Olaplex Holdings, Inc. to Report Third Quarter Fiscal 2024 Financial Results on November 7th
Olaplex Holdings announced it will release its third quarter fiscal 2024 financial results before market opening on Thursday, November 7, 2024. The company will host an investor conference call and webcast at 9:00am ET/6:00am PT on the same day. Olaplex is a technology-driven beauty company known for its innovative bond-building hair care technology, which works by protecting, strengthening, and relinking broken bonds in hair. The company operates through professional, specialty retail, and direct-to-consumer channels.
Olaplex Holdings ha annunciato che rilascerà i suoi risultati finanziari del terzo trimestre dell'esercizio 2024 prima dell'apertura del mercato giovedì 7 novembre 2024. L'azienda ospiterà una conferenza telefonica per investitori e una diretta web alle 9:00 ET/6:00 PT lo stesso giorno. Olaplex è un'azienda di bellezza orientata alla tecnologia, nota per la sua innovativa tecnologia per la cura dei capelli che ricostruisce i legami. Questa tecnologia funziona proteggendo, rinforzando e ricompattando i legami rotti nei capelli. L'azienda opera attraverso canali professionali, rivendite specialistiche e vendite dirette al consumatore.
Olaplex Holdings anunció que publicará sus resultados financieros del tercer trimestre fiscal 2024 antes de la apertura del mercado el jueves 7 de noviembre de 2024. La compañía llevará a cabo una llamada de conferencia para inversionistas y una transmisión en vivo a las 9:00 am ET/6:00 am PT ese mismo día. Olaplex es una empresa de belleza impulsada por la tecnología, conocida por su innovadora tecnología de cuidado capilar que reconstruye los enlaces. Esta tecnología trabaja protegiendo, fortaleciendo y reconectando los enlaces rotos en el cabello. La empresa opera a través de canales profesionales, minoristas especializados y ventas directas al consumidor.
Olaplex Holdings는 2024 회계연도 3분기 재무 결과를 2024년 11월 7일 목요일 시장 개장 전에 발표할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 회사는 같은 날 오전 9시 ET/오전 6시 PT에 투자자 컨퍼런스 콜과 웹캐스트를 주최할 예정입니다. Olaplex는 혁신적인 결합 구조 모발 관리 기술로 알려진 기술 중심의 뷰티 회사입니다. 이 기술은 모발에서 깨진 결합을 보호하고 강화하며 재연결하는 방식으로 작동합니다. 회사는 전문, 전문 소매 및 직접 소비자 채널을 통해 운영됩니다.
Olaplex Holdings a annoncé qu'elle publiera ses résultats financiers du troisième trimestre de l'exercice 2024 avant l'ouverture du marché le jeudi 7 novembre 2024. L'entreprise tiendra une conférence téléphonique pour les investisseurs et un webinaire le même jour à 9 h 00 HE/6 h 00 HP. Olaplex est une entreprise de beauté axée sur la technologie, connue pour sa technologie innovante de soins capillaires qui reconstruit les liaisons. Cette technologie fonctionne en protégeant, renforçant et reconnectant les liaisons rompues dans les cheveux. L'entreprise opère à travers des canaux professionnels, de vente spécialisée et de vente directe au consommateur.
Olaplex Holdings gab bekannt, dass es die Finanzergebnisse für das dritte Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2024 vor Markteröffnung am Donnerstag, den 7. November 2024, veröffentlichen wird. Am selben Tag wird das Unternehmen um 9:00 Uhr ET/6:00 Uhr PT eine Telefonkonferenz für Investoren und einen Webcast veranstalten. Olaplex ist ein technologieorientiertes Schönheitsunternehmen, das für seine innovative Technik zur Haarpflege bekannt ist, die dabei hilft, geschädigte Bindungen zu schützen, zu stärken und wiederherzustellen. Das Unternehmen agiert über professionelle, spezialisierte Einzelhandels- und Direktvertriebskanäle.
- None.
- None.
NEW YORK, Oct. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Olaplex Holdings, Inc. (“OLAPLEX”), today announced that it plans to report third quarter fiscal 2024 financial results before the market opens on Thursday, November 7, 2024.
The company plans to host an investor conference call and webcast to review third quarter fiscal 2024 financial results at 9:00am ET/6:00am PT on the same day. The webcast can be accessed at https://ir.olaplex.com/. The conference call can be accessed by calling (201) 689-8521 or (877) 407-8813 for a toll-free number. A replay of the webcast will remain available on the website for 90 days.
OLAPLEX is an innovative, science-enabled, technology-driven beauty company with a mission to improve the hair health of its consumers. In 2014, OLAPLEX disrupted and revolutionized the prestige hair care category by creating innovative bond-building technology, which works by protecting, strengthening and relinking broken bonds in the hair during and after hair services. The brand’s proprietary, patent-protected ingredients work on a molecular level to protect and repair damaged hair. OLAPLEX’s award-winning products are sold through an expanding omnichannel model serving the professional, specialty retail, and direct-to-consumer channels.
Patrick Flaherty
Vice President, Investor Relations
Financial Media:
Lisa Bobroff
Vice President, Global Communications & Consumer Engagement

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