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Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK) reported strong fiscal 2025 Q3 results with total revenue increasing 11% to $1.57 billion. The company's GAAP operating margin was 22% (down 2 points), while non-GAAP operating margin was 36% (down 3 points). Total billings grew 28% to $1.54 billion, with recurring revenue representing 97% of total. Design revenue increased 9% to $1.30 billion, while Make revenue grew 28% to $171 million.

The company is raising guidance midpoints for billings, revenue, margins, earnings per share, and free cash flow. GAAP diluted EPS was $1.27, and non-GAAP diluted EPS reached $2.17. Cash flow from operating activities was $209 million, with free cash flow of $199 million.

Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK) ha riportato risultati solidi per il terzo trimestre fiscale del 2025, con un aumento del fatturato totale dell'11%, raggiungendo 1,57 miliardi di dollari. Il margine operativo GAAP dell'azienda è stato del 22% (in calo di 2 punti), mentre il margine operativo non GAAP è stato del 36% (in calo di 3 punti). Le fatturazioni totali sono cresciute del 28%, raggiungendo 1,54 miliardi di dollari, con i ricavi ricorrenti che rappresentano il 97% del totale. I ricavi da design sono aumentati del 9%, arrivando a 1,30 miliardi di dollari, mentre i ricavi da Make sono cresciuti del 28%, toccando i 171 milioni di dollari.

L'azienda ha aumentato le previsioni medie per fatturazioni, ricavi, margini, utili per azione e flusso di cassa libero. L'EPS diluiti GAAP è stato di 1,27 dollari, e l'EPS diluiti non GAAP ha raggiunto 2,17 dollari. Il flusso di cassa dalle attività operative è stato di 209 milioni di dollari, con un flusso di cassa libero di 199 milioni di dollari.

Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK) reportó resultados sólidos para el tercer trimestre fiscal de 2025, con un aumento del ingreso total del 11%, alcanzando 1.57 mil millones de dólares. El margen operativo GAAP de la compañía fue del 22% (a la baja en 2 puntos), mientras que el margen operativo no GAAP fue del 36% (a la baja en 3 puntos). Las facturaciones totales crecieron un 28%, alcanzando 1.54 mil millones de dólares, con los ingresos recurrentes representando el 97% del total. Los ingresos por diseño aumentaron un 9% hasta 1.30 mil millones de dólares, mientras que los ingresos por Make crecieron un 28% a 171 millones de dólares.

La empresa está elevando las guías intermedias para facturaciones, ingresos, márgenes, ganancias por acción y flujo de caja libre. El EPS diluido GAAP fue de 1.27 dólares, y el EPS diluido no GAAP alcanzó los 2.17 dólares. El flujo de efectivo de las actividades operativas fue de 209 millones de dólares, con un flujo de caja libre de 199 millones de dólares.

오토데스크 (NASDAQ: ADSK)는 2025 회계연도 3분기 실적을 발표하며 총 수익이 11% 증가하여 15억7000만 달러에 도달했다고 보고했습니다. 회사의 GAAP 운영 마진은 22%로 2포인트 하락했으며, 비 GAAP 운영 마진은 36%로 3포인트 하락했습니다. 총 청구 금액은 28% 증가하여 15억4000만 달러에 이르렀으며, 반복 수익이 총 수익의 97%를 차지했습니다. 디자인 수익은 9% 증가하여 13억 달러에 도달했고, Make 수익은 28% 증가하여 1억7100만 달러에 달했습니다.

회사는 청구 금액, 수익, 마진, 주당 순이익 및 자유 현금 흐름에 대한 가이던스 중간값을 상향 조정하고 있습니다. GAAP 희석 EPS는 1.27달러였으며, 비 GAAP 희석 EPS는 2.17달러에 달했습니다. 운영 활동에서의 현금 흐름은 2억900만 달러이며, 자유 현금 흐름은 1억9900만 달러입니다.

Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK) a publié des résultats solides pour le troisième trimestre de l'exercice 2025, avec un chiffre d'affaires total en hausse de 11%, atteignant 1,57 milliard de dollars. La marge opérationnelle GAAP de l'entreprise était de 22% (en baisse de 2 points), tandis que la marge opérationnelle non GAAP ne représentait que 36% (en baisse de 3 points). Les facturations totales ont augmenté de 28% pour atteindre 1,54 milliard de dollars, les revenus récurrents représentant 97% du total. Les revenus issus de la conception ont augmenté de 9% pour atteindre 1,30 milliard de dollars, tandis que les revenus de Make ont crû de 28% pour atteindre 171 millions de dollars.

L'entreprise a relevé ses prévisions pour les facturations, le chiffre d'affaires, les marges, les bénéfices par action et le flux de trésorerie libre. Le BPA dilué GAAP était de 1,27 dollar, et le BPA dilué non GAAP a atteint 2,17 dollars. Le flux de trésorerie provenant des activités d'exploitation était de 209 millions de dollars, avec un flux de trésorerie libre de 199 millions de dollars.

Autodesk (NASDAQ: ADSK) hat im dritten Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2025 starke Ergebnisse gemeldet, mit einem Anstieg des Gesamtumsatzes um 11% auf 1,57 Milliarden US-Dollar. Die GAAP-Betriebsmarge des Unternehmens betrug 22% (um 2 Punkte gesunken), während die Non-GAAP-Betriebs-marge 36% betrug (um 3 Punkte gesunken). Die Gesamtrechnungen wuchsen um 28% auf 1,54 Milliarden US-Dollar, wobei wiederkehrende Einnahmen 97% des Gesamten ausmachten. Die Design-Einnahmen stiegen um 9% auf 1,30 Milliarden US-Dollar, während die Make-Einnahmen um 28% auf 171 Millionen US-Dollar stiegen.

Das Unternehmen hebt die Zielvorgaben für Rechnungen, Einnahmen, Margen, Gewinn pro Aktie und freien Cashflow an. Das verwässerte GAAP-EPS betrug 1,27 US-Dollar und das verwässerte Non-GAAP-EPS erreichte 2,17 US-Dollar. Der Cashflow aus betrieblicher Tätigkeit betrug 209 Millionen US-Dollar, der freie Cashflow lag bei 199 Millionen US-Dollar.

  • Revenue growth of 11% to $1.57 billion
  • Total billings increase of 28% to $1.54 billion
  • Make revenue growth of 28% to $171 million
  • 97% recurring revenue
  • Raising guidance across multiple metrics
  • Strong renewal rates maintained
  • GAAP operating margin declined 2 percentage points to 22%
  • Non-GAAP operating margin decreased 3 percentage points to 36%
  • Deferred revenue decreased 9% to $3.66 billion
  • Headwinds to new business growth reported


The Q3 FY25 results demonstrate solid financial performance with notable highlights. Revenue grew 11% to $1.57 billion, with strong recurring revenue at 97% of total. The non-GAAP operating margin of 36%, though down 3 points, remains robust. Key growth metrics show momentum across segments:

Particularly impressive is the Make revenue growth of 28% and total billings increase of 28% to $1.54 billion. The healthy RPO (Remaining Performance Obligations) growth of 17% to $6.11 billion indicates strong future revenue visibility. Geographic diversification remains strong with double-digit constant currency growth across all regions.

The raised guidance across key metrics (billings, revenue, margins, EPS and free cash flow) signals management's confidence in business momentum despite macroeconomic headwinds. The commitment to share repurchases and reduced share count over three years demonstrates shareholder-friendly capital allocation.

- Raising the mid-points of billings, revenue, margins, earnings per share, and free cash flow guidance ranges.
- Janesh Moorjani appointed as chief financial officer.

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADSK) today reported financial results for the third quarter of fiscal 2025.

All growth rates are compared to the third quarter of fiscal 2024, unless otherwise noted. A reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP results is provided in the accompanying tables. For definitions, please view the Glossary of Terms later in this document.

Third Quarter Fiscal 2025 Financial Highlights

  • Total revenue increased 11 percent to $1.57 billion;
  • GAAP operating margin was 22 percent, down 2 percentage points;
  • Non-GAAP operating margin was 36 percent, down 3 percentage points;
  • GAAP income from operations was $346 million, compared to $334 million;
  • Non-GAAP income from operations was $573 million, compared to $547 million;
  • GAAP diluted EPS was $1.27; Non-GAAP diluted EPS was $2.17;
  • Cash flow from operating activities was $209 million; free cash flow was $199 million.

"Autodesk is leading the industry in modernizing its go-to-market motion. These initiatives enable us to build larger and more durable direct relationships with our customers and to serve them more efficiently. We have already seen significant benefits from these optimization initiatives and there's more to come in the next phase," said Andrew Anagnost, Autodesk president and CEO. "We will continue to deploy capital to offset and buy forward dilution, a practice which has reduced our share count over the last three years, and have significantly extended the duration of our repurchase program by increasing our stock repurchase authorization. Our goal is to deliver sustainable shareholder value over many years."

"We generated broad-based underlying growth across products and regions. Overall, macroeconomic, policy, and geopolitical challenges, and the underlying momentum of the business, were consistent with the last few quarters with continued strong renewal rates and headwinds to new business growth," said Betsy Rafael, Autodesk interim CFO. "Given Autodesk's sustained momentum in the third quarter, and smooth launch of the new transaction model in Western Europe, we are raising the midpoints of our billings, revenue, margins, earnings per share, and free cash flow guidance ranges."

Additional Financial Details

  • Total billings increased 28 percent to $1.54 billion.
  • Total revenue was $1.57 billion, an increase of 11 percent as reported, and 12 percent on a constant currency basis. Recurring revenue represents 97 percent of total.
  • Design revenue was $1.30 billion, an increase of 9 percent as reported, and 10 percent on a constant currency basis. On a sequential basis, Design revenue increased 3 percent as reported and on a constant currency basis.
  • Make revenue was $171 million, an increase of 28 percent as reported and on a constant currency basis. On a sequential basis, Make revenue increased 6 percent as reported and 5 percent on a constant currency basis.
  • Subscription plan revenue was $1.46 billion, an increase of 11 percent as reported, and 12 percent on a constant currency basis. On a sequential basis, subscription plan revenue increased 3 percent as reported and 4 percent on a constant currency basis.
  • Net revenue retention rate remained within the range of 100 to 110 percent, on a constant currency basis.
  • GAAP income from operations was $346 million, compared to $334 million. GAAP operating margin was 22 percent, down 2 percentage points.
  • Total non-GAAP income from operations was $573 million, compared to $547 million. Non-GAAP operating margin was 36 percent, down 3 percentage points.
  • GAAP diluted net income per share was $1.27, compared to $1.12.
  • Non-GAAP diluted net income per share was $2.17, compared to $2.07.
  • Deferred revenue decreased 9 percent to $3.66 billion. Unbilled deferred revenue was $2.45 billion, an increase of $1.24 billion. Remaining performance obligations ("RPO") increased 17 percent to $6.11 billion. Current RPO increased 14 percent to $4.01 billion.
  • Cash flow from operating activities was $209 million, an increase of $191 million. Free cash flow was $199 million, an increase of $186 million.

Third Quarter Fiscal 2025 Business Highlights

Net Revenue by Geographic Area

Three Months
Ended October 31,

Three Months
Ended October 31,


compared to

prior fiscal year

Constant currency
change compared

 to prior fiscal year

(In millions, except percentages)




Net Revenue:



$                    579

$                    520

$     59

11 %


Other Americas




5 %


Total Americas




10 %

11 %





12 %

13 %





10 %

14 %

Total Net Revenue

$                 1,570

$                  1,414

$   156

11 %

12 %


*  Constant currency data not provided at this level.

Net Revenue by Product Family 

Our product offerings are focused in four primary product families: Architecture, Engineering and Construction ("AEC"), AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT, Manufacturing ("MFG"), and Media and Entertainment ("M&E").

Three Months
Ended October 31,

Three Months
Ended October 31,



 compared to

prior fiscal year

(In millions, except percentages)




$                       751

$                    675

$          76

11 %

AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT




7 %





14 %





14 %





24 %

Total Net Revenue

$                   1,570

$                  1,414

$        156

11 %

Business Outlook

The following are forward-looking statements based on current expectations and assumptions, and involve risks and uncertainties, some of which are set forth below under "Safe Harbor Statement."  Autodesk's business outlook for the fourth quarter and full-year fiscal 2025 considers the current economic environment and foreign exchange currency rate environment. A reconciliation between the fiscal 2025 GAAP and non-GAAP estimates is provided below or in the tables following this press release.

Fourth Quarter Fiscal 2025

Q4 FY25 Guidance Metrics

Q4 FY25
(ending January 31, 2025)

Revenue (in millions)

$1,623 - $1,638


$1.21 - $1.27

EPS non-GAAP (1)

$2.10 - $2.16


(1) Non-GAAP earnings per diluted share excludes $0.85 related to stock-based compensation expense, $0.17 for the amortization of both purchased intangibles and developed technologies, and $0.05 for acquisition-related costs, partially offset by ($0.18) related to GAAP-only tax charges.

Full Year Fiscal 2025

FY25 Guidance Metrics

(ending January 31, 2025)

Billings (in millions)

$5,900 - $5,980
Up 14% - 15%

Revenue (in millions) (1)

$6,115 - $6,130
Up approx. 11%

GAAP operating margin

21.5% - 22%

Non-GAAP operating margin (2)

35.5% - 36%


$4.95 - $5.01

EPS non-GAAP (3)

$8.29 - $8.35

Free cash flow (in millions) (4)

$1,470 - $1,500


(1) Excluding the impact of foreign currency exchange rates and hedge gains/losses, revenue guidance range would be approximately 1 percentage point higher.

(2) Non-GAAP operating margin excludes approximately 11% related to stock-based compensation expense, approximately 2% for the amortization of both purchased intangibles and developed technologies, and approximately 1% related to acquisition-related costs.

(3) Non-GAAP earnings per diluted share excludes $3.15 related to stock-based compensation expense, $0.61 for the amortization of both purchased intangibles and developed technologies, $0.23 related to acquisition-related costs, and $0.04 related to losses on strategic investments, partially offset by ($0.69) related to GAAP-only tax charges.

(4) Free cash flow is cash flow from operating activities less approximately $30 million of capital expenditures.

The fourth quarter and full-year fiscal 2025 outlook assume a projected annual effective tax rate of 20 percent and 19 percent for GAAP and non-GAAP results, respectively. Shifts in geographic profitability continue to impact the annual effective tax rate due to significant differences in tax rates in various jurisdictions. Therefore, assumptions for the annual effective tax rate are evaluated regularly and may change based on the projected geographic mix of earnings.

Earnings Conference Call and Webcast

Autodesk will host its third quarter conference call today at 5 p.m. ET. The live broadcast can be accessed at A transcript of the opening commentary will also be available following the conference call. 

A replay of the broadcast will be available at 7 p.m. ET at This replay will be maintained on Autodesk's website for at least 12 months.

Investor Presentation Details

An investor presentation, Excel financials and other supplemental materials providing additional information can be found at

Key Performance Metrics

To help better understand our financial performance, we use several key performance metrics including billings, recurring revenue and net revenue retention rate. These metrics are key performance metrics and should be viewed independently of revenue and deferred revenue. These metrics are not intended to be combined with those items. We use these metrics to monitor the strength of our recurring business. We believe these metrics are useful to investors because they can help in monitoring the long-term health of our business. Our determination and presentation of these metrics may differ from that of other companies. The presentation of these metrics is meant to be considered in addition to, not as a substitute for or in isolation from, our financial measures prepared in accordance with GAAP.

Glossary of Terms

Billings: Total revenue plus the net change in deferred revenue from the beginning to the end of the period.

Cloud Service Offerings: Represents individual term-based offerings deployed through web browser technologies or in a hybrid software and cloud configuration. Cloud service offerings that are bundled with other product offerings are not captured as a separate cloud service offering.

Constant Currency (CC) Growth Rates: We attempt to represent the changes in the underlying business operations by eliminating fluctuations caused by changes in foreign currency exchange rates as well as eliminating hedge gains or losses recorded within the current and comparative periods. We calculate constant currency growth rates by (i) applying the applicable prior period exchange rates to current period results and (ii) excluding any gains or losses from foreign currency hedge contracts that are reported in the current and comparative periods.

Design Business: Represents the combination of maintenance, product subscriptions, and all EBAs. Main products include, but are not limited to, AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Industry Collections, Revit, Inventor, Maya and 3ds Max. Certain products, such as our computer aided manufacturing solutions, incorporate both Design and Make functionality and are classified as Design.

Enterprise Business Agreements (EBAs): Represents programs providing enterprise customers with token-based access to a broad pool of Autodesk products over a defined contract term.

Flex:  A pay-as-you-go consumption option to pre-purchase tokens to access any product available with Flex for a daily rate.

Free Cash Flow: Cash flow from operating activities minus capital expenditures.

Industry Collections: Autodesk Industry Collections are a combination of products and services that target a specific user objective and support a set of workflows for that objective. Our Industry Collections consist of: Autodesk Architecture, Engineering and Construction Collection, Autodesk Product Design and Manufacturing Collection, and Autodesk Media and Entertainment Collection.

Maintenance Plan: Our maintenance plans provide our customers with a cost effective and predictable budgetary option to obtain the productivity benefits of our new releases and enhancements when and if released during the term of their contracts. Under our maintenance plans, customers are eligible to receive unspecified upgrades when and if available, and technical support. We recognize maintenance revenue over the term of the agreements, generally one year.    

Make Business: Represents certain cloud-based product subscriptions. Main products include, but are not limited to, Assemble, Autodesk Build, BIM Collaborate Pro, BuildingConnected, Fusion, and Flow Production Tracking. Certain products, such as Fusion, incorporate both Design and Make functionality and are classified as Make. 

Net Revenue Retention Rate (NR3): Measures the year-over-year change in Recurring Revenue for the population of customers that existed one year ago ("base customers").  Net revenue retention rate is calculated by dividing the current quarter Recurring Revenue related to base customers by the total corresponding quarter Recurring Revenue from one year ago. Recurring Revenue is based on USD reported revenue, and fluctuations caused by changes in foreign currency exchange rates and hedge gains or losses have not been eliminated. Recurring Revenue related to acquired companies, one year after acquisition, has been captured as existing customers until such data conforms to the calculation methodology. This may cause variability in the comparison. 

Other Revenue: Consists of revenue from consulting, and other products and services, and is recognized as the products are delivered and services are performed.  

Product Subscription: Provides customers a flexible, cost-effective way to access and manage 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software tools. Our product subscriptions currently represent a hybrid of desktop and cloud functionality, which provides a device-independent, collaborative design workflow for designers and their stakeholders.  

Recurring Revenue: Consists of the revenue for the period from our traditional maintenance plans, our subscription plan offerings, and certain Other revenue. It excludes subscription revenue related to third-party products. Recurring revenue acquired with the acquisition of a business is captured when total subscriptions are captured in our systems and may cause variability in the comparison of this calculation.   

Remaining Performance Obligations (RPO): The sum of total short-term, long-term, and unbilled deferred revenue. Current remaining performance obligations is the amount of revenue we expect to recognize in the next twelve months.  

Solution Provider: Solution Provider is the name of our channel partners who primarily serve our new transaction model customers worldwide. Solution Providers may also be resellers in relation to Autodesk solutions.

Spend: The sum of cost of revenue and operating expenses.

Subscription Plan: Comprises our term-based product subscriptions, cloud service offerings, and EBAs. Subscriptions represent a combined hybrid offering of desktop software and cloud functionality which provides a device-independent, collaborative design workflow for designers and their stakeholders. With subscription, customers can use our software anytime, anywhere, and get access to the latest updates to previous versions.  

Subscription Revenue: Includes our cloud-enabled term-based product subscriptions, cloud service offerings, and flexible EBAs.  

Unbilled Deferred Revenue: Unbilled deferred revenue represents contractually stated or committed orders under early renewal and multi-year billing plans for subscription, services, and maintenance for which the associated deferred revenue has not been recognized. Under FASB Accounting Standards Codification ("ASC") Topic 606, unbilled deferred revenue is not included as a receivable or deferred revenue on our Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet.  

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including quotations from management, statements in the paragraphs under "Business Outlook" above statements about our short-term and long-term goals, statements regarding our strategies, market and product positions, performance and results, and all statements that are not historical facts. There are a significant number of factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from statements made in this press release, including: our strategy to develop and introduce new products and services and to move to platforms and capabilities, exposing us to risks such as limited customer acceptance  (both new and existing customers), costs related to product defects, and large expenditures; global economic and political conditions, including changes in monetary and fiscal policy, foreign exchange headwinds, recessionary fears, supply chain disruptions, resulting inflationary pressures and hiring conditions; geopolitical tension and armed conflicts, and extreme weather events; costs and challenges associated with strategic acquisitions and investments; our ability to successfully implement and expand our transaction model; dependency on international revenue and operations, exposing us to significant international regulatory, economic, intellectual property, collections, currency exchange rate, taxation, political, and other risks, including risks related to the war against Ukraine launched by Russia and our exit from Russia and the current conflict between Israel and Hamas; inability to predict subscription renewal rates and their impact on our future revenue and operating results; existing and increased competition and rapidly evolving technological changes; fluctuation of our financial results, key metrics and other operating metrics; our transition from up front to annual billings for multi-year contracts; deriving a substantial portion of our net revenue from a small number of solutions, including our AutoCAD-based software products and collections; any failure to successfully execute and manage initiatives to realign or introduce new business and sales initiatives, including our new transaction model for Flex; net revenue, billings, earnings, cash flow, or new or existing subscriptions shortfalls; social and ethical issues relating to the use of artificial intelligence in our offerings; our ability to maintain security levels and service performance meeting the expectations of our customers, and the resources and costs required to avoid unanticipated downtime and prevent, detect and remediate performance degradation and security breaches; security incidents or other incidents compromising the integrity of our or our customers' offerings, services, data, or intellectual property; reliance on third parties to provide us with a number of operational and technical services as well as software; our highly complex software, which may contain undetected errors, defects, or vulnerabilities; increasing regulatory focus on privacy issues and expanding laws; governmental export and import controls that could impair our ability to compete in international markets or subject us to liability if we violate the controls; protection of our intellectual property rights and intellectual property infringement claims from others; the government procurement process; fluctuations in currency exchange rates; our debt service obligations; and our investment portfolio consisting of a variety of investment vehicles that are subject to interest rate trends, market volatility, and other economic factors. Our estimates as to tax rate are based on current interpretations of existing tax law and could be affected by changing interpretations, further guidance, and additional tax legislation.

Further information on potential factors that could affect the financial results of Autodesk are included in Autodesk's Form 10-K and subsequent Forms 10-Q, which are on file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Autodesk disclaims any obligation to update the forward-looking statements provided to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made.

About Autodesk

The world's designers, engineers, builders, and creators trust Autodesk to help them design and make anything. From the buildings we live and work in, to the cars we drive and the bridges we drive over. From the products we use and rely on, to the movies and games that inspire us. Autodesk's Design and Make Platform unlocks the power of data to accelerate insights and automate processes, empowering our customers with the technology to create the world around us and deliver better outcomes for their business and the planet. For more information, visit or follow @autodesk. #MakeAnything

Autodesk uses its website as a means of disclosing material non-public information, announcing upcoming investor conferences and for complying with its disclosure obligations under Regulation FD. Accordingly, you should monitor our investor relations website in addition to following our press releases, SEC filings and public conference calls and webcasts.

Autodesk, AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, BIM 360 and Fusion 360 are trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and service offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document.

© 2024 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.


Autodesk, Inc.

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations

(In millions, except per share data)

Three Months Ended October 31,

Nine Months Ended October 31,







Net revenue:


$          1,457

$           1,314

$          4,195

$          3,777






    Total subscription and maintenance revenue










Total net revenue





Cost of revenue:

Cost of subscription and maintenance revenue





Cost of other revenue





Amortization of developed technologies





Total cost of revenue





Gross profit





Operating expenses:

Marketing and sales





Research and development





General and administrative





Amortization of purchased intangibles





Total operating expenses





Income from operations





Interest and other income (expense), net





Income before income taxes





Provision for income taxes





Net income

$              275

$              241

$             809

$             624

Basic net income per share

$             1.28

$             1.13

$            3.76

$            2.92

Diluted net income per share

$             1.27

$              1.12

$            3.73

$            2.89

Weighted average shares used in computing basic net income per share





Weighted average shares used in computing diluted net income per share






Autodesk, Inc.

Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets

(In millions)

October 31, 2024

January 31, 2024



Current assets:

Cash and cash equivalents

$                 1,437

$                   1,892

Marketable securities



Accounts receivable, net



Prepaid expenses and other current assets



Total current assets



Long-term marketable securities



Computer equipment, software, furniture and leasehold improvements, net



Operating lease right-of-use assets



Intangible assets, net






Deferred income taxes, net



Long-term other assets



Total assets

$               10,133

$                   9,912


Current liabilities:

Accounts payable

$                     217

$                      100

Accrued compensation



Accrued income taxes



Deferred revenue



Operating lease liabilities



Current portion of long-term notes payable, net


Other accrued liabilities



Total current liabilities



Long-term deferred revenue



Long-term operating lease liabilities



Long-term income taxes payable



Long-term deferred income taxes



Long-term notes payable, net



Long-term other liabilities



Stockholders' equity:

Common stock and additional paid-in capital



Accumulated other comprehensive loss



Accumulated deficit



Total stockholders' equity



Total liabilities and stockholders' equity

$               10,133

$                   9,912


Autodesk, Inc.

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

(In millions)

Nine Months Ended October 31,




Operating activities:

Net income

$              809

$              624

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:

Depreciation, amortization and accretion



Stock-based compensation expense



Amortization of costs to obtain a contract with a customer (1)



Deferred income taxes



Lease-related asset impairments





Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of business combinations:

Accounts receivable



Prepaid expenses and other assets (1)



Accounts payable and other liabilities (1)



Deferred revenue



Accrued income taxes



Net cash provided by operating activities



Investing activities:

Purchases of marketable securities



Sales and maturities of marketable securities



Capital expenditures



Purchases of intangible assets



Business combinations, net of cash acquired



Other investing activities



Net cash used in investing activities



Financing activities:

Proceeds from issuance of common stock, net of issuance costs



Taxes paid related to net share settlement of equity awards



Repurchases of common stock



Net cash used in financing activities



Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents



Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents



Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period



Cash and cash equivalents at end of period

$            1,437

$           1,526

Supplemental cash flow disclosure:

Non-cash financing activities:

Fair value of common stock issued to settle liability-classified restricted common stock

$                    3

$                   9


(1) During the quarter ended April 30, 2024, the Company changed its presentation of the amortization of costs capitalized to obtain a contract with a customer in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows. Amortization of costs capitalized to obtain a contract with a customer were previously presented in "Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of business combinations" and are now presented in "Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities." Accordingly, prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current period presentation. These reclassifications did not impact total net cash provided by operating activities. The effect of the change on the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the nine months ended October 31, 2023 was $97 million.


Autodesk, Inc.

Reconciliation of GAAP financial measures to non-GAAP financial measures

(In millions, except per share data)

To supplement our condensed consolidated financial statements presented on a GAAP basis, we provide investors with certain non-GAAP measures including non-GAAP operating margin, non-GAAP income from operations, non-GAAP diluted net income per share, and free cash flow. For our internal budgeting and resource allocation process and as a means to evaluate period-to-period comparisons, we use non-GAAP measures to supplement our condensed consolidated financial statements presented on a GAAP basis. These non-GAAP measures do not include certain items that may have a material impact upon our future reported financial results. We use non-GAAP measures in making operating decisions because we believe those measures provide meaningful supplemental information regarding our earning potential and performance for management by excluding certain expenses and charges that may not be indicative of our core business operating results.  For the reasons set forth below, we believe these non-GAAP financial measures are useful to investors both because (1) they allow for greater transparency with respect to key metrics used by management in its financial and operational decision-making and (2) they are used by our institutional investors and the analyst community to help them analyze the health of our business. This allows investors and others to better understand and evaluate our operating results and future prospects in the same manner as management, compare financial results across accounting periods and to those of peer companies and to better understand the long-term performance of our core business. We also use some of these measures for purposes of determining company-wide incentive compensation.

There are limitations in using non-GAAP financial measures because non-GAAP financial measures are not prepared in accordance with GAAP and may be different from non-GAAP financial measures used by other companies. The non-GAAP financial measures are limited in value because they exclude certain items that may have a material impact upon our reported financial results. In addition, they are subject to inherent limitations as they reflect the exercise of judgments by management about which charges are excluded from the non-GAAP financial measures. We compensate for these limitations by analyzing current and future results on a GAAP basis as well as a non-GAAP basis and also by providing GAAP measures in our public disclosures. The presentation of non-GAAP financial information is meant to be considered in addition to, not as a substitute for or in isolation from, the directly comparable financial measures prepared in accordance with GAAP. We urge investors to review the reconciliation of our non-GAAP financial measures to the comparable GAAP financial measures included in this presentation, and not to rely on any single financial measure to evaluate our business.

The following table shows Autodesk's GAAP results reconciled to non-GAAP results included in this release.

Three Months Ended October 31,

Nine Months Ended October 31,







GAAP operating margin

22 %

24 %

22 %

20 %

Stock-based compensation expense

12 %

13 %

11 %

13 %

Amortization of developed technologies

1 %

1 %

1 %

1 %

Amortization of purchased intangibles

1 %

1 %

1 %

1 %

Acquisition-related costs

1 %

1 %

1 %

— %

Non-GAAP operating margin (1)

36 %

39 %

36 %

36 %

GAAP income from operations

$              346

$         334

$            988

$           813

Stock-based compensation expense





Amortization of developed technologies





Amortization of purchased intangibles





Acquisition-related costs





Lease-related asset impairments and other charges


Non-GAAP income from operations

$               573

$          547

$         1,623

$       1,440

GAAP diluted net income per share

$              1.27

$          1.12

$           3.73

$         2.89

Stock-based compensation expense





Amortization of developed technologies





Amortization of purchased intangibles





Acquisition-related costs





Lease-related asset impairments and other charges


Loss on strategic investments and dispositions, net





Establishment of valuation allowance on deferred tax assets


Discrete GAAP tax items





Income tax effect of non-GAAP adjustments





Non-GAAP diluted net income per share

$              2.17

$        2.07

$            6.18

$          5.51

Net cash provided by operating activities

$              209

$             18

$             915

$          876

Capital expenditures





Free cash flow

$               199

$             13

$            889

$          855


(1)  Totals may not sum due to rounding.


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SOURCE Autodesk, Inc.


What was Autodesk's (ADSK) revenue in Q3 fiscal 2025?

Autodesk reported total revenue of $1.57 billion in Q3 fiscal 2025, representing an 11% increase year-over-year.

What was Autodesk's (ADSK) EPS for Q3 fiscal 2025?

Autodesk reported GAAP diluted EPS of $1.27 and non-GAAP diluted EPS of $2.17 for Q3 fiscal 2025.

How much did Autodesk's (ADSK) Make revenue grow in Q3 fiscal 2025?

Autodesk's Make revenue grew 28% to $171 million in Q3 fiscal 2025.

What percentage of Autodesk's (ADSK) Q3 fiscal 2025 revenue was recurring?

Recurring revenue represented 97% of Autodesk's total revenue in Q3 fiscal 2025.


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Software - Application
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