lululemon’s Global Wellbeing Report Shows the Pressure to Keep Up with Wellbeing is Making People Feel Unwell

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lululemon's 2024 Global Wellbeing Report reveals a paradoxical trend: the intense pursuit of wellbeing is causing stress. Key findings include:

- 89% of people are taking more action to improve wellbeing compared to last year
- Nearly two-thirds struggle with societal pressure to support wellbeing
- Almost half experience "wellbeing burnout"
- Wellbeing Index Scores have remained stagnant globally over four years

The report suggests three strategies to overcome burnout: quieting the noise, doing what feels good, and inviting others on the journey. Notably, moving with others can improve overall wellbeing by 16%.

In response, lululemon announced a $3.1M USD commitment to mental health organizations and plans to host free movement-based community activations globally from October 7-12, 2024.

Il Rapporto Globale sul Benessere 2024 di lululemon rivela una tendenza paradossale: la forte ricerca del benessere provoca stress. Tra i principali risultati ci sono:

- L'89% delle persone sta intraprendendo più azioni per migliorare il proprio benessere rispetto all'anno scorso
- Quasi due terzi faticano con la pressione sociale a supportare il benessere
- Quasi la metà sperimenta il "burnout da benessere"
- I punteggi dell'Indice di Benessere sono rimasti stagnanti a livello globale negli ultimi quattro anni

Il rapporto suggerisce tre strategie per superare il burnout: silenziare il rumore, fare ciò che fa stare bene e invitare altri nel percorso. È importante notare che muoversi con gli altri può migliorare il benessere generale del 16%.

In risposta, lululemon ha annunciato un impegno di 3,1 milioni di dollari USA alle organizzazioni per la salute mentale e prevede di ospitare attivazioni comunitarie gratuite basate sul movimento a livello globale dal 7 al 12 ottobre 2024.

El Informe Global de Bienestar 2024 de lululemon revela una tendencia paradójica: la intensa búsqueda del bienestar está causando estrés. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- El 89% de las personas está tomando más acciones para mejorar su bienestar en comparación con el año pasado
- Casi dos tercios luchan con la presión social para apoyar el bienestar
- Casi la mitad experimenta "burnout de bienestar"
- Los puntajes del Índice de Bienestar se han mantenido estancados a nivel global durante cuatro años

El informe sugiere tres estrategias para superar el burnout: aquietar el ruido, hacer lo que se siente bien e invitar a otros en el camino. Cabe destacar que moverse con otros puede mejorar el bienestar general en un 16%.

En respuesta, lululemon anunció un compromiso de 3.1 millones de dólares con organizaciones de salud mental y planea organizar activaciones comunitarias gratuitas basadas en el movimiento a nivel mundial del 7 al 12 de octubre de 2024.

룰루레몬의 2024 글로벌 웰빙 보고서는 역설적인 트렌드를 드러냅니다: 웰빙을 추구하는 강한 의지가 스트레스를 초래하고 있습니다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

- 89%의 사람들이 지난해에 비해 웰빙 개선을 위한 조치를 더 많이 취하고 있습니다.
- 거의 2/3가 웰빙을 지지해야 한다는 사회적 압박에 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.
- 거의 절반이 "웰빙 번아웃"을 경험합니다.
- 전 세계 웰빙 지수 점수는 4년간 정체 상태입니다.

보고서는 번아웃을 극복하기 위한 세 가지 전략을 제안합니다: 소음을 잠잠하게 하고, 기분이 좋은 활동을 하며, 다른 사람을 초대하는 것입니다. 특히, 다른 사람과 함께 움직이면 전반적인 웰빙이 16% 향상될 수 있습니다.

이에 대한 응답으로, 룰루레몬은 정신 건강 단체에 310만 달러의 기부를 발표하였고, 2024년 10월 7일부터 12일까지 전 세계적으로 무료 운동 기반 커뮤니티 활동을 개최할 계획입니다.

Le Rapport Mondial sur le Bien-être 2024 de lululemon révèle une tendance paradoxale : la recherche intense du bien-être engendre du stress. Les principales conclusions sont :

- 89% des personnes prennent davantage de mesures pour améliorer leur bien-être par rapport à l'année dernière
- Près des deux tiers luttent contre la pression sociale pour soutenir le bien-être
- Près de la moitié éprouve un "burnout au bien-être"
- Les scores de l'Indice de Bien-être sont restés stagnants au niveau mondial pendant quatre ans

Le rapport suggère trois stratégies pour surmonter le burnout : apaiser le bruit, faire ce qui fait du bien et inviter les autres dans le parcours. Notamment, bouger avec d'autres peut améliorer le bien-être global de 16%.

En réponse, lululemon a annoncé un engagement de 3,1 millions de dollars envers des organisations de santé mentale et prévoit d'organiser des activations communautaires gratuites basées sur le mouvement au niveau mondial du 7 au 12 octobre 2024.

Der Globale Wohlfühlbericht 2024 von lululemon zeigt einen paradoxen Trend: Die intensive Verfolgung des Wohlbefindens verursacht Stress. Wichtige Erkenntnisse sind:

- 89% der Menschen unternehmen mehr Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Wohlbefindens im Vergleich zum Vorjahr
- Fast zwei Drittel haben Schwierigkeiten mit dem gesellschaftlichen Druck, das Wohlbefinden zu unterstützen
- Fast die Hälfte erlebt "Wohlfühl-Burnout"
- Die Wohlfühl-Index Werte sind weltweit über vier Jahre hinweg stagnierend geblieben

Der Bericht schlägt drei Strategien zur Überwindung von Burnout vor: den Lärm beruhigen, Dinge tun, die einem gut tun, und andere auf die Reise einladen. Besonders hervorzuheben ist, dass Gemeinsamkeit das allgemeine Wohlbefinden um 16% verbessern kann.

In Reaktion darauf kündigte lululemon ein Engagement von 3,1 Millionen USD für Organisationen im Bereich psychische Gesundheit an und plant, globale kostenlose Bewegungsaktivierungen von 7. bis 12. Oktober 2024 zu veranstalten.

  • lululemon committed $3.1M USD to mental health organizations
  • The company is hosting free movement-based community activations globally
  • The report provides valuable insights into global wellbeing trends
  • No direct financial or business performance metrics were provided in the PR

Annual report from global retailer underscores that moving with others can improve overall wellbeing

VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- lululemon (NASDAQ: LULU) today released its fourth annual 2024 Global Wellbeing Report1, revealing a perpetual and counterproductive cycle where the relentless pursuit of wellbeing is making us less well. While the focus on wellbeing is stronger than ever – 89% of people are taking more action than they were a year ago to improve their wellbeing – so is the pressure to keep up. Nearly two-thirds of respondents are struggling with this growing societal demand to support their wellbeing in specific ways. This pressure is causing almost half of respondents to experience “wellbeing burnout.”

2024 lululemon Global Wellbeing Report (Photo: Business Wire)

2024 lululemon Global Wellbeing Report (Photo: Business Wire)

“We are pleased to share new insights into the state of wellbeing around the world,” said Calvin McDonald, CEO, lululemon. “By sharing these insights, we hope to stimulate conversations and encourage people to reflect on how to support their wellbeing. The data shows us that moving with others and feeling a sense of community can positively impact how a person feels, and we look forward to bringing our guests and communities around the world together throughout the year to do just that.”

Despite this continued prioritization of wellbeing, the Wellbeing Index Scores, measured across physical, mental and social dimensions, have remained stagnant globally over the past four years; underscoring a need for a change in the approach to improving wellbeing. The data highlights the top pressure points fueling the wellbeing cycle:

  • 61% of those surveyed say they experience overwhelming societal expectations to appear well.
  • 53% say there is a lot of conflicting information about the best ways to improve wellbeing.
  • 89% of those experiencing “wellbeing burnout” say loneliness is a contributing factor.

The report outlines three strategies that are helping people worldwide get unstuck and move beyond “wellbeing burnout.”

  1. Quiet the noise – Focus on mindfulness, take social media breaks and set boundaries. For example, those who practice meditation report 12% higher wellbeing.

  2. Do what feels good to you – Practice doing things at your own pace, move your body throughout the day, spend time in nature, or use physical activity to socialize. Those who move their body a little throughout the day report 16% higher wellbeing.

  3. Invite others on your journey Connect with your community by working out with a friend, sign-up for a team sport or fitness class, or vocalize your needs with your family, friendships, and relationships. Those who use physical activity as an opportunity to socialize with others report 23% higher wellbeing.

“Often, the pressure to improve our wellbeing causes us to overthink and fixate on what’s lacking in our lives. I recommend setting gradual, achievable goals, turning the pursuit of wellbeing into a source of joy and anticipation rather than stress,” said Dr. Murali Doraiswamy, professor, Duke University and lululemon Mental Wellbeing Global Advisory Board member.

While the data highlights the wellbeing pressures, an intersection of community and movement can help break the cycle and improve wellbeing. Through the simple act of moving with others, individuals can feel more connected to their communities, become rooted in purpose and improve overall wellbeing by 16%.

As a brand rooted in community and movement, lululemon announced a $3.1M USD commitment to United for Global Mental Health, The Global Coalition for Youth Mental Health led by UNICEF2 and UNICEF's Global Mental Health Fund, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) to continue their work in advancing mental health across the globe, with a sharpened focus on the intersection of movement and mental health.

“People are talking about mental health more than ever before and it is critical for every part of our societies to come together to continue to raise awareness, reduce stigma and take action to increase support for mental health around the world,” said Sarah Kline, CEO of United for Global Mental Health (UnitedGMH) and lululemon Mental Wellbeing Global Advisory Board Member. "With lululemon’s donation and partnership, United for Global Mental Health will continue to drive national and global policy commitments and actions to encourage greater physical activity to support mental health across the world, recognising the strong bidirectional link between physical and mental health. We will continue building the Global Mental Health Action Network as a global community to promote action and garner conversations to help address mental health and wellbeing pressures.”

In support of World Mental Health Day, lululemon is sharing a variety of actions big and small to boost wellbeing for all and bring guests together globally to move in different ways. From October 7 – October 12, lululemon will be hosting a variety of free movement-based community activations around the world. To learn more about how to participate please visit:

To view the lululemon 2024 Global Wellbeing Report, please visit here.

1 lululemon launched its annual Global Wellbeing Report in 2021 to help guide its ongoing work in support of its brand purpose and achieving the Be Well goals outlined in its Impact Agenda. The 15-market study benchmarks the state of wellbeing globally and explores the drivers and barriers to being well mentally, physically, and socially. Research was fielded April 22, 2024, to May 30, 2024, and included 16,000 general population adults globally (1,000 within each of the following 15 markets: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Hong Kong S.A.R., Thailand and Japan; and 2,000 within China Mainland).

2 UNICEF does not endorse any company, brand, product or service.

About lululemon

lululemon (NASDAQ:LULU) is a technical athletic apparel, footwear, and accessories company for yoga, running, training, and most other activities, creating transformational products and experiences that build meaningful connections, unlocking greater possibility and wellbeing for all. Setting the bar in innovation of fabrics and functional designs, lululemon works with yogis and athletes in local communities around the world for continuous research and product feedback. For more information, visit


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Madi Wallace



Source: lululemon athletica inc.


What are the key findings of lululemon's 2024 Global Wellbeing Report?

The report reveals that 89% of people are taking more action to improve wellbeing, nearly two-thirds struggle with societal pressure, and almost half experience 'wellbeing burnout'. Wellbeing Index Scores have remained stagnant globally over four years.

How much did lululemon (LULU) commit to mental health organizations in 2024?

lululemon announced a $3.1M USD commitment to mental health organizations, including United for Global Mental Health, The Global Coalition for Youth Mental Health led by UNICEF, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

What strategies does lululemon's 2024 report suggest for overcoming wellbeing burnout?

The report outlines three strategies: 1) Quiet the noise - focus on mindfulness and set boundaries, 2) Do what feels good to you - move your body and spend time in nature, and 3) Invite others on your journey - connect with your community through physical activities.

When is lululemon (LULU) hosting free community activations in 2024?

lululemon will be hosting free movement-based community activations around the world from October 7 to October 12, 2024, in support of World Mental Health Day.

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