Snowflake Launches One Million Minds + One Platform Program, Investing $20 Million Toward AI Upskilling
Snowflake (NYSE: SNOW) has announced its One Million Minds + One Platform program, backed by a $20 million investment. The initiative aims to train and certify over 100,000 users on the Snowflake AI Data Cloud by 2027 and upskill one million people on data and AI by 2029, all at no cost to learners.
The program focuses on two main areas: Snowflake for Academia, providing students with free access to software and training materials, and Snowflake Training for High Growth and Emerging Markets, offering platform training across various regions including ASEAN, Canada, Germany, India, Korea, LATAM, and Saudi Arabia.
The initiative responds to workforce concerns, as a 2024 Gallup poll shows 22% of workers fear job obsolescence due to AI advancement, while 72% of Fortune 500 CHROs anticipate AI replacing some jobs within three years. The new SnowPro Platform Associate Certification will be available from February 2025.
Snowflake (NYSE: SNOW) ha annunciato il suo programma One Million Minds + One Platform, supportato da un investimento di 20 milioni di dollari. L'iniziativa mira a formare e certificare oltre 100.000 utenti sulla Snowflake AI Data Cloud entro il 2027 e a riqualificare un milione di persone su dati e intelligenza artificiale entro il 2029, tutto senza alcun costo per i partecipanti.
Il programma si concentra su due aree principali: Snowflake for Academia, che offre agli studenti accesso gratuito al software e ai materiali di formazione, e Snowflake Training for High Growth and Emerging Markets, che fornisce formazione sulla piattaforma in varie regioni tra cui ASEAN, Canada, Germania, India, Corea, LATAM e Arabia Saudita.
L'iniziativa risponde alle preoccupazioni del mercato del lavoro, poiché un sondaggio Gallup del 2024 mostra che il 22% dei lavoratori teme la perdita del lavoro a causa dei progressi dell'IA, mentre il 72% dei CHRO delle Fortune 500 prevede che l'IA sostituirà alcuni posti di lavoro entro tre anni. La nuova SnowPro Platform Associate Certification sarà disponibile da febbraio 2025.
Snowflake (NYSE: SNOW) ha anunciado su programa One Million Minds + One Platform, respaldado por una inversión de 20 millones de dólares. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo capacitar y certificar a más de 100,000 usuarios en la Nube de Datos de IA de Snowflake para 2027 y mejorar las habilidades de un millón de personas en datos e IA para 2029, todo sin costo para los aprendices.
El programa se enfoca en dos áreas principales: Snowflake for Academia, que proporciona a los estudiantes acceso gratuito a software y materiales de capacitación, y Snowflake Training for High Growth and Emerging Markets, que ofrece capacitación en la plataforma en diversas regiones, incluyendo ASEAN, Canadá, Alemania, India, Corea, LATAM y Arabia Saudita.
La iniciativa responde a las preocupaciones sobre la fuerza laboral, ya que una encuesta de Gallup de 2024 muestra que el 22% de los trabajadores teme la obsolescencia laboral debido a los avances de la IA, mientras que el 72% de los CHRO de Fortune 500 anticipan que la IA reemplazará algunos empleos en tres años. La nueva SnowPro Platform Associate Certification estará disponible a partir de febrero de 2025.
눈송이 (NYSE: SNOW)는 백만 마음 + 하나의 플랫폼 프로그램을 발표했으며, 이는 2천만 달러의 투자를 지원받고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 2027년까지 100,000명 이상의 사용자를 Snowflake AI 데이터 클라우드에서 교육 및 인증하고, 2029년까지 데이터 및 AI에 대해 백만 명의 기술을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하며, 학습자에게는 비용이 발생하지 않습니다.
이 프로그램은 두 가지 주요 영역에 중점을 둡니다: 학계를 위한 Snowflake는 학생들에게 소프트웨어 및 교육 자료에 대한 무료 접근을 제공하고, 고성장 및 신흥 시장을 위한 Snowflake 교육는 ASEAN, 캐나다, 독일, 인도, 한국, LATAM, 사우디 아라비아를 포함한 다양한 지역에서 플랫폼 교육을 제공합니다.
이 이니셔티브는 인력에 대한 우려에 대응합니다. 2024년 갤럽 조사에 따르면, 22%의 근로자가 AI 발전으로 인해 일자리가 사라질 것을 우려하고 있으며, 72%의 Fortune 500 CHRO는 3년 이내에 AI가 일부 직업을 대체할 것을 예상하고 있습니다. 새로운 SnowPro Platform Associate Certification은 2025년 2월부터 제공될 예정입니다.
Snowflake (NYSE: SNOW) a annoncé son programme One Million Minds + One Platform, soutenu par un investissement de 20 millions de dollars. L'initiative vise à former et certifier plus de 100 000 utilisateurs sur le Snowflake AI Data Cloud d'ici 2027 et à améliorer les compétences d'un million de personnes en données et IA d'ici 2029, le tout sans frais pour les apprenants.
Le programme est axé sur deux domaines principaux : Snowflake for Academia, offrant aux étudiants un accès gratuit au logiciel et aux supports de formation, et Snowflake Training for High Growth and Emerging Markets, proposant une formation sur la plateforme dans diverses régions, y compris l'ASEAN, le Canada, l'Allemagne, l'Inde, la Corée, l'Amérique latine et l'Arabie saoudite.
L'initiative répond aux préoccupations concernant la main-d'œuvre, car un sondage Gallup de 2024 montre que 22 % des travailleurs craignent la disparition de leur emploi en raison des avancées de l'IA, tandis que 72 % des CHRO des entreprises du Fortune 500 prévoient que l'IA remplacera certains emplois dans les trois ans. La nouvelle SnowPro Platform Associate Certification sera disponible à partir de février 2025.
Snowflake (NYSE: SNOW) hat sein One Million Minds + One Platform Programm angekündigt, unterstützt durch eine 20-Millionen-Dollar-Investition. Das Ziel der Initiative ist es, bis 2027 über 100.000 Benutzer in der Snowflake AI Data Cloud zu schulen und zu zertifizieren und bis 2029 eine Million Menschen in Daten und KI weiterzubilden, alles ohne Kosten für die Lernenden.
Das Programm konzentriert sich auf zwei Hauptbereiche: Snowflake for Academia, das Studenten kostenlosen Zugang zu Software und Schulungsmaterialien bietet, und Snowflake Training for High Growth and Emerging Markets, das Schulungen zur Plattform in verschiedenen Regionen, einschließlich ASEAN, Kanada, Deutschland, Indien, Korea, LATAM und Saudi-Arabien, anbietet.
Die Initiative reagiert auf Bedenken in Bezug auf die Arbeitskräfte, da eine Gallup-Umfrage aus dem Jahr 2024 zeigt, dass 22% der Arbeitnehmer Angst vor der Obsoleszenz ihres Jobs aufgrund des Fortschritts der KI haben, während 72% der CHROs der Fortune 500 erwarten, dass KI innerhalb von drei Jahren einige Jobs ersetzen wird. Die neue SnowPro Platform Associate Certification wird ab Februar 2025 verfügbar sein.
- $20 million investment in AI education and workforce development
- Free training and certification program for 100,000 users by 2027
- Global expansion into high-growth markets
- Strategic positioning in AI/ML education sector
- None.
The program's ambitious goal to train 1 million people by 2029 could significantly expand Snowflake's ecosystem and market penetration, particularly in high-growth markets. This initiative essentially creates a talent pipeline that could drive increased enterprise adoption of Snowflake's platform, as companies will have access to a larger pool of qualified professionals.
The timing aligns with escalating demand for AI and data skills, potentially strengthening Snowflake's competitive position against rivals like Amazon Redshift and Google BigQuery. The focus on emerging markets suggests a calculated move to capture market share in regions with high growth potential.
The comprehensive curriculum structure and certification pathway demonstrate a well-designed educational framework. The inclusion of both theoretical knowledge and hands-on platform experience through Snowflake Notebooks and practical data management tools addresses the full spectrum of learning needs.
The February 2025 launch of the SnowPro Platform Associate Certification creates a clear value proposition for participants. The program's no-cost model removes financial barriers to entry, while the partnership with academic institutions provides important institutional credibility and sustainable distribution channels.
The dual focus on academia and workforce development, coupled with region-specific training delivery, suggests a scalable and adaptable education model. This approach could create a sustainable talent ecosystem that benefits both Snowflake and the broader tech industry.
Global program aims to train and certify one million students and business professionals in high-growth and emerging markets by 2029 on Snowflake AI Data Cloud, arming them with the knowledge and resources to pursue and expand careers in the tech industry

Snowflake Launches One Million Minds + One Platform Program, Investing
According to a 2024 Gallup poll, 22 percent of workers express concern that their jobs will become obsolete as a result of technology advancements like generative AI. The same study found that 72 percent of Fortune 500 CHROs foresee AI replacing some jobs within their organization in the next three years. In order to remain competitive in today’s rapidly evolving and highly competitive job market, workers must build and expand their skill set with the latest technologies to set themselves apart and deliver valuable expertise to the startups and enterprises of the future.
“To succeed in this digital age, every employee must be equipped with the skills that enable them to contribute in a data and AI-centric world,” said Sridhar Ramaswamy, CEO of Snowflake. “This requires that AI must not only be accessible for users at every skill level, but that users also have knowledge of how these applications work across the data lifecycle, as well as how to best engage with them. Through our investment, Snowflake is giving academic institutions and workers in regions around the world the tools and training to build successful careers as the technologists and founders of tomorrow.”
One Million Minds + One Platform seeks to address the needs of students and workers looking to both build, as well as expand their skill sets and become certified on the Snowflake AI Data Cloud platform. The program has two primary focuses:
Snowflake for Academia
To empower the next generation of AI, data, and application professionals, Snowflake is providing students with free access to Snowflake software, training materials, as well as industry leading data curriculum and training for educators. Today, the Snowflake for Academia program provides educators with enablement courses to get them certified on Snowflake and ready to teach in the classroom. Once certified, they receive teaching curriculum materials ranging from foundational courses to advanced self-paced tutorials, which include Academia Lab access for the entirety of the semester at no cost.
“The role of academia is to expose students to the various kinds of people, tools, and technologies they’ll encounter in the real world,” said Nate Crawford, Software Engineering & Data Science Faculty, University of
Within the next year, Snowflake intends to more than double the total enrollment of educators and academic institutions around the world who teach, train, and ultimately certify students on the Snowflake platform.
Snowflake Training for High Growth and Emerging Markets
Snowflake will deliver new Snowflake Platform Trainings designed for individuals with limited experience using Snowflake and looking to accelerate their knowledge with the AI Data Cloud to workers and students across ASEAN,
Snowflake-certified instructors will take program enlistees through the AI Data Cloud architecture, including data warehousing, data lakes, data engineering, AI/ML, data applications, and data sharing. Once completed, students can achieve certification by successfully completing the SnowPro Platform Associate Certification, available starting February 2025, to validate their newly acquired skills, including how to:
- Setup and navigate the Snowflake user interface and Snowflake Notebooks
- Create database, stages, and use compute resources
- Load and leverage structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data
- Understand Snowflake roles, and data access management
- Understand and manage the Snowflake Account structure
- Call the Snowflake Cortex LLM functions
The One Million Minds + One Platform program is only one part of Snowflake’s broader education and upskilling strategy. Snowflake University offers instructor-led, on-demand, self-directed courses that have helped hundreds of thousands of data professionals accelerate their data initiatives, whether they’re just getting started or driving advanced data projects.
Learn More:
- Academic institutions and educators interested in teaching Snowflake in their classrooms can request access to training here.
- Register for Snowflake University to get started on the learning journey here.
- Stay on top of the latest news and announcements from Snowflake on LinkedIn and Twitter / X.
About Snowflake
Snowflake makes enterprise AI easy, efficient and trusted. More than 10,000 companies around the globe, including hundreds of the world’s largest, use Snowflake’s AI Data Cloud to share data, build applications, and power their business with AI. The era of enterprise AI is here. Learn more at (NYSE: SNOW).
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Media Contacts
Danica Stanczak
Global Corporate Communications, Snowflake
Source: Snowflake Inc.
What is Snowflake's $20 million One Million Minds program and when does it start?
When will SNOW's SnowPro Platform Associate Certification become available?
Which countries are included in Snowflake's (SNOW) training program?
What skills will students learn through Snowflake's (SNOW) training program?