We Believe in a World Where Everyone Can Be Well-Traveled

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Expedia Group has launched 'Journeys for All: An Expedia Group Study on Inclusion in Travel', a pioneering report aimed at fostering a more inclusive travel community. The study identifies shared travel challenges faced by underserved groups, including Black, Latino, LGBTQIA+, and travelers with disabilities. It provides essential data and key recommendations for the travel industry to better serve underrepresented travelers.

The report highlights persistent pain points that need immediate attention and action, offering recommendations based on firsthand insights. Expedia Group emphasizes that embedding inclusive practices across products and services not only enhances brand appeal and loyalty but also creates significant growth opportunities by meeting the needs of more travelers.

The company calls for a collective effort from all corners of the travel industry to create meaningful and sustainable change, improving experiences for all travelers. The principles outlined in the report serve as a starting point for providing a universally welcoming travel experience.

Expedia Group ha lanciato 'Viaggi per Tutti: Uno Studio di Expedia Group sull'Inclusione nei Viaggi', un rapporto innovativo volto a promuovere una comunità di viaggio più inclusiva. Lo studio identifica le sfide comuni di viaggio affrontate da gruppi sottorappresentati, inclusi i neri, i latini, la comunità LGBTQIA+ e i viaggiatori con disabilità. Fornisce dati essenziali e raccomandazioni chiave per l'industria dei viaggi al fine di servire meglio i viaggiatori sottorappresentati.

Il rapporto evidenzia i punti difficili persistenti che necessitano di attenzione e azione immediata, offrendo raccomandazioni basate su esperienze dirette. Expedia Group sottolinea che integrare pratiche inclusive in prodotti e servizi non solo migliora l'attrattiva e la fedeltà al marchio, ma crea anche significative opportunità di crescita soddisfacendo le esigenze di un numero maggiore di viaggiatori.

L'azienda fa appello a uno sforzo collettivo da parte di tutti gli attori dell'industria dei viaggi per creare un cambiamento significativo e sostenibile, migliorando le esperienze per tutti i viaggiatori. I principi delineati nel rapporto fungono da punto di partenza per offrire un'esperienza di viaggio universalmente accogliente.

Expedia Group ha lanzado 'Viajes para Todos: Un Estudio de Expedia Group sobre Inclusión en los Viajes', un informe pionero destinado a fomentar una comunidad de viajes más inclusiva. El estudio identifica los desafíos de viaje compartidos que enfrentan los grupos desatendidos, incluidos los negros, latinos, LGBTQIA+ y los viajeros con discapacidades. Proporciona datos esenciales y recomendaciones clave para que la industria de viajes sirva mejor a los viajeros subrepresentados.

El informe destaca puntos de dolor persistentes que requieren atención y acción inmediata, ofreciendo recomendaciones basadas en experiencias de primera mano. Expedia Group enfatiza que integrar prácticas inclusivas en productos y servicios no solo mejora el atractivo de la marca y la lealtad, sino que también crea oportunidades de crecimiento significativas al satisfacer las necesidades de más viajeros.

La empresa hace un llamado a un esfuerzo colectivo de todos los sectores de la industria del viaje para crear un cambio significativo y sostenible, mejorando las experiencias de todos los viajeros. Los principios descritos en el informe sirven como punto de partida para ofrecer una experiencia de viaje universalmente acogedora.

익스피디아 그룹은 '모두를 위한 여행: 익스피디아 그룹의 여행 포함에 관한 연구'를 발표하였습니다. 이 혁신적인 보고서는 더 포용적인 여행 커뮤니티를 조성하기 위해 마련되었습니다. 이 연구는 소외된 그룹, 즉 흑인, 라틴계, LGBTQIA+ 및 장애인을 가진 여행자들이 마주하는 여행의 공통적인 도전 과제를 규명합니다. 여행 산업이 소외된 여행자들에게 더 나은 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 필수 데이터와 주요 권장 사항을 제공합니다.

이 보고서는 즉각적인 주의와 행동이 필요한 지속적인 어려움들을 강조하며, 실제 통찰에 기반한 권장 사항을 제시합니다. 익스피디아 그룹은 제품과 서비스 전반에 포용적인 관행을 통합하는 것이 브랜드의 매력과 충성도를 높일 뿐만 아니라 더 많은 여행자들의 요구를 충족함으로써 중요한 성장 기회를 창출한다고 강조합니다.

회사는 여행 산업의 모든 분야가 의미 있고 지속 가능한 변화를 창출하도록 협력할 것을 촉구하며, 모든 여행자들의 경험을 개선할 것을 제안합니다. 보고서에 명시된 원칙들은 보편적으로 환영받는 여행 경험을 제공하기 위한 출발점이 됩니다.

Expedia Group a lancé 'Voyages pour Tous : Une Étude d'Expedia Group sur l'Inclusion dans les Voyages', un rapport pionnier visant à favoriser une communauté de voyage plus inclusive. L'étude identifie des défis de voyage partagés auxquels sont confrontés des groupes sous-représentés, notamment les Noirs, les Latinos, la communauté LGBTQIA+ et les voyageurs handicapés. Elle fournit des données essentielles et des recommandations clés pour que l'industrie du voyage puisse mieux servir ces voyageurs.

Le rapport met en lumière des points de douleur persistants qui nécessitent une attention et une action immédiates, offrant des recommandations basées sur des expériences de première main. Expedia Group souligne que l'intégration de pratiques inclusives dans les produits et services améliore non seulement l'attrait et la fidélité à la marque, mais crée également des opportunités de croissance significatives en répondant aux besoins d'un plus grand nombre de voyageurs.

L'entreprise appelle à un effort collectif de tous les acteurs de l'industrie du voyage pour créer un changement significatif et durable, améliorant l'expérience de tous les voyageurs. Les principes décrits dans le rapport servent de point de départ pour offrir une expérience de voyage universellement accueillante.

Expedia Group hat 'Reisen für Alle: Eine Studie von Expedia Group zur Inklusion im Reisen' veröffentlicht, einen wegweisenden Bericht, der darauf abzielt, eine inklusivere Reisegemeinschaft zu fördern. Die Studie identifiziert gemeinsame Reiseherausforderungen, mit denen unterversorgte Gruppen wie Schwarze, Latinos, LGBTQIA+ und Reisende mit Behinderungen konfrontiert sind. Sie liefert grundlegende Daten und wichtige Empfehlungen für die Reisebranche, um unterrepräsentierte Reisende besser zu bedienen.

Der Bericht hebt bestehende Schmerzpunkte hervor, die sofortige Aufmerksamkeit und Handlungsbedarf erfordern, und bietet Empfehlungen basierend auf direkten Einsichten. Expedia Group betont, dass die Integration inklusiver Praktiken in Produkte und Dienstleistungen nicht nur die Markenattraktivität und -bindung erhöht, sondern auch bedeutende Wachstumsmöglichkeiten schafft, indem die Bedürfnisse von mehr Reisenden erfüllt werden.

Das Unternehmen fordert alle Akteure der Reisebranche zu einem kollektiven Einsatz auf, um einen bedeutenden und nachhaltigen Wandel zu schaffen und die Erfahrungen aller Reisenden zu verbessern. Die im Bericht skizzierten Prinzipien dienen als Ausgangspunkt für die Schaffung eines universell einladenden Reiseerlebnisses.

  • Launch of 'Journeys for All' study to promote inclusive travel
  • Potential for industry growth by addressing needs of underserved travelers
  • Provision of data-informed guidance for the travel industry
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 10, 2024 / At Expedia Group, we believe travel is a force for good. We are committed to ensuring access for all travelers because it serves as a gateway to the world, allowing us to connect with others, share our experiences, and broaden our horizons. Travel should be enabled, encouraged and championed, but we know everyone does not have the same access to experience these opportunities.

As part of our commitment to fostering a more inclusive travel community, we've launched Journeys for All: An Expedia Group Study on Inclusion in Travel. This first-of-its-kind report provides the industry with essential data and key recommendations to better serve underrepresented travelers.

For us, it's important that everyone can access and feel safe and empowered while traveling. We wanted to explore what those different experiences look like based on individual identities.

Aditi Mohapatra - VP, Global Social Impact & Sustainability

These underserved travelers are individuals or groups who face significant barriers to accessing products or services due to a variety of factors including race, ethnicity, gender and sexual identity, disability, economic status, and geographic location. These barriers often intersect and can result from systemic inequalities, discriminatory practices, economic constraints, and insufficient or inadequately designed infrastructure.

Although underserved travelers are already exploring the world, the travel industry must recognize the immense potential in enabling more inclusive travel experiences. By addressing the barriers that hinder many from fully participating in travel, the industry can unlock a wealth of opportunities - not only in enhancing their journeys but also in expanding the traveler base.

This original research seeks to identify shared travel challenges of underserved groups, including Black, Latino, LGBTQIA+, and travelers with disabilities. By examining the planning and experience of their journeys, we've identified persistent pain points that need immediate attention and action. We've also included recommendations for how to address those pain points, based directly on these firsthand insights. What we learn in this study invites us as an industry to create more inclusive travel experiences together.

This study demonstrates what we've long known to be true: embedding inclusive practices across our products and services does more than enhance brand appeal and loyalty. It creates significant growth opportunities by meeting the needs of more travelers.

Greg Schulze - Chief Commercial Officer and President, Travel Partnerships and Media

The principles outlined in this report are a starting point to provide data-informed guidance for the industry to work together in providing a universally welcoming travel experience. To create meaningful and sustainable change that improves experiences for all travelers requires a collective effort from all corners of the travel industry. This intersectional study, with firsthand insights and actionable recommendations, invites the industry as a whole to address these barriers so more people can experience more joy in travel.

Learn more about Inclusive Travel by downloading the report: Journeys for All: An Expedia Group Inclusion In Travel Study

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SOURCE: Expedia Group

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What is the 'Journeys for All' study by Expedia Group (EXPE) about?

The 'Journeys for All' study by Expedia Group (EXPE) is a report on inclusion in travel, providing data and recommendations to better serve underrepresented travelers, including Black, Latino, LGBTQIA+, and travelers with disabilities.

How does Expedia Group (EXPE) aim to improve travel experiences for underserved groups?

Expedia Group (EXPE) aims to improve travel experiences for underserved groups by identifying shared travel challenges, persistent pain points, and offering recommendations based on firsthand insights from these travelers.

What potential benefits does Expedia Group (EXPE) see in promoting inclusive travel?

Expedia Group (EXPE) sees potential benefits in promoting inclusive travel, including enhanced brand appeal and loyalty, and significant growth opportunities by meeting the needs of a broader range of travelers.

How can the travel industry access Expedia Group's (EXPE) 'Journeys for All' study?

The travel industry can access Expedia Group's (EXPE) 'Journeys for All' study by downloading the report from the Expedia Group website, as mentioned in the press release.

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