Progressive Insurance® Introduces Accident Response® to Customers Nationwide
Progressive Insurance has launched Accident Response, a new safety feature available nationwide through its mobile app. The feature uses phone sensors to detect major accidents and automatically contacts the driver to offer assistance. If help is needed, users can request emergency services or tow trucks through the app or with a live agent. In cases of severe accidents without response, emergency services are automatically dispatched.
The feature's launch is timely as winter approaches, considering that 70% of US roads are in snow-prone areas, with over 116,800 people injured annually in crashes on snowy, slushy, or icy pavement. The service is free to use, though service costs depend on the customer's auto policy coverage. The feature is not available in California.
Progressive Insurance ha lanciato Risposta agli Incidenti, una nuova funzione di sicurezza disponibile a livello nazionale tramite la sua app mobile. Questa funzione utilizza i sensori del telefono per rilevare incidenti gravi e contattare automaticamente il conducente per offrire assistenza. Se è necessario aiuto, gli utenti possono richiedere servizi di emergenza o carroattrezzi tramite l'app o con un agente dal vivo. In caso di incidenti gravi senza risposta, i servizi di emergenza vengono inviati automaticamente.
Il lancio della funzione è tempestivo poiché si avvicina l'inverno, considerando che il 70% delle strade statunitensi si trova in aree soggette a nevicate, con oltre 116.800 persone ferite annualmente in incidenti causati da pavimentazioni innevate, ghiacciate o melmose. Il servizio è gratuito, anche se i costi dipendono dalla copertura della polizza auto del cliente. La funzione non è disponibile in California.
Progressive Insurance ha lanzado Respuesta a Accidentes, una nueva función de seguridad disponible a nivel nacional a través de su aplicación móvil. Esta función utiliza los sensores del teléfono para detectar accidentes importantes y contactar automáticamente al conductor para ofrecer asistencia. Si se necesita ayuda, los usuarios pueden solicitar servicios de emergencia o grúas a través de la aplicación o con un agente en vivo. En el caso de accidentes severos sin respuesta, los servicios de emergencia son enviados automáticamente.
El lanzamiento de la función es oportuno ya que se acerca el invierno, considerando que el 70% de las carreteras de EE. UU. se encuentran en áreas propensas a la nieve, con más de 116,800 personas heridas anualmente en accidentes en pavimento nevado, helado o fangoso. El servicio es gratuito, aunque los costos dependen de la cobertura de la póliza de auto del cliente. La función no está disponible en California.
프로그레시브 보험이 사고 대응이라는 새로운 안전 기능을 출시했습니다. 이 기능은 모바일 앱을 통해 전국적으로 이용할 수 있습니다. 이 기능은 전화 센서를 사용하여 주요 사고를 감지하고 자동으로 운전자에게 연락하여 도움을 제공합니다. 도움이 필요한 경우, 사용자는 앱을 통해 또는 라이브 상담원을 통해 긴급 서비스나 견인차를 요청할 수 있습니다. 심각한 사고로 응답이 없을 경우, 긴급 서비스가 자동으로 배치됩니다.
이 기능의 출시는 겨울이 다가오는 시점에서 적절합니다. 미국의 도로 중 70%가 눈에 취약한 지역에 있으며, 매년 116,800명이 눈이 내리거나 진흙탕이 되거나 얼어붙은 도로에서 사고로 부상당하고 있습니다. 이 서비스는 무료로 제공되지만, 서비스 비용은 고객의 자동차 보험 보장에 따라 다릅니다. 이 기능은 캘리포니아에서는 제공되지 않습니다.
Progressive Insurance a lancé Réponse aux Accidents, une nouvelle fonctionnalité de sécurité disponible à l'échelle nationale via son application mobile. Cette fonctionnalité utilise les capteurs du téléphone pour détecter les accidents majeurs et contacte automatiquement le conducteur pour offrir de l'aide. Si une assistance est nécessaire, les utilisateurs peuvent demander des services d'urgence ou des dépanneuses via l'application ou avec un agent en direct. En cas d'accidents graves sans réponse, les services d'urgence sont automatiquement dépêchés.
Le lancement de cette fonctionnalité est opportun à l'approche de l'hiver, sachant que 70 % des routes aux États-Unis se trouvent dans des zones sujettes à la neige, avec plus de 116 800 personnes blessées chaque année dans des accidents sur des routes enneigées, boueuses ou glacées. Le service est gratuit, bien que les coûts des services dépendent de la couverture de la police automobile du client. La fonctionnalité n'est pas disponible en Californie.
Progressive Insurance hat die Funktion Unfallreaktion gestartet, ein neues Sicherheitsfeature, das landesweit über die mobile App verfügbar ist. Diese Funktion nutzt die Sensoren des Telefons, um schwere Unfälle zu erkennen und kontaktiert automatisch den Fahrer, um Unterstützung anzubieten. Wenn Hilfe benötigt wird, können Nutzer über die App oder einen Live-Agenten Notdienste oder Abschleppwagen anfordern. In Fällen von schweren Unfällen ohne Antwort werden automatisch Notdienste dispatched.
Der Start der Funktion kommt zur rechten Zeit, da der Winter naht, da 70 % der US-Straßen in schneereichen Gebieten liegen, und jährlich über 116.800 Personen bei Unfällen auf schneebedeckten, matschigen oder vereisten Straßen verletzt werden. Der Service ist kostenlos, die Kosten hängen jedoch von der Kfz-Versicherung des Kunden ab. Die Funktion ist in Kalifornien nicht verfügbar.
- Introduction of new safety feature that could reduce emergency response time
- Automatic claim submission feature streamlines customer experience
- No additional cost for the app or Accident Response feature
- Service not available in California market
- Service costs still subject to policy coverage limitations
- Feature availability to specific situations
The launch of Progressive's Accident Response represents a strategic move in the competitive auto insurance landscape. This technology-driven feature addresses a important market need, particularly during winter months when accident risks increase significantly. The integration of crash detection and automated emergency response could potentially reduce claims processing time and lower operational costs through automation.
The service's automatic claim submission feature is particularly noteworthy as it streamlines the claims process, potentially improving customer satisfaction and retention rates. While there's no direct monetization of the feature itself, the long-term benefits include reduced claims severity through faster emergency response and improved risk management through data collection. This aligns with Progressive's historical focus on leveraging technology for competitive advantage in the insurance market.
The latest innovation, available in the Progressive app, provides real-time assistance to customers involved in a major accident
Countrywide access to the feature comes as the winter season approaches, creating additional hazards on the road for much of the country. According to the Federal Highway Administration,
With driver safety and innovation at the heart of Progressive's offerings, Accident Response provides personal auto customers using the Progressive app with an added layer of protection. The optional feature within the app uses phone sensors to detect when a customer may have been in a major accident. If a crash is detected, Progressive will reach out to the driver to see if help is needed. The driver can then quickly and easily request emergency services or a tow truck through the app or with a live agent. If they don't respond, and the accident appears severe, emergency services will be dispatched to the crash location. If tow or emergency services are requested, Progressive will automatically submit a claim on the customer's behalf.
"Progressive has always put safety at the forefront of our services, creating new innovations with the needs of our customers in mind," said Jim Haas, Progressive Business Leader for Personal Lines Telematics. "Accident Response offers Progressive customers peace of mind by connecting them with the help they need after an accident and quickly starting the process to get them back on the road."
Accident Response is an optional feature within the Progressive app. There is no charge for downloading the app or using the Accident Response feature. The cost for provided services such as ambulance or tow are subject to the coverage purchased under a customer's personal auto policy. To learn more, visit or check out this video.
Accident Response is not available in
About Progressive
Progressive Insurance® makes it easy to understand, buy and use car insurance, home insurance, and other protection needs. Progressive offers choices so consumers can reach us however it's most convenient for them — online at, by phone at 1-800-PROGRESSIVE, via the Progressive mobile app, or in-person with a local agent.
Progressive provides insurance for personal and commercial autos and trucks, motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, and homes; it is the second largest personal auto insurer in the country, a leading seller of commercial auto, motorcycle, and boat insurance, and one of the top 15 homeowners insurance carriers.
Founded in 1937, Progressive continues its long history of offering shopping tools and services that save customers time and money, like Name Your Price®, Snapshot®, and HomeQuote Explorer®.
The Common Shares of The Progressive Corporation, the
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