ScottsMiracle-Gro Associates' Teamwork for Cancer Research

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ScottsMiracle-Gro associates are preparing for Pelotonia, a bike ride event in central Ohio to raise funds for cancer research. The company has participated since 2010, raising over $3 million. Riders commit to raising $1,250 or more each, with 100% of funds supporting cancer research at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center (OSUCCC).

Key points:

  • Team ScottsMiracle-Gro will ride 20 to 190 miles
  • The event is not a race but a community ride
  • One associate has raised over $50K in 12 years
  • Funds support new studies at OSUCCC, including immunotherapy for breast cancer and targeted therapy for brain tumors
  • The fundraising deadline is in October

I collaboratori di ScottsMiracle-Gro si stanno preparando per Pelotonia, un evento di ciclismo nell'Ohio centrale per raccogliere fondi per la ricerca sul cancro. L'azienda partecipa dal 2010, raccogliendo oltre 3 milioni di dollari. I ciclisti si impegnano a raccogliere $1.250 o più ciascuno, con il 100% dei fondi a sostegno della ricerca sul cancro presso il Comprehensive Cancer Center (OSUCCC) dell'Università dello Stato dell'Ohio.

Punti chiave:

  • Il Team ScottsMiracle-Gro percorrerà tra 20 e 190 miglia
  • L'evento non è una gara, ma una corsa comunitaria
  • Un collaboratore ha raccolto oltre $50K in 12 anni
  • I fondi sosterranno nuovi studi presso l'OSUCCC, inclusa l'immunoterapia per il cancro al seno e la terapia mirata per i tumori cerebrali
  • La scadenza per la raccolta fondi è a ottobre

Los asociados de ScottsMiracle-Gro se están preparando para Pelotonia, un evento de ciclismo en el centro de Ohio para recaudar fondos para la investigación contra el cáncer. La empresa ha participado desde 2010, recaudando más de $3 millones. Los ciclistas se comprometen a recaudar $1,250 o más cada uno, con el 100% de los fondos destinados a la investigación del cáncer en el Comprehensive Cancer Center (OSUCCC) de la Universidad Estatal de Ohio.

Puntos clave:

  • El equipo de ScottsMiracle-Gro recorrerá entre 20 y 190 millas
  • El evento no es una carrera, sino un paseo comunitario
  • Un asociado ha recaudado más de $50K en 12 años
  • Los fondos apoyarán nuevos estudios en OSUCCC, incluyendo inmunoterapia para el cáncer de mama y terapia dirigida para tumores cerebrales
  • La fecha límite para recaudar fondos es en octubre

ScottsMiracle-Gro의 직원들은 암 연구를 위한 기금을 모으기 위해 오하이오 중부에서 자전거를 타는 행사인 Pelotonia를 준비하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 2010년부터 참가해 300만 달러 이상을 모금했습니다. 라이더들은 각자 $1,250 이상을 모금하는 것에 동의합니다, 기금의 100%는 오하이오주립대학교 종합암센터(OSUCCC)에서 암 연구를 지원합니다.

주요 사항:

  • ScottsMiracle-Gro 팀은 20~190마일을 주행합니다
  • 이 행사는 경주가 아니라 커뮤니티 라이딩입니다
  • 한 직원이 12년 동안 $50K 이상을 모금했습니다
  • 기금은 OSUCCC에서 유방암 면역요법 및 뇌종양 표적요법을 포함한 새로운 연구를 지원합니다
  • 모금 마감일은 10월입니다

Les associés de ScottsMiracle-Gro se préparent pour Pelotonia, un événement de cyclisme dans le centre de l'Ohio afin de collecter des fonds pour la recherche sur le cancer. L'entreprise participe depuis 2010, ayant levé plus de 3 millions de dollars. Les cyclistes s'engagent à collecter 1 250 $ ou plus chacun, avec 100 % des fonds soutenant la recherche sur le cancer au Comprehensive Cancer Center (OSUCCC) de l'Université d'État de l'Ohio.

Points clés :

  • L'équipe ScottsMiracle-Gro parcourra entre 20 et 190 miles
  • L'événement n'est pas une course mais une balade communautaire
  • Un associé a levé plus de 50 000 $ en 12 ans
  • Les fonds soutiennent de nouvelles études à l'OSUCCC, y compris l'immunothérapie pour le cancer du sein et la thérapie ciblée pour les tumeurs cérébrales
  • La date limite de collecte de fonds est en octobre

Die Mitarbeiter von ScottsMiracle-Gro bereiten sich auf Pelotonia vor, eine Fahrradtour in Zentral-Ohio zur Sammlung von Geldern für die Krebsforschung. Das Unternehmen nimmt seit 2010 teil und hat über 3 Millionen Dollar gesammelt. Die Fahrer verpflichten sich, mindestens 1.250 $ zu sammeln, wobei 100 % der Mittel die Krebsforschung am Comprehensive Cancer Center (OSUCCC) der Ohio State University unterstützen.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Das Team ScottsMiracle-Gro wird zwischen 20 und 190 Meilen fahren
  • Die Veranstaltung ist kein Rennen, sondern eine Gemeinschaftsfahrt
  • Ein Mitarbeiter hat in 12 Jahren über 50.000 $ gesammelt
  • Die Mittel unterstützen neue Studien am OSUCCC, einschließlich Immuntherapie für Brustkrebs und gezielte Therapie für Hirntumoren
  • Die Frist für die Mittelbeschaffung ist im Oktober
  • ScottsMiracle-Gro has raised over $3 million for cancer research since 2010
  • 100% of funds raised go directly to cancer research at OSUCCC
  • The company demonstrates corporate social responsibility through employee engagement in charitable activities
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 24, 2024 / ScottsMiracle-Gro

By Dianna Caspary

Pelotonia is almost here, and Team ScottsMiracle-Gro will be pedaling their bikes 20 to 190 miles through central Ohio. It's all about associate teamwork for cancer research. We have been participating in Pelotonia since 2010, and there are a couple of frequently asked questions that we have gotten over the years…

  • The question: Are bike seats comfortable?

  • The answer: No, they're not!


There is a lot of training involved in order to go the distance on Ride Weekend. Getting used to the bike seat is part of that training.

Pelotonia is not a race, though. It's a community ride, and everyone goes at their own pace. For most of us, it's the farthest distance we'll ever ride.

We raise awareness about cancer research, and each person commits to raising $1,250 or more.

  • The question: Is that a lot of money for one person to raise?

  • The answer: Yes, it is!


It's scary to commit to raising that amount of money, but the money doesn't go to us. We raise funds for cancer research, and we have veteran Riders who do it year after year. One of our associates has raised over $50K for Pelotonia in the past 12 years.

Together, we have raised over $3 million since joining the ride in 2010, and our team greatly appreciates the support from the company and from our coworkers.

100% of the funds raised by participants directly supports cancer research at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center (OSUCCC), known as The James.

  • The question: Do other states benefit from cancer research in Ohio?

  • The answer: Yes, they do!


Cancer research at OSUCCC is shared and has a far-reaching impact.

In July 2023, Pelotonia announced: Five new studies underway at Ohio State with support from Pelotonia. Immunotherapy treatments for breast cancer, targeted therapy for the most aggressive form of brain tumor and addressing depression among lung cancer survivors are among the topics tackled in new studies supported with funds from Pelotonia.

If you'd like to help us save more lives, our fundraising deadline is in October, so there's plenty of time!

Visit our team fundraising page and make a donation to our general fund. Thank you to all of our associates and family members who support the cause.

About ScottsMiracle-Gro
With approximately $3.6 billion in sales, the Company is the world's largest marketer of branded consumer products for lawn and garden care. The Company's brands are among the most recognized in the industry. The Company's Scotts®, Miracle-Gro®, and Ortho® brands are market-leading in their categories. The Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, The Hawthorne Gardening Company, is a leading provider of nutrients, lighting, and other materials used in the indoor and hydroponic growing segment. For additional information, visit us at

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Contact Info:
Spokesperson: ScottsMiracle-Gro

SOURCE: ScottsMiracle-Gro

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How much does each ScottsMiracle-Gro (SMG) associate commit to raise for Pelotonia?

Each ScottsMiracle-Gro associate commits to raising $1,250 or more for the Pelotonia cancer research fundraiser.

When is the fundraising deadline for ScottsMiracle-Gro's (SMG) Pelotonia team in 2024?

The fundraising deadline for ScottsMiracle-Gro's Pelotonia team is in October 2024.

How much has ScottsMiracle-Gro (SMG) raised for Pelotonia since 2010?

ScottsMiracle-Gro has raised over $3 million for Pelotonia since joining the ride in 2010.

What distance will ScottsMiracle-Gro (SMG) associates ride in Pelotonia 2024?

ScottsMiracle-Gro associates will ride between 20 to 190 miles through central Ohio for Pelotonia 2024.

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