Sky Quarry Inc. Issues Annual Shareholder Letter and Corporate Update
Sky Quarry (NASDAQ: SKYQ) released its annual shareholder letter highlighting key achievements in 2024 and strategic plans for 2025. The company successfully listed on NASDAQ in October and raised $6.7M through a public offering of 1,118,005 shares. Notable accomplishments include completing a $7M investment in their PR Spring facility and making strategic improvements to the Foreland Refinery in Nevada.
The company sees significant market opportunities following the planned closure of Phillips 66's Los Angeles refinery, which could affect Nevada's fuel supply. As Nevada's sole crude oil refinery operator, Sky Quarry expects to increase production in 2025 and capture market share. The company plans to deploy its first modular ASR facility, targeting operation of five facilities within five years, while expanding its current shareholder base of approximately 10,000 investors.
Sky Quarry (NASDAQ: SKYQ) ha rilasciato la sua lettera annuale agli azionisti evidenziando i principali risultati del 2024 e i piani strategici per il 2025. L'azienda è stata quotata con successo al NASDAQ a ottobre e ha raccolto 6,7 milioni di dollari tramite un'offerta pubblica di 1.118.005 azioni. Tra i traguardi significativi c'è il completamento di un investimento di 7 milioni di dollari nella loro struttura PR Spring e miglioramenti strategici al Raffineria Foreland in Nevada.
L'azienda vede importanti opportunità di mercato seguendo la prevista chiusura della raffineria di Phillips 66 a Los Angeles, che potrebbe influenzare l'approvvigionamento di carburante per il Nevada. Essendo l'unico operatore della raffineria di petrolio greggio in Nevada, Sky Quarry si aspetta di aumentare la produzione nel 2025 e conquistare quote di mercato. L'azienda prevede di implementare la sua prima struttura ASR modulare, mirando all'operatività di cinque impianti entro cinque anni, mentre espande la sua attuale base di azionisti di circa 10.000 investitori.
Sky Quarry (NASDAQ: SKYQ) publicó su carta anual a los accionistas destacando los logros clave en 2024 y los planes estratégicos para 2025. La empresa logró enlistarse en la NASDAQ en octubre y recaudó 6,7 millones de dólares a través de una oferta pública de 1,118,005 acciones. Los logros notables incluyen la finalización de una inversión de 7 millones de dólares en su instalación PR Spring y mejoras estratégicas en la Refinería Foreland en Nevada.
La empresa ve oportunidades significativas en el mercado tras el cierre planificado de la refinería de Phillips 66 en Los Ángeles, lo que podría afectar el suministro de combustible en Nevada. Como el único operador de refinería de petróleo crudo en Nevada, Sky Quarry espera aumentar la producción en 2025 y captar participación de mercado. La empresa planea implementar su primera instalación ASR modular, con el objetivo de operar cinco instalaciones en cinco años, mientras expande su base actual de accionistas, que cuenta con aproximadamente 10,000 inversores.
Sky Quarry (NASDAQ: SKYQ)는 2024년 주요 성과와 2025년 전략 계획을 강조하는 연례 주주 서한을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 10월에 NASDAQ에 성공적으로 상장되었으며, 1,118,005주의 공모를 통해 670만 달러를 조달했습니다. 주목할 만한 성과에는 PR Spring 시설에 대한 700만 달러 투자 완료와 네바다 주의 Foreland 정유소에 대한 전략적 개선 작업이 포함됩니다.
회사는 필립스 66의 로스앤젤레스 정유소가 폐쇄될 계획에 따라 의미 있는 시장 기회를 보고 있으며, 이는 네바다의 연료 공급에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 네바다의 유일한 원유 정제소 운영자로서 Sky Quarry는 2025년에 생산을 증가하고 시장 점유율을 확보할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 첫 번째 모듈형 ASR 시설을 배치할 계획이며, 5년 이내에 5개 시설을 운영하는 것을 목표로 하며, 약 10,000명의 투자자로 구성된 현재의 주주 기반을 확대할 예정입니다.
Sky Quarry (NASDAQ: SKYQ) a publié sa lettre annuelle aux actionnaires mettant en avant les réalisations clés en 2024 et les plans stratégiques pour 2025. L’entreprise a réussi à être cotée sur le NASDAQ en octobre et a levé 6,7 millions de dollars grâce à une offre publique de 1.118.005 actions. Parmi les réalisations notables figurent l’achèvement d’un investissement de 7 millions de dollars dans leur installation PR Spring et l’amélioration stratégique de la raffinerie Foreland au Nevada.
L’entreprise voit d’importantes opportunités de marché suite à la fermeture prévue de la raffinerie de Phillips 66 à Los Angeles, ce qui pourrait affecter l’approvisionnement en carburant du Nevada. En tant que seul opérateur de raffinerie de pétrole brut du Nevada, Sky Quarry s’attend à augmenter sa production en 2025 et à capturer des parts de marché. L’entreprise prévoit de déployer sa première installation ASR modulaire, visant à faire fonctionner cinq installations dans les cinq prochaines années, tout en élargissant sa base d'actionnaires actuelle d'environ 10 000 investisseurs.
Sky Quarry (NASDAQ: SKYQ) hat seinen jährlichen Aktionärsbrief veröffentlicht, in dem die wichtigsten Erfolge im Jahr 2024 und strategische Pläne für 2025 hervorgehoben wurden. Das Unternehmen hat im Oktober erfolgreich an der NASDAQ gelistet und 6,7 Millionen Dollar durch ein öffentliches Angebot von 1.118.005 Aktien gesammelt. Zu den bemerkenswerten Erfolgen gehören die Abschluss einer 7-Millionen-Dollar-Investition in die PR Spring-Anlage und strategische Verbesserungen an der Foreland-Raffinerie in Nevada.
Das Unternehmen sieht erhebliche Marktchancen nach der geplanten Schließung der Raffinerie von Phillips 66 in Los Angeles, die die Treibstoffversorgung in Nevada beeinträchtigen könnte. Da Sky Quarry der einzige Betreiber einer Rohölraffinerie in Nevada ist, erwartet das Unternehmen, die Produktion im Jahr 2025 zu erhöhen und Marktanteile zu gewinnen. Das Unternehmen plant, seine erste modulare ASR-Anlage einzuführen und innerhalb von fünf Jahren den Betrieb von fünf Anlagen anzustreben, während es seine aktuelle Aktionärsbasis von etwa 10.000 Investoren erweitert.
- Successfully raised $6.7M through public offering
- Completed $7M investment in PR Spring facility
- Secured permit rights for 40 acres through 2055
- Strategic position as sole refinery operator in Nevada
- Expected production capacity of up to one million barrels annually
- Share price performance concerns addressed in letter
- Significant capital expenditure requirements for facility improvements
- Dependency on market conditions and regulatory changes
The annual shareholder letter reveals several critical financial developments. The company has successfully raised <money>$29.5M</money> through various funding rounds, including a <money>$6.7M</money> public offering and an <money>$18M</money> crowdfunding campaign. The <money>$7M</money> investment in PR Spring facility, coupled with <money>$1.3M</money> in improvements, positions SKYQ for significant production capacity expansion. The anticipated production of up to one million barrels of sustainable oil annually could generate substantial revenue streams, particularly given the favorable market dynamics created by Phillips 66's LA refinery closure.
The strategic timing of these developments, coinciding with California's refinery market disruption, presents a unique opportunity for margin expansion. As Nevada's sole crude oil refinery operator, SKYQ is positioned to capture market share in a supply-constrained environment, potentially leading to improved pricing power and profitability.
The planned closure of Phillips 66's 140,000 bbl/day Los Angeles refinery creates a significant supply gap in the Western fuel market. With California currently supplying 150,000 barrels daily to Nevada, this disruption could reshape regional fuel dynamics. SKYQ's Foreland Refinery, being one of only 10 new refineries built in the US since 1990, gains strategic importance despite its smaller size.
The company's integrated approach, combining waste asphalt shingle recycling with refining capabilities, offers a unique value proposition in a market facing capacity constraints. The extended right-of-way permit through 2055 provides long-term operational security, while the planned modular ASR facilities could create a sustainable feedstock advantage in an increasingly environmentally conscious market.
Unveils Strategic Plans to Capitalize on Emerging Opportunities in California's Evolving Oil Market
WOODS CROSS, Utah, Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sky Quarry Inc. (NASDAQ: SKYQ) ("Sky Quarry" or “Company"), an integrated energy solutions company committed to revolutionizing the waste asphalt shingle recycling industry, released a letter to shareholders from Sky Quarry management. The letter provides insights into the Company’s performance, key achievements of 2024, and its strategic focus as it navigates recent market developments.
Dear Shareholders,
2024 has been transformative for Sky Quarry, with significant achievements shaping the future of our Company. Since our founding in 2019, our mission to transform waste asphalt shingles into valuable, sustainable resources has been the driving force behind everything we do.
Before we dive into our recap and key highlights for the year, we want to address a significant development in California’s oil and refinery market, one we believe could positively impact Sky Quarry in 2025 and contribute to our future growth.
Recent proposed legislative changes affecting California’s oil refineries, including the planned closure of Phillips 66’s 140,000 bbl/day Los Angeles refinery, are expected to drive a significant shift in regional fuel supply, indicating a tight market and potential shortages of product. Since California provides over 150,000 barrels a day of fuel to Nevada, Sky Quarry sees a significant market opportunity and believes that by capitalizing on it, we can solidify our position as a key player in the Western fuel market.
As the sole crude oil refinery operator in Nevada, our strategically located facility is poised to provide the market additional refining capacity. Free from the stringent restrictions faced by California-based refineries, our production is expected to increase in 2025 and amid the anticipated reduction in supply within the Nevada market, we believe we are well-positioned to capture market share and achieve higher refining margins driven by regional scarcity.
2024 Initiatives Accomplished
In 2024, we made meaningful progress which underscores the strength of our vision and mission, highlighted by our NASDAQ listing on October 10th. Our entry into the public markets serves multiple purposes, including the ability to raise capital for expansion and growth, enhance our visibility across the industries of Energy, Waste Technologies, and Renewables, and to attract a broader base of investors who share our vision for a sustainable future.
Additionally, we successfully completed a public offering, raising
The year 2024 also marks the successful completion of our 2024 capital expenditure (CapEx) program for PR Spring, our flagship hydrocarbon extraction facility. As a critical component for our waste-to-energy initiatives, this facility will connect our upstream and downstream operations, supplying sustainably produced heavy crude oil to our Foreland Refinery, which we anticipate will significantly enhance production capacity.
To date, we have invested a total of
In anticipation of the completion of PR Spring and expected influx of sustainably produced oil it will bring; we made key strategic improvements to our Foreland Refinery in Nevada to optimize its production capacity. This involved an overhaul of the primary and secondary boilers, and the completion of 24 work packages. Additionally, we received the permit grants for the right-of-way on public lands covering 40 acres, with an operational term extending through December 31, 2055. These upgrades will significantly improve our production capacity, which we expect to produce up to one million barrels of sustainable oil annually.
Looking Ahead to 2025
We believe 2025 will be a milestone year of major growth for Sky Quarry and as we prepare for the coming year, we remain steadfast in our commitment to building this Company into a leader in the waste asphalt shingle recycling sector.
Market Performance
We believe it’s important to address concerns regarding our market performance and share price. Management is actively working to bring awareness to the investing community through a variety of strategic investor relations efforts, both domestically and in the European market, with a goal of building a vibrant public investor base and expanding our approximate 10,000 shareholders. The Company is also beginning discussions to broaden the shareholder base to include additional institutional investors that share our long-term vision to help the US economy transition to sustainable fuel consumption and sustainable feedstock for the asphalt roofing shingle industry.
Production and Sales Growth
Looking ahead, we expect strong growth as our refinery asset improvements increase production, and our direct consumer sales and marketing efforts continue to perform. With the heavy oil produced at PR Spring set to be refined at our refinery we anticipate even greater production levels with increasing revenues and cash flow in the coming year.
Modular ASR Facility
We are on track to deploy our first modular ASR facility, bringing us closer to our goal of operating five facilities within the next five years. These modular facilities will form the upstream component of Sky Quarry’s operations, providing feedstock to our PR Spring facility in Utah.
Engineered for scalability and cost efficiency, these units are expected to provide a steady supply of waste asphalt shingles while producing sellable byproducts, such as sand and granules, for local and regional markets, expanding our market reach and strengthening our value proposition.
Market Opportunities
As mentioned above, we plan to capitalize on emerging market opportunities such as the planned closure of the Phillips 66 refinery in late 2025. Responsible for
According to the US Energy Information Administration, the Foreland refinery is one of just 10 new refineries built in the United States since 1990 and while it is a small facility its location makes it an important refinery for the western half of the US.
A Heartfelt Thanks to Our Shareholders
The Sky Quarry team is more energized than ever about the possibilities and potential of Sky Quarry. We truly believe that our mission can make a significant impact on the future of sustainability, and that the world needs a company like ours. We sincerely thank our shareholders for their unwavering support and belief in our vision. Your confidence has empowered us to achieve meaningful milestones this year and we are excited to continue delivering value as we work together to build a more sustainable future.
From all of us at Sky Quarry, we wish you a joyous holiday season and a prosperous New Year.
David Sealock, CEO
About Sky Quarry Inc.
Sky Quarry Inc. (NASDAQ: SKYQ) and its subsidiaries are, collectively, an oil production, refining, and a development-stage environmental remediation company formed to deploy technologies to facilitate the recycling of waste asphalt shingles and remediation of oil-saturated sands and soils. Our waste-to-energy mission is to repurpose and upcycle millions of tons of asphalt shingle waste, diverting them from landfills. By doing so, we can contribute to improved waste management, promote resource efficiency, conserve natural resources, and reduce environmental impact. For more information, please visit
Forward-Looking Statements
This shareholder communication may include ''forward-looking statements.'' All statements pertaining to our future financial and/or operating results, future events, or future developments may constitute forward-looking statements. The statements may be identified by words such as “expect,” “look forward to,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “seek,” “estimate,” “will,” “project,” or words of similar meaning. Such statements are based on the current expectations and certain assumptions of our management, of which many are beyond our control. These are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and factors, including but not limited to those described in our disclosures. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize or should underlying expectations not occur or assumptions prove incorrect, actual results, performance, or our achievements may (negatively or positively) vary materially from those described explicitly or implicitly in the relevant forward-looking statement. We neither intend, nor assume any obligation, to update or revise these forward-looking statements in light of developments which differ from those anticipated. You are urged to carefully review and consider any cautionary statements and the Company’s other disclosures, including the statements made under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the Company’s Form 1-A offering statement filed with the SEC. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of the document in which they are contained.
Investor Relations
Chris Tyson
Executive Vice President
MZ Group - MZ North America
Corporate Contact
Jennifer Standley
Director Of Investor Relations

What was Sky Quarry's (SKYQ) total fundraising amount in 2024?
When did Sky Quarry (SKYQ) list on NASDAQ?
How much has Sky Quarry (SKYQ) invested in its PR Spring facility?
What is Sky Quarry's (SKYQ) expected annual production capacity?
How many modular ASR facilities does Sky Quarry (SKYQ) plan to operate?