Redfin Survey: More Than One-Third of Homeowners Say They’ll Never Sell

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Redfin's recent survey reveals that 34% of U.S. homeowners say they'll never sell their homes, while 27% won't consider selling for at least 10 years. The survey shows generational differences, with 43% of baby boomers, 34% of Gen X, and 28% of millennial/Gen Z owners planning to never sell.

Among homeowners not planning to sell soon, 39% cite having their home paid off or nearly paid off as the main reason, while 37% simply like their current home. 30% are deterred by high home prices, and 18% want to keep their low mortgage rates. The current housing market shows home prices up about 40% since pre-pandemic, with average mortgage rates at 6.91%, compared to 4% in 2019.

This reluctance to sell has contributed to new listings remaining below pre-pandemic levels, with only 25 of every 1,000 U.S. homes changing hands in the first eight months of 2024, marking the lowest turnover rate in decades.

Un recente sondaggio di Redfin rivela che il 34% dei proprietari di case negli Stati Uniti afferma che non venderà mai la propria abitazione, mentre il 27% non prenderà in considerazione la vendita per almeno 10 anni. Il sondaggio mostra differenze generazionali, con il 43% dei baby boomer, il 34% della Generazione X e il 28% dei proprietari millennial/gen Z che pianificano di non vendere mai.

Tra i proprietari di casa che non intendono vendere presto, il 39% cita come motivo principale il fatto di avere completamente pagato o quasi pagato la casa, mentre il 37% semplicemente apprezza la propria abitazione attuale. Il 30% è scoraggiato dai prezzi elevati delle case e il 18% desidera mantenere i tassi ipotecari bassi. Il mercato immobiliare attuale mostra che i prezzi delle abitazioni sono aumentati di circa il 40% rispetto ai livelli pre-pandemia, con tassi ipotecari medi al 6,91%, rispetto al 4% nel 2019.

Questa riluttanza a vendere ha contribuito a mantenere il numero di nuove inserzioni al di sotto dei livelli pre-pandemia, con solo 25 case su ogni 1.000 negli Stati Uniti che hanno cambiato proprietario nei primi otto mesi del 2024, segnando il tasso di turnover più basso in decenni.

Una encuesta reciente de Redfin revela que el 34% de los propietarios de viviendas en EE.UU. dice que nunca venderá su casa, mientras que el 27% no considerará vender por al menos 10 años. La encuesta muestra diferencias generacionales, con el 43% de los baby boomers, el 34% de la Generación X y el 28% de los propietarios millennials/Gen Z planeando no vender nunca.

Entre los propietarios que no planean vender pronto, el 39% cita tener su hogar pagado o casi pagado como la razón principal, mientras que el 37% simplemente disfruta de su hogar actual. El 30% se siente desalentado por los altos precios de las viviendas, y el 18% quiere mantener sus bajos tipos de interés hipotecarios. El mercado inmobiliario actual muestra que los precios de las viviendas han aumentado alrededor de el 40% desde antes de la pandemia, con tasas hipotecarias promedio del 6.91%, en comparación con el 4% en 2019.

Esta renuencia a vender ha contribuido a que las nuevas listados permanezcan por debajo de los niveles previos a la pandemia, con solo 25 de cada 1,000 hogares en EE.UU. cambiando de manos en los primeros ocho meses de 2024, marcando la tasa de rotación más baja en décadas.

레드핀의 최근 조사에 따르면 미국 주택 소유자의 34%가 자신의 집을 절대 팔지 않을 것이라고 답변했으며, 27%는 최소 10년 동안 판매를 고려하지 않을 것이라고 합니다. 이 조사는 세대 간 차이를 보여주며, 베이비 붐 세대의 43%, X 세대의 34%, 그리고 밀레니얼/젠지 소유자의 28%가 절대 팔지 않겠다고 계획하고 있습니다.

곧 판매할 계획이 없는 주택 소유자 중 39%는 자신의 집을 완전히 또는 거의 완전히 갚았기 때문에 판매하지 않겠다고 답변했으며, 37%는 현재 집이 마음에 들기 때문이라고 합니다. 30%는 높은 주택 가격에 의해 판매를 주저하고 있고, 18%는 저렴한 모기지 금리를 유지하고 싶어합니다. 현재 주택 시장은 주택 가격이 팬데믹 이전보다 약 40% 상승했으며, 평균 모기지 금리는 6.91%로 2019년의 4%와 비교되고 있습니다.

판매를 꺼리는 이 상황은 새로운 매물이 팬데믹 이전 수준을 밑도는 데 기여하고 있으며, 2024년 첫 8개월 동안 미국의 1,000채 중 25채만이 소유자를 변경하였고, 이는 수십 년 만에 가장 낮은 전환율입니다.

Une récente enquête de Redfin révèle que 34% des propriétaires américains affirment qu'ils ne vendront jamais leur maison, tandis que 27% ne envisagent pas de vendre pendant au moins 10 ans. L'enquête montre des différences générationnelles, avec 43% des baby boomers, 34% de la génération X et 28% des propriétaires milléniaux/gen Z prévoyant de ne jamais vendre.

Parmi les propriétaires qui ne prévoient pas de vendre prochainement, 39% citent comme principale raison d'avoir leur maison totalement ou presque entièrement payée, tandis que 37% aiment simplement leur maison actuelle. 30% sont dissuadés par les prix élevés des logements, et 18% souhaitent conserver leurs faibles taux hypothécaires. Le marché immobilier actuel montre que les prix des maisons ont augmenté d'environ 40% par rapport à la période pré-pandémique, avec des taux hypothécaires moyens à 6,91%, contre 4% en 2019.

Cette réticence à vendre a contribué à ce que les nouvelles annonces restent sous les niveaux d'avant la pandémie, avec seulement 25 maisons sur 1 000 aux États-Unis qui ont changé de mains au cours des huit premiers mois de 2024, marquant le taux de rotation le plus bas depuis des décennies.

Eine aktuelle Umfrage von Redfin hat ergeben, dass 34% der amerikanischen Hausbesitzer angaben, dass sie ihr Zuhause niemals verkaufen werden, während 27% in den nächsten 10 Jahren nicht an einen Verkauf denken werden. Die Umfrage zeigt generationenbedingte Unterschiede, wobei 43% der Babyboomer, 34% der Generation X und 28% der Millennial/Gen Z-Besitzer planen, niemals zu verkaufen.

Unter den Hausbesitzern, die nicht bald verkaufen wollen, nennt 39% vollständige oder nahezu vollständige Abzahlungen des Hauses als Hauptgrund, während 37% einfach mit ihrem jetzigen Zuhause zufrieden sind. 30% werden von den hohen Hypothekenzinsen abgeschreckt, und 18% möchten ihre niedrigen Hypothekenzinsen behalten. Der aktuelle Wohnungsmarkt zeigt, dass die Hauspreise seit vor der Pandemie um etwa 40% gestiegen sind, während die durchschnittlichen Hypothekenzinsen bei 6,91% liegen, verglichen mit 4% im Jahr 2019.

Diese Verkaufsunwilligkeit hat dazu beigetragen, dass die Zahl neuer Angebote unter den Niveaus vor der Pandemie bleibt, wobei nur 25 von 1.000 US-Häusern in den ersten acht Monaten von 2024 den Besitzer gewechselt haben, was die niedrigste Umschlagrate seit Jahrzehnten darstellt.

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Many homeowners are staying put because today’s housing costs are so high

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- (NASDAQ: RDFN) — More than one-third (34%) of U.S. homeowners say they’ll never sell their home, and another 27% say they wouldn’t consider selling for at least 10 years. That’s according to a new survey commissioned by Redfin (, the technology-powered real estate brokerage.

Roughly one-quarter (24%) of homebuyers plan to sell in five to 10 years, while just 8% plan to sell in three to five years and 7% within the next three years.

Broken down by generation, older homeowners are more likely than their younger counterparts to say they’ll never sell. More than two of every five (43%) baby boomer homeowners say they’ll never sell, compared to 34% of Gen X owners and 28% of millennial/Gen Z owners.

The fact that the lion’s share of homeowners say they’ll never sell is one reason new listings are below pre-pandemic levels in much of the country, though listings have started ticking up in recent months. A recent Redfin analysis found that just 25 of every 1,000 U.S. homes changed hands in the first eight months of 2024, the lowest turnover rate in decades.

Homeowners are staying put because their home is paid off, or they just don’t want to move

Nearly two in five (39%) homeowners who don’t plan to sell anytime soon say it’s because their home is almost or completely paid off, making that the most commonly cited reason. Homeowners who have paid off their mortgage are motivated to stay put because it means they own their home free and clear, and get to live there while paying only for things like property taxes and HOA fees. Almost as many respondents (37%) said they’re not selling because they simply like their home and have no reason to move.

Affordability is another major reason homeowners are hesitant to sell. Nearly one-third (30%) of respondents said they’re staying in their current home because today’s home prices are too high, and 18% don’t want to give up their low mortgage rate. This survey question was asked to respondents who have owned their home for at least six years and have no intention of selling within the next five years.

Housing costs have risen significantly since before the pandemic; home prices are up roughly 40% since then, and the weekly average mortgage rate is 6.91%, up from just under 4% in 2019. A recent Redfin analysis found that more than 85% of U.S. homeowners with mortgages have an interest rate below 6%.

“The just-because movers—those who just want a bigger or nicer house—are staying put, mostly because it’s so expensive to buy a new house,” said Marije Kruythoff, a Redfin Premier agent in Los Angeles. “The people who are selling are doing so because they need to. Either they’re relocating to a different part of the country, or they’re moving due to a major life event like having a baby or taking a new job on the opposite side of the city.”

This is according to a Redfin-commissioned survey conducted by Ipsos in September 2024. The survey was fielded to 1,802 U.S. residents aged 18-65.

To view the full report, including charts and additional methodology, please visit:

About Redfin

Redfin ( is a technology-powered real estate company. We help people find a place to live with brokerage, rentals, lending, and title insurance services. We run the country's #1 real estate brokerage site. Our customers can save thousands in fees while working with a top agent. Our home-buying customers see homes first with on-demand tours, and our lending and title services help them close quickly. Our rentals business empowers millions nationwide to find apartments and houses for rent. Since launching in 2006, we've saved customers more than $1.6 billion in commissions. We serve approximately 100 markets across the U.S. and Canada and employ over 4,000 people.

Redfin’s subsidiaries and affiliated brands include: Bay Equity Home Loans®, Rent.™, Apartment Guide®, Title Forward® and WalkScore®.

For more information or to contact a local Redfin real estate agent, visit To learn about housing market trends and download data, visit the Redfin Data Center. To be added to Redfin's press release distribution list, email To view Redfin's press center, click here.

Contact Redfin

Redfin Journalist Services:

Kenneth Applewhaite

Source: Redfin


What percentage of U.S. homeowners say they'll never sell according to Redfin's 2024 survey?

According to Redfin's survey, 34% of U.S. homeowners say they'll never sell their homes.

How many homeowners with mortgages have an interest rate below 6% in 2024?

More than 85% of U.S. homeowners with mortgages have an interest rate below 6%.

What is the current home turnover rate in 2024 according to RDFN?

Only 25 of every 1,000 U.S. homes changed hands in the first eight months of 2024, representing the lowest turnover rate in decades.

How much have home prices increased since pre-pandemic according to Redfin?

Home prices have increased approximately 40% since pre-pandemic levels.

What is the main reason homeowners are not selling according to the RDFN survey?

39% of homeowners who don't plan to sell soon cite having their home paid off or nearly paid off as the main reason.

What percentage of baby boomer homeowners plan to never sell their homes?

43% of baby boomer homeowners say they'll never sell their homes, the highest percentage among all generations surveyed.

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