U.S. Army Selects EchoStar's Hughes to Deploy 5G Open RAN with RAN Intelligent Controller at Fort Bliss
EchoStar 's subsidiary Hughes Network Systems has been awarded a $6.5 million contract to deploy a 5G Open Radio Access Network (ORAN) prototype at Fort Bliss, Texas. The network will feature a RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) for testing military network applications. The prototype will initially operate as a temporary evaluation network before transitioning to support both DoD and commercial customers. Hughes will serve as prime contractor, integrating RIC with ORAN infrastructure and 5G spectrum from Boost Mobile. The project aims to test rapid spectrum changes at 5G control nodes for mobile command post communications and supports FY 2024 National Defense Authorization Act requirements.
La sussidiaria di EchoStar, Hughes Network Systems, ha ottenuto un contratto di 6,5 milioni di dollari per implementare un prototipo di rete di accesso radio 5G Open (ORAN) a Fort Bliss, Texas. La rete presenterà un RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) per testare applicazioni di rete militari. Il prototipo funzionerà inizialmente come una rete di valutazione temporanea prima di passare a sostenere sia il DoD che i clienti commerciali. Hughes fungerà da appaltatore principale, integrando il RIC con l'infrastruttura ORAN e lo spettro 5G fornito da Boost Mobile. Il progetto mira a testare cambiamenti rapidi di spettro nei nodi di controllo 5G per le comunicazioni nei posti di comando mobile e supporta i requisiti del National Defense Authorization Act per l'anno fiscale 2024.
La subsidiaria de EchoStar, Hughes Network Systems, ha sido adjudicada un contrato de 6.5 millones de dólares para desplegar un prototipo de una red de acceso radio 5G abierta (ORAN) en Fort Bliss, Texas. La red contará con un RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) para probar aplicaciones de red militar. El prototipo operará inicialmente como una red de evaluación temporal antes de pasar a dar soporte tanto al DoD como a clientes comerciales. Hughes actuará como contratista principal, integrando el RIC con la infraestructura ORAN y el espectro 5G de Boost Mobile. El proyecto tiene como objetivo probar cambios rápidos de espectro en los nodos de control 5G para las comunicaciones en puestos de mando móvil y apoya los requisitos del National Defense Authorization Act para el año fiscal 2024.
에코스타의 자회사인 휴즈 네트워크 시스템즈가 텍사스주 포트 블리스에서 5G 개방형 무선 접속 네트워크(ORAN) 프로토타입을 배포하기 위해 650만 달러 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 네트워크는 군사 네트워크 애플리케이션을 테스트하기 위한 RAN 지능형 컨트롤러(RIC)를 갖출 예정입니다. 프로토타입은 처음에는 임시 평가 네트워크로 운영되며, 이후 DoD와 상업 고객을 지원하게 됩니다. 휴즈는 RIC를 ORAN 인프라와 Boost Mobile의 5G 스펙트럼에 통합하는 주계약자로 활동합니다. 이 프로젝트는 모바일 지휘소 통신을 위한 5G 제어 노드에서의 신속한 스펙트럼 변화를 테스트하는 것을 목표로 하며, 2024 회계연도 국가 방위 승인 법안 요건을 지원합니다.
La filiale d'EchoStar, Hughes Network Systems, a obtenu un contrat de 6,5 millions de dollars pour déployer un prototype de réseau d'accès radio ouvert 5G (ORAN) à Fort Bliss, au Texas. Le réseau sera équipé d'un contrôleur intelligent de RAN (RIC) pour tester des applications de réseau militaires. Le prototype fonctionnera initialement comme un réseau d'évaluation temporaire avant de passer à un soutien pour le DoD et les clients commerciaux. Hughes agira en tant qu'entrepreneur principal en intégrant le RIC avec l'infrastructure ORAN et le spectre 5G de Boost Mobile. Le projet vise à tester des changements rapides de spectre aux nœuds de contrôle 5G pour les communications dans les postes de commandement mobiles et soutient les exigences de la Loi d'autorisation de la défense nationale pour l'exercice 2024.
Die Tochtergesellschaft von EchoStar, Hughes Network Systems, hat einen Vertrag über 6,5 Millionen Dollar erhalten, um einen Prototyp eines offenen 5G-Radiozugangsnetzwerks (ORAN) in Fort Bliss, Texas, bereitzustellen. Das Netzwerk wird einen RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) zur Testung militärischer Netzwerk-Anwendungen bieten. Der Prototyp wird zunächst als temporäres Evaluierungsnetzwerk betrieben, bevor er sowohl dem DoD als auch kommerziellen Kunden Unterstützung bietet. Hughes wird als Hauptauftragnehmer fungieren und den RIC mit der ORAN-Infrastruktur und dem 5G-Spektrum von Boost Mobile integrieren. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, schnelle Spektrumsänderungen an 5G-Kontrollknoten für die Kommunikation im mobilen Einsatzkommando zu testen und unterstützt die Anforderungen des National Defense Authorization Act für das Haushaltsjahr 2024.
- Secured new $6.5 million government contract for 5G ORAN deployment
- Project will transition to commercial network, creating additional revenue stream
- Strengthens position in government contracting with second military installation deployment
- Expands service offering through integration with Boost Mobile's 5G spectrum
- None.
The project's dual-use nature, serving both military and commercial purposes, enhances its economic viability. Building on the successful NASWI deployment, this implementation demonstrates EchoStar's growing foothold in military communications infrastructure. The focus on vendor-agnostic solutions and supply chain diversification aligns perfectly with recent defense authorization requirements, potentially positioning EchoStar for future military contracts.
The contract's strategic importance extends beyond its monetary value. By implementing Open RAN architecture with RIC, EchoStar is positioning itself at the forefront of next-generation network infrastructure. This technology allows for vendor-neutral hardware integration, potentially reducing long-term costs and increasing network flexibility. The commercial network aspect at Fort Bliss creates a sustainable revenue stream beyond the initial contract value.
The synergy between Hughes and Boost Mobile (both EchoStar subsidiaries) in this deployment demonstrates effective vertical integration, maximizing value capture across the supply chain. This project could serve as a reference model for future military-commercial hybrid networks, opening up additional revenue opportunities in both sectors.
"This contract award is an important step forward for the
Hughes will serve as the prime contractor, demonstrating, qualifying, and integrating a RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) in the test network, which will also incorporate ORAN infrastructure, engineering expertise, and 5G spectrum from Boost Mobile, another EchoStar company.
The RIC, which acts as a platform for various software applications, will allow the DoD to test various RAN applications. The primary use case that the
The scope of the Open RAN project at
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About EchoStar
EchoStar Corporation (Nasdaq: SATS) is a premier provider of technology, networking services, television entertainment and connectivity, offering consumer, enterprise, operator and government solutions worldwide under its EchoStar®, Boost Mobile®, Boost Infinite, Sling TV, DISH TV, Hughes®, Hughesnet®, HughesON™, and JUPITER™ brands. In
About Hughes
Hughes Network Systems, LLC, an EchoStar company (Nasdaq: SATS), provides broadband equipment and services; managed services featuring smart, software-defined networking; and end-to-end network operation for millions of consumers, businesses, governments, airlines, and communities worldwide. The Hughes flagship internet service, Hughesnet®, connects millions of people across the
©2024 EchoStar Corporation. Hughes, Hughesnet, DISH, and Boost Mobile are registered trademarks of one or more affiliate companies of EchoStar Corporation.
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SOURCE EchoStar Corporation