Oracle Cloud Secret Impact Level 6 Regions for U.S. Department of Defense

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Oracle announced the accreditation of three cloud regions for the U.S. Department of Defense with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Impact Level 6 (IL6) authorization to host Secret classified workloads. The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure now supports all DoD classification levels, providing defense customers with advanced technology solutions. The cloud regions offer innovative services, competitive pricing, powerful analytics, enhanced security, and high-performance computing capabilities to meet the evolving needs of the DoD.
Oracle ha annunciato l'accreditamento di tre regioni cloud per il Dipartimento della Difesa degli Stati Uniti con l'autorizzazione Impact Level 6 (IL6) dell'Agenzia per i Sistemi Informativi di Difesa (DISA) per ospitare carichi di lavoro classificati come Segreti. L'infrastruttura cloud di Oracle supporta ora tutti i livelli di classificazione del DoD, offrendo ai clienti della difesa soluzioni tecnologiche avanzate. Le regioni cloud offrono servizi innovativi, prezzi competitivi, potenti strumenti di analisi, sicurezza rafforzata e capacità di calcolo ad alte prestazioni per soddisfare le esigenze in evoluzione del DoD.
Oracle anunció la acreditación de tres regiones en la nube para el Departamento de Defensa de los EE.UU. con autorización de Nivel de Impacto 6 (IL6) de la Agencia de Sistemas de Información de Defensa (DISA) para alojar cargas de trabajo clasificadas como Secretas. La Infraestructura Cloud de Oracle ahora admite todos los niveles de clasificación del DoD, ofreciendo a los clientes de defensa soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas. Las regiones en la nube ofrecen servicios innovadores, precios competitivos, análisis potentes, seguridad mejorada y capacidades de computación de alto rendimiento para satisfacer las necesidades cambiantes del DoD.
오라클은 미국 국방부를 위한 클라우드 리전 세 곳에 대해 방위 정보 시스템청(DISA)의 Impact Level 6(IL6) 인증을 획득했다고 발표했습니다. 이는 비밀 분류된 업무를 호스팅 할 수 있습니다. 오라클 클라우드 인프라는 이제 DoD의 모든 분류 수준을 지원하여, 국방 고객에게 최첨단 기술 솔루션을 제공합니다. 클라우드 리전은 혁신적인 서비스, 경쟁력 있는 가격, 강력한 분석, 강화된 보안 및 고성능 컴퓨팅 능력을 제공하여 DoD의 변화하는 요구를 충족시킬 수 있습니다.
Oracle a annoncé l'accréditation de trois régions cloud pour le Département de la Défense des États-Unis avec l'autorisation du niveau d'impact 6 (IL6) de l'Agence des Systèmes d'Informations de Défense (DISA) pour héberger des charges de travail classifiées Secrètes. L'infrastructure cloud d'Oracle prend désormais en charge tous les niveaux de classification du DoD, fournissant aux clients de la défense des solutions technologiques avancées. Les régions cloud offrent des services innovants, des prix compétitifs, des analyses puissantes, une sécurité renforcée et des capacités de calcul haute performance pour répondre aux besoins évolutifs du DoD.
Oracle hat die Akkreditierung von drei Cloud-Regionen für das US-Verteidigungsministerium bekannt gegeben, mit der Autorisierung auf Impact Level 6 (IL6) der Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), um geheim eingestufte Arbeitslasten zu hosten. Die Oracle Cloud-Infrastruktur unterstützt jetzt alle Klassifikationsstufen des DoD und bietet Verteidigungskunden fortschrittliche Technologielösungen. Die Cloud-Regionen bieten innovative Dienste, wettbewerbsfähige Preise, leistungsfähige Analysen, verbesserte Sicherheit und Hochleistungsrechenkapazitäten, um den sich entwickelnden Anforderungen des DoD gerecht zu werden.
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure accredited for hosting Secret classified workloads for the U.S. Department of Defense.
  • Oracle's cloud regions provide the DoD with advanced technology solutions and enhanced security features.
  • The cloud services offer competitive pricing, powerful analytics, and high-performance computing capabilities.
  • Oracle's commitment to providing leading edge cloud services across all classification levels ensures DoD technologists have access to the latest innovations.
  • Oracle's Modern Data Platform streamlines the end-to-end data lifecycle for faster insights.
  • Oracle's comprehensive analytics and AI portfolio enable users to leverage high-performance computing for solving complex problems.
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure security features a zero trust approach and is supported by secure, dedicated cloud network operation centers managed by U.S. government-cleared personnel.
  • None.

Oracle's high-performance, cost-effective cloud for classified defense workloads

AUSTIN, Texas, April 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Oracle today announced the accreditation of three cloud regions for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Impact Level 6 (IL6) authorization to host Secret classified workloads. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is now available at all DoD classification levels, providing defense customers support for their full technology portfolio and more capability to fulfill their mission.

DoD customers operate many fragmented information systems on modern and legacy infrastructure, making it difficult to collect, analyze, secure, scale, and act on critical data to make real-time decisions. The DoD needs the best technology to succeed in an increasingly contested environment. As adversaries advance their capabilities, the DoD needs data, AI, and compute platforms that give our warfighters the technical overmatch they deserve.

"America's warfighters must have the world's preeminent technology and our taxpayers insist that technology is delivered at competitive costs. Oracle is bringing both to the Department of Defense's Secret networks." says Rand Waldron, vice president, Oracle. "Technology no longer sits outside the mission; technology is a part of the mission. In austere locations with limited communication, and in massive secure data centers, Oracle is bringing our best capabilities to serve the men and women that defend the U.S. and our Allies."

Oracle's air-gapped classified regions solve many of the DoD's challenges with the latest innovations from the public cloud, competitive pricing, powerful analytics, and enhanced security. Oracle Cloud classified regions come with our Everything Everywhere® commitment to offer the same Oracle Cloud services that are available in the Oracle public cloud. This commitment ensures DoD technologists get leading edge cloud services and hardware to accelerate their work. These Oracle services provide customers higher performance, lower cost capabilities with consistent pricing across all classification levels. 

Oracle Modern Data Platform simplifies the end-to-end data lifecycle to deliver critical insights faster. With Oracle's comprehensive analytics and AI portfolio, users can leverage high-performance computing (HPC) to bring powerful, cost-effective computing capabilities to solve complex problems.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure security is simple, prescriptive, and always-on. Our zero trust approach to cloud security helps customers implement a DISA Zero-Trust Reference Architecture. Oracle Cloud classified regions are supported and managed from secure, dedicated, cloud network operation centers, which are only accessed, monitored, and staffed by U.S. government-cleared personnel.  

Join Oracle experts, partners, and thought leaders to learn about the latest technology trends and news at Oracle Federal Forum on Thursday, April 25 in Washington, D.C.

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Oracle offers integrated suites of applications plus secure, autonomous infrastructure in the Oracle Cloud. For more information about Oracle (NYSE: ORCL), please visit us at

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What is the impact level authorization for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure regions for the U.S. Department of Defense?

The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure regions received Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Impact Level 6 (IL6) authorization.

What technology solutions does Oracle provide to the Department of Defense?

Oracle offers advanced technology solutions, competitive pricing, powerful analytics, enhanced security, and high-performance computing capabilities to the DoD.

What commitment does Oracle make regarding cloud services for the Department of Defense?

Oracle commits to providing leading edge cloud services across all classification levels to ensure DoD technologists have access to the latest innovations.

How does Oracle's Modern Data Platform benefit users?

Oracle's Modern Data Platform streamlines the end-to-end data lifecycle to deliver critical insights faster.

What security features does Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offer?

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure security features a zero trust approach and is supported by secure, dedicated cloud network operation centers managed by U.S. government-cleared personnel.

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