ScottsMiracle-Gro: Making an Impact on and off the Field
ScottsMiracle-Gro and Every Kid Sports partnership has made significant impact in Phoenix, Columbus, and Philadelphia communities. The initiative helped 408 kids from income-restricted families participate in grass sports including football, cheer, soccer, baseball, softball, track & field, and flag football during Fall 2024.
The program provides financial assistance by covering registration fees, enabling children to participate in sports activities on natural green spaces. Several parents shared testimonials about how the program has positively impacted their children's lives, particularly during challenging financial circumstances.
La partnership tra ScottsMiracle-Gro e Every Kid Sports ha avuto un impatto significativo nelle comunità di Phoenix, Columbus e Philadelphia. L'iniziativa ha aiutato 408 bambini provenienti da famiglie a basso reddito a partecipare a sport di squadra, tra cui calcio, cheerleading, calcio, baseball, softball, atletica leggera e football a bandiera durante l'autunno 2024.
Il programma fornisce assistenza finanziaria coprendo le tasse di registrazione, permettendo ai bambini di partecipare ad attività sportive in spazi verdi naturali. Alcuni genitori hanno condiviso testimonianze su come il programma abbia avuto un impatto positivo sulla vita dei loro figli, specialmente in tempi di difficoltà finanziaria.
La asociación entre ScottsMiracle-Gro y Every Kid Sports ha tenido un impacto significativo en las comunidades de Phoenix, Columbus y Filadelfia. La iniciativa ayudó a 408 niños de familias con ingresos limitados a participar en deportes de campo, incluyendo fútbol, porras, fútbol, béisbol, softbol, atletismo y fútbol bandera durante el otoño de 2024.
El programa ofrece asistencia financiera cubriendo las tarifas de inscripción, lo que permite a los niños participar en actividades deportivas en espacios verdes naturales. Varios padres compartieron testimonios sobre cómo el programa ha impactado positivamente la vida de sus hijos, especialmente en circunstancias financieras difíciles.
ScottsMiracle-Gro와 Every Kid Sports의 파트너십은 피닉스, 콜럼버스, 필라델피아 지역 사회에 중요한 영향을 미쳤습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 408명의 어린이가 낮은 소득의 가정에서 풀이 있는 스포츠에 참여하도록 도왔으며, 여기에는 축구, 치어리딩, 축구, 야구, 소프트볼, 육상 및 깃발 축구가 포함되어 있습니다. 2024년 가을에 이루어졌습니다.
이 프로그램은 등록비를 지원하여 어린이들이 자연 녹지에서 스포츠 활동에 참여할 수 있도록 재정적 지원을 제공합니다. 몇몇 부모들은 프로그램이 재정적으로 힘든 상황에서도 자녀의 삶에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다는 후기를 공유했습니다.
Le partenariat entre ScottsMiracle-Gro et Every Kid Sports a eu un impact significatif dans les communautés de Phoenix, Columbus et Philadelphie. L'initiative a aidé 408 enfants issus de familles à revenus modestes à participer à des sports de plein air, notamment le football, le cheerleading, le soccer, le baseball, le softball, l'athlétisme et le football avec drapeau pendant l'automne 2024.
Le programme fournit une assistance financière en prenant en charge les frais d'inscription, permettant ainsi aux enfants de participer à des activités sportives dans des espaces verts naturels. Plusieurs parents ont partagé des témoignages sur la manière dont le programme a eu un impact positif sur la vie de leurs enfants, en particulier dans des circonstances financières difficiles.
Die Partnerschaft zwischen ScottsMiracle-Gro und Every Kid Sports hat signifikante Auswirkungen auf die Gemeinschaften in Phoenix, Columbus und Philadelphia gehabt. Die Initiative hat 408 Kindern aus einkommensschwachen Familien geholfen, an verschiedenen Sportarten wie Fußball, Cheerleading, Fußball, Baseball, Softball, Leichtathletik und Flag Football im Herbst 2024 teilzunehmen.
Das Programm bietet finanzielle Unterstützung, indem die Anmeldegebühren übernommen werden, wodurch es den Kindern ermöglicht wird, an sportlichen Aktivitäten in natürlichen Grünflächen teilzunehmen. Einige Eltern teilten Erfahrungsberichte darüber, wie das Programm das Leben ihrer Kinder, insbesondere in schwierigen finanziellen Zeiten, positiv beeinflusst hat.
- Successfully enabled 408 children from income-restricted families to participate in sports programs
- Expanded market presence and brand visibility in Phoenix, Columbus, and Philadelphia communities
- None.
By Kenny Dieglio
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / December 10, 2024 / Earlier this year, we announced a new partnership between Scotts and Every Kid Sports, with the goal of providing expanded access to natural green spaces. While the partnership is still in its early stages, we're sharing the meaningful impact the partnership is already making in the Phoenix, Columbus and Philadelphia communities.
What it means to families
"This is my daughter's first year of cheerleading for football and she loves it. If it was not for this program, I don't know how I would have made my little girl's dreams come true. She is excited to try a new sport and dreams of being a doctor someday." - Tamara, mom
"Both Marc's father and I were laid off in April of last year. This amazing program has given the opportunity to receive a grant. I know my son is grateful and keeping him out of the streets and focused on something he loves that helps him grow is more than I can dream. Thank you for this amazing opportunity!" - Jessica, mom
"My 5-year-old has watched football since he was 3-years-old and always wanted to play. Every Kid Sports made sure of that this year by paying half of his registration fee! We are forever grateful! He is excited to have fun and further his athletic ability and skills!" - Azj, mom
Fall 2024, by the numbers
In total, 408 kids from income-restricted families got the opportunity to play grass sports in the Phoenix, Columbus and Philadelphia areas. Sports supported include football, cheer, soccer, baseball, softball, track & field and flag football. We look forward to connecting more kids to playing sports when the spring 2025 season gets underway.
This partnership exemplifies what it means to GroMoreGood in our communities. The teamwork between Every Kid Sports and Scotts is off to a great start by getting more kids outside and playing on natural green spaces.
About ScottsMiracle-Gro
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SOURCE: ScottsMiracle-Gro
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How many children did ScottsMiracle-Gro (SMG) help through Every Kid Sports program in Fall 2024?
Which cities are part of ScottsMiracle-Gro's (SMG) Every Kid Sports partnership?