Quantum International Corp - QUAN STOCK NEWS

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Quantum International Corp. (QUAN) is an app development company with a team of specialized developers working on cutting-edge projects. Currently, the company is in the testing phase of two new apps, including a decentralized YouTube competitor and a crypto GoFundMe charity app. The company recently signed an Investor Relations Agreement with Reinvent Business to enhance brand visibility and market awareness. Moreover, Quantum is finalizing a crowdfunding app called QFund.AI, which uses cryptocurrency and AI moderation for fundraising purposes. Additionally, Quantum decided to retain ownership of the LootUp App, a revolutionary digital asset management platform. The company's strategic decision to keep LootUp highlights its commitment to innovation and user experience.

Rhea-AI Summary
Quantum International Corp. (QUAN) appoints Jonathan P. Poyser, a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in strategic management and business development, to their corporate advisory board. This strategic collaboration signifies Quantum's commitment to bolstering its leadership and amplifying its presence in the market, positioning the company for exciting growth and innovation in the future.
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partnership AI
Rhea-AI Summary
Quantum International Corp. (QUAN) announces the decision to retain ownership of the highly anticipated LootUp App, recognizing its immense potential and possible AI integration. The app is designed to simplify digital asset management, minimize volatility risk, and revolutionize how people interact with the digital asset landscape. With the relaunch of LootUp App, QUAN is poised to make a significant impact on the future of finance.
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Rhea-AI Summary
Quantum International Corp. announces upcoming QFund.AI crowdfunding app based on cryptocurrency, AI-based social media promotion, and focus on personal causes.
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Rhea-AI Summary
Quantum International Corp. is currently in the testing phase of two new apps: a decentralized YouTube app and a crypto GoFundMe decentralized charity app. The YouTube app will have the same functionality as the original but will be encrypted through the LGCY blockchain and moderated by an unbiased AI. The GoFundMe app will offer auctions, fund occasions, and charities, and will also be moderated by AI. The company has accepted the resignation of Director Craig Mackie.
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What kind of apps is Quantum International Corp. working on?

Quantum is currently testing two new apps, a decentralized YouTube competitor and a crypto GoFundMe charity app.

What is the Investor Relations Agreement with Reinvent Business?

Reinvent Business will provide services to increase Quantum's brand visibility, market awareness, and investor communication.

What is QFund.AI?

QFund.AI is a crowdfunding app that uses cryptocurrency instead of native currency, allowing users to raise money for various causes.

Why did Quantum decide to retain ownership of the LootUp App?

Quantum recognized the immense potential of LootUp, surpassing the monetary value of the initial sale, and aims to revolutionize digital asset management.

Who is Jonathan P. Poyser and what is his role at Quantum International Corp.?

Jonathan P. Poyser, a Strategic Partnership Development Lead at Google Pay, has joined Quantum's corporate advisory board to enhance leadership and market presence.

What is Quantum's focus in app development and innovation?

Quantum prioritizes user experience and aims to empower individuals in navigating the digital landscape, evident in projects like LootUp and strategic partnerships with industry experts.

How does Quantum aim to impact the future of finance and AI?

Through projects like LootUp and strategic collaborations, Quantum is poised to make a significant impact on the future of finance and AI.

What are the company's social media channels?

Follow Quantum International Corp. on Twitter (@QuantumintlCorp), Instagram (@QuantumintlCorp), and visit their website for more updates.

What sets QFund.AI apart from other crowdfunding platforms?

QFund.AI uses cryptocurrency, AI moderation, and focuses on personal causes, making it a unique crowdfunding platform.

Why is Quantum International Corp. committed to innovation and user experience?

Quantum's decision to retain ownership of LootUp and focus on user-friendly app development showcases its dedication to innovation and user-centric design.

How does Quantum ensure the security of funds on QFund.AI?

QFund.AI uses LGCY Blockchain technology to store client funds securely, prioritizing user safety and protection against security breaches.

Quantum International Corp


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QUAN Stock Data

Software - Application
United States of America