KeyBank Invests $300,000 in Indianapolis Urban League to Expand Entrepreneurship Center Program
KeyBank has announced a $300,000 investment in the Indianapolis Urban League (IUL) to expand its Entrepreneurship Center Program (ECP). The program, established in 2021, supports minority-owned small businesses in Central Indiana through workshops, training, coaching, and resources. Since its inception, ECP has enrolled 196 businesses, awarded over $146,000 in grants, and provided over 2,893 hours of business counseling. The new funding will enhance programming with additional services including mentoring, financial literacy training, and design support, tailored to each entrepreneur's business stage.
KeyBank ha annunciato un investimento di 300.000 dollari nella Indianapolis Urban League (IUL) per espandere il suo Programma Centro di Imprenditorialità (ECP). Il programma, istituito nel 2021, supporta le piccole imprese di proprietà minoritaria nel Centro dell'Indiana attraverso workshop, formazione, coaching e risorse. Dalla sua creazione, l'ECP ha iscritto 196 aziende, assegnato oltre 146.000 dollari in sovvenzioni e fornito oltre 2.893 ore di consulenza aziendale. Il nuovo finanziamento migliorerà i programmi con servizi aggiuntivi, tra cui mentoring, formazione alla gestione finanziaria e supporto per la progettazione, personalizzati in base alla fase di sviluppo di ciascun imprenditore.
KeyBank ha anunciado una inversión de 300,000 dólares en la Indianapolis Urban League (IUL) para ampliar su Programa de Centro de Emprendimiento (ECP). El programa, establecido en 2021, apoya a las pequeñas empresas de propiedad de minorías en el Centro de Indiana a través de talleres, capacitación, coaching y recursos. Desde su creación, el ECP ha inscrito a 196 empresas, otorgado más de 146,000 dólares en subvenciones y proporcionado más de 2,893 horas de asesoría empresarial. La nueva financiación mejorará la programación con servicios adicionales, incluidos mentoría, capacitación en educación financiera y apoyo en diseño, adaptados a la etapa empresarial de cada emprendedor.
KeyBank는 30만 달러 투자를 인디애나폴리스 도시 리그(IUL)에 발표하여 기업가 정신 센터 프로그램 (ECP)을 확장합니다. 2021년에 설립된 이 프로그램은 중앙 인디애나의 소수자 소유의 소기업을 워크숍, 교육, 코칭 및 자원을 통해 지원합니다. 설립 이래로 ECP는 196개의 기업에 등록하고, 146,000달러 이상의 보조금을 수여하며, 2,893시간 이상의 비즈니스 상담을 제공했습니다. 새로운 자금 조달은 각 기업가의 비즈니스 단계에 맞춘 멘토링, 재정 교육 및 디자인 지원을 포함한 추가 서비스로 프로그램을 향상시킬 것입니다.
KeyBank a annoncé un investissement de 300 000 dollars dans l'Indianapolis Urban League (IUL) pour élargir son Programme de Centre d'Entrepreneuriat (ECP). Ce programme, établi en 2021, soutient les petites entreprises appartenant à des minorités dans le centre de l'Indiana à travers des ateliers, des formations, du coaching et des ressources. Depuis sa création, l'ECP a inscrit 196 entreprises, accordé plus de 146 000 dollars en subventions et fourni plus de 2 893 heures de conseil aux entreprises. Le nouveau financement améliorera la programmation avec des services supplémentaires, notamment du mentorat, de la formation sur la gestion financière et du support en design, adaptés à chaque stade de développement de l'entrepreneur.
KeyBank hat eine Investition von 300.000 Dollar in die Indianapolis Urban League (IUL) angekündigt, um sein Unternehmerzentrum-Programm (ECP) zu erweitern. Das 2021 ins Leben gerufene Programm unterstützt kleine Unternehmen im Besitz von Minderheiten in Zentralindiana durch Workshops, Schulungen, Coaching und Ressourcen. Seit seiner Gründung hat das ECP 196 Unternehmen eingeschrieben, über 146.000 Dollar an Zuschüssen vergeben und mehr als 2.893 Stunden Unternehmensberatung bereitgestellt. Die neue Finanzierung wird das Programm mit weiteren Dienstleistungen wie Mentoring, Finanzbildungsangeboten und Designunterstützung verbessern, die auf jede Phase des Unternehmens zugeschnitten sind.
- Program has awarded over $146,000 in grants since 2021
- Enrolled 196 small businesses across six cohorts
- Provided over $398,501 in additional grant funding support
- Conducted over 2,893 hours of business counseling
- 20 small business owners earned industry-recognized credentials
- None.
The program's track record of distributing
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / November 26, 2024 / KeyBank
IUL plans to enhance the ECP by offering more comprehensive programming and services tailored to each entrepreneur's business stage at the time of enrollment
KeyBank and the KeyBank Foundation proudly announced an investment of
The ECP was established in 2021 to support entrepreneurs in developing, launching, sustaining, and expanding minority-owned small businesses in Central Indiana and the surrounding counties. This comprehensive program offers both current and prospective small business owners access to in-person and virtual workshops, short-term industry-recognized training credentials, individualized coaching, and resources to help maximize revenue, reduce costs, enhance profitability, and create job opportunities.
Using funding from KeyBank, IUL aims to enhance the ECP by offering more comprehensive programming and services tailored to each entrepreneur's business stage at the time of enrollment. This expansion will enable IUL to provide additional resources and support to participants throughout their time in the program. These added resources will include mentoring, financial literacy training, logo and website design, among others.
"KeyBank recognizes the critical role that minority-owned businesses play in driving economic growth and building stronger communities," said Juan Gonzalez, KeyBank Central Indiana Market President. "Supporting the Indianapolis Urban League's Entrepreneurship Center Program allows us to help break down barriers for these entrepreneurs by providing the resources, training, and mentorship they need to succeed. This investment reflects our continued commitment to fostering equity, opportunity, and sustainable success for businesses that are vital to the future of Central Indiana."
Since 2021 the program has achieved the following:
Enrolled 196 small businesses in six (6) cohorts
Awarded over
$146,000 in IUL Helping Hand Grant Funds ($101,000 2022 and$45 ,00 in 2023)Provided over
$50,000 t o 175 entrepreneurs participating in the IUL Entrepreneur & Small Business Fair in 2022 and 2023Program participants were awarded over
$398,501 in other grant and funding supportConducted over 75 small business workshops
Conducted over 2,893 total small business counseling hours
20 small business owners earned industry-recognized training credentials
"KeyBank understands what it takes to help establish and grow a business in Central Indiana. The Indianapolis Urban League is truly appreciative of our partnership with KeyBank and their generous contribution of
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