Nouriel Roubini and Atlas Capital Team Launch the Atlas America Fund on US Nasdaq (Ticker: USAF)
Atlas Capital Team and economist Nouriel Roubini have launched the Atlas America Fund (Ticker: USAF) on Nasdaq, marking Roubini's first venture into the ETF market. The actively-managed ETF combines US Treasury bonds, gold, REITs, and food commodities, designed to provide inflation-hedged benefits and address treasury market needs.
The fund aims to offer a resilient alternative to traditional 60/40 portfolios by adjusting allocations based on growth and inflation trends. Launched with support from the Goldman Sachs ETF Accelerator, USAF targets both institutional and retail investors, focusing on maintaining optimal exposure to asset classes that have shown resilience in shifting market conditions.
Il Team di Atlas Capital e l'economista Nouriel Roubini hanno lanciato il Fondo Atlas America (Ticker: USAF) su Nasdaq, segnando la prima avventura di Roubini nel mercato degli ETF. Questo ETF gestito attivamente combina obbligazioni del Tesoro statunitensi, oro, REIT e materie prime alimentari, progettato per fornire benefici contro l'inflazione e soddisfare le esigenze del mercato del tesoro.
Il fondo mira a offrire un'alternativa resiliente ai tradizionali portafogli 60/40, adattando le allocazioni basate su tendenze di crescita e inflazione. Lanciato con il supporto di Goldman Sachs ETF Accelerator, l'USAF si rivolge sia agli investitori istituzionali che a quelli al dettaglio, concentrandosi sul mantenimento di un'esposizione ottimale a classi di attivi che hanno dimostrato resilienza in condizioni di mercato in evoluzione.
El Equipo de Atlas Capital y el economista Nouriel Roubini han lanzado el Fondo Atlas América (Ticker: USAF) en Nasdaq, marcando la primera incursión de Roubini en el mercado de ETFs. Este ETF gestionado de manera activa combina bonos del Tesoro de EE. UU., oro, REITs y productos básicos alimentarios, diseñado para proporcionar beneficios contra la inflación y satisfacer las necesidades del mercado del tesoro.
El fondo busca ofrecer una alternativa resistente a las tradicionales carteras 60/40, ajustando las asignaciones en función de las tendencias de crecimiento e inflación. Lanzado con el apoyo del Goldman Sachs ETF Accelerator, el USAF está dirigido tanto a inversores institucionales como minoristas, con un enfoque en mantener una exposición óptima a clases de activos que han demostrado resistencia en condiciones de mercado cambiantes.
아틀라스 캐피탈 팀과 경제학자 누리엘 루비니는 나스닥에서 아틀라스 아메리카 펀드(틱커: USAF)를 출시하였으며, 이는 루비니가 ETF 시장에 처음 발을 들인 것입니다. 이 능동적으로 관리되는 ETF는 미국 국채, 금, REITs 및 식료품 원자재를 결합하여 인플레이션 헤지를 제공하고 국채 시장의 요구를 충족하도록 설계되었습니다.
이 펀드는 성장 및 인플레이션 추세에 따라 할당을 조정하여 전통적인 60/40 포트폴리오에 대한 회복력 있는 대안을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 골드만 삭스 ETF 액셀러레이터의 지원을 받아 론칭된 USAF는 기관 투자자와 소매 투자자 모두를 대상으로 하며, 변화하는 시장 조건에서 회복력을 보여준 자산 클래스에 대한 최적 노출 유지를 중점적으로 바라봅니다.
Équipe Atlas Capital et l'économiste Nouriel Roubini ont lancé le Fonds Atlas Amérique (Ticker: USAF) sur le Nasdaq, marquant la première incursion de Roubini sur le marché des ETF. Cet ETF géré activement combine des obligations du Trésor américain, de l'or, des REIT et des produits de base alimentaires, conçu pour fournir des avantages contre l'inflation et répondre aux besoins du marché obligataire.
Le fonds vise à offrir une alternative résiliente aux portefeuilles traditionnels 60/40 en ajustant les allocations en fonction des tendances de croissance et d'inflation. Lancé avec le soutien de Goldman Sachs ETF Accelerator, l'USAF cible à la fois les investisseurs institutionnels et de détail, en se concentrant sur le maintien d'une exposition optimale aux classes d'actifs qui ont montré leur résilience dans des conditions de marché changeantes.
Das Atlas Capital Team und der Ökonom Nouriel Roubini haben den Atlas America Fund (Ticker: USAF) an der Nasdaq gelauncht, was Roubinis ersten Einstieg in den ETF-Markt markiert. Der aktiv verwaltete ETF kombiniert US-Staatsanleihen, Gold, REITs und Lebensmittelrohstoffe und ist darauf ausgelegt, inflationsgeschützte Vorteile zu bieten und die Bedürfnisse des Staatsanleihemarktes zu adressieren.
Der Fonds zielt darauf ab, eine resilientere Alternative zu herkömmlichen 60/40-Portfolios anzubieten, indem die Allokationen basierend auf Wachstums- und Inflations-Trends angepasst werden. Mit Unterstützung des Goldman Sachs ETF Accelerator ins Leben gerufen, richtet sich der USAF sowohl an institutionelle als auch an Privatanleger und konzentriert sich darauf, eine optimale Exposition gegenüber Anlageklassen aufrechtzuerhalten, die sich in wechselnden Marktentwicklungen als widerstandsfähig erwiesen haben.
- Entry into the $13 trillion global ETF market
- Strategic diversification across multiple real asset classes
- Support from Goldman Sachs ETF Accelerator platform
- Active management approach allowing flexible response to market conditions
- New fund with no established track record
- Actively managed structure may lead to higher fees compared to passive ETFs
The launch of Atlas America Fund (USAF) represents a significant development in the ETF space, particularly given Nouriel Roubini's reputation and track record in economic forecasting. The fund's strategic focus on real assets - combining US Treasury bonds, gold, REITs and food commodities - creates a unique value proposition in the current high-inflation environment.
The fund's active management approach and partnership with Goldman Sachs ETF Accelerator adds credibility to its operational infrastructure. However, investors should note that the success will largely depend on the execution of its dynamic allocation strategy and management fees (which weren't disclosed in the announcement).
The timing is particularly interesting as it enters the
This ETF launch addresses growing market demand for inflation-protected investment vehicles with built-in diversification. The combination of traditional safe-haven assets with commodities exposure creates a unique hybrid product that could appeal to both conservative and growth-oriented investors.
The backing of Goldman Sachs provides important market infrastructure and potential distribution advantages. The fund's positioning as a treasury alternative comes at an opportune time when many investors are seeking alternatives to traditional fixed-income investments in a high-rate environment.
The involvement of Roubini, known for predicting the 2008 financial crisis, adds significant credibility but also suggests a defensive positioning that aligns with his generally cautious economic outlook. This could resonate with investors concerned about potential market instability.
An actively-managed real assets fund seeks to navigate growth and inflation risks
NEW YORK, Nov. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- World renown economist Nouriel Roubini and Atlas Capital Team Inc, a pioneer in modern investment solutions, are proud to announce the launch of its inaugural exchange- traded fund on the Nasdaq, the Atlas America Fund (Ticker: USAF). The launch marks Roubini's first entry into the
The Atlas project was born out of discussions since 2017 with leading
Blending intelligence from policy makers and economic experts, the USAF ETF offers exposure to a strategic blend of real assets for both institutional and retail investors across
The Atlas America Fund is designed to provide diversified, resilient asset exposure by combining US Treasury bonds, gold, REITs, and food commodities. This actively managed ETF is carefully structured to adapt to the complex economic cycles anticipated in the coming years, offering investors a robust alternative to the traditional 60/40 portfolio that aims to serve as a core holding capable of withstanding market shifts. By regularly adjusting allocations based on growth and inflation trends, the USAF ETF seeks to provide both a balanced and flexible option to achieve long-term, risk-adjusted returns.
Commenting on the launch, Reza Bundy, CEO and Founder of Atlas Capital Team said, "The biggest challenges for investors remain access to liquidity and resilient, risk-weighted return on capital. Our goal with USAF is to offer investors a transparent way to access a diversified portfolio that responds to both growth opportunities and inflationary pressures. The launch of USAF represents our commitment to making real asset investments more accessible to a broader audience of investors, allowing them an opportunity to build resilient portfolios aligned with sustainable, long-term growth potential."
Chief Economist and Co-Founder of Atlas Capital Team, Dr. Nouriel Roubini, known for his extensive policy experience, adds his expertise to USAF's strategy. "As the economic environment becomes increasingly volatile, I believe real assets can provide a resilient solution for preserving value," said Dr. Roubini. "USAF is built to navigate these fluctuations, and with a proactive approach to risk management and growth, it offers investors an effective tool for adapting to the evolving macroeconomic landscape."
The Atlas America Fund's active management approach focuses on maintaining optimal exposure to asset classes that have demonstrated resilience in shifting market conditions.
"USAF represents an innovative step forward in delivering real asset strategies that meet today's demands for both security and growth potential," added Bundy. "By providing investors with access to a range of assets expected to perform well under varying economic scenarios, we're proud to offer a potential solution that aligns with our broader mission of promoting financial inclusion and resilience."
USAF was launched with the support of the Goldman Sachs ETF Accelerator, a digital platform that enables Goldman Sachs' clients to quickly and efficiently launch, list, and manage ETFs.
1 JP Morgan ETF Guide, October 2024
Notes to Editors
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About Atlas Capital Team
Atlas Capital Team is a forward-looking fintech company that combines visionary economic analysis with cutting-edge investment strategies. With its mission to empower investors in building resilient portfolios suited for the challenges of the modern world, Atlas offers strategies designed to capture growth, manage risk, and adapt to ever-changing market conditions. Led by a seasoned team of financial experts, Atlas stands as a trusted partner for investors, advisors, and financial professionals seeking intelligence-driven investment solutions.
For more information, please visit
About Goldman Sachs ETF Accelerator
Goldman Sachs ETF Accelerator is a first-to-market institutional outsourced solution that enables clients to quickly and efficiently launch, list, and manage their ETFs. Services are provided across fund launch and integration into the ETF ecosystem, along with portfolio implementation and capital markets solutions. To learn more about Goldman Sachs ETF Accelerator, visit:
Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the Atlas America Fund before investing. This and other information can be found in the fund's prospectus, which can be obtained by calling (855) 511-0520 or visiting Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. Investments in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) involve risks, including the possible loss of principal.
Investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible. Price movements in gold may fluctuate quickly and dramatically, have a historically low correlation with the returns of the stock and bond markets, and may not correlate to price movements in other asset classes. The values of municipal securities held by the Fund may be adversely affected by local political and economic conditions and developments. The Fund may make significant investments in a particular segment of the municipal bond market or in the debt of issuers located in the same state or territory. A derivative instrument often has risks similar to its underlying instrument and may have additional risks, including imperfect correlation between the value of the derivative and the underlying instrument, risks of default by the counterparty to certain derivative transactions, magnification of losses incurred due to changes in the market value of the securities, instruments, indices or interest rates to which the derivative relates, and risks that the derivative instruments may not be liquid.
Investments in government bonds, including sovereign bonds and quasi-sovereign bonds, involve special risks not present in corporate bonds. The small and mid-capitalization companies in which the Fund invests may be more vulnerable to adverse business or economic events than larger, more established companies, and may underperform other segments of the market or the equity market as a whole. The Fund is non- diversified, which means that it may invest in the securities of fewer issuers than a diversified Fund. Liquidity risk exists when particular investments are or become difficult or impossible to purchase or sell. The performance of a fund that is less diversified across countries or geographic regions will be closely tied to market, currency, economic, political, environmental, or regulatory conditions and developments in the country or region in which the fund invests and may be more volatile than the performance of a more geographically-diversified fund. The Fund's investments in Private Funds require it to bear a pro rata share of the vehicles' expenses, including management and performance fees.
By investing in the Subsidiary, the Fund is indirectly exposed to the risks associated with the Subsidiary's investments. Because the Fund may invest significantly in real estate related investments, such as through REITs, private real estate investment funds, and directly in real estate, its portfolio will be significantly impacted by the performance of the real estate market and may experience more volatility and be exposed to greater risk than a fund that does not hold real-estate related investments. The Fund's investments in Private Funds require it to bear a pro rata share of the vehicles' expenses, including management and performance fees. Private Funds are not publicly traded. Accordingly, the Adviser may consider information provided by the institutional manager to determine the estimated value of the Fund's investment therein.
ETFs are subject to additional risks that do not apply to conventional mutual funds, including the risks that the market price of an ETF's shares may trade at a premium or discount to its net asset value, an active secondary trading market may not develop or be maintained, or trading may be halted by the exchange in which they trade, which may impact an ETF's ability to sell its shares. Shares of any ETF are bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and are not individually redeemed from the ETF. Brokerage commissions will reduce returns.
The Atlas America Fund is distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC.
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SOURCE Atlas Capital Team Inc.