | 2.14 |
(36.1 %) | |||
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SOURCE Noah Holdings Limited