Quest Nutrition Announces Partnership with USA Rugby National Teams
Quest Nutrition has announced a partnership with USA Rugby as their official protein snack partner for the national teams. The collaboration aims to provide USA Eagles athletes with Quest's protein-rich products including bars, cookies, and chips to support their training and competition needs. The partnership will particularly benefit the USA Women's Sevens Team, which competes in seven tournaments across five continents annually. Quest's products will help maintain athletes' energy levels during their rigorous training sessions and global competitions.
Quest Nutrition ha annunciato una partnership con USA Rugby come loro partner ufficiale per gli snack proteici delle squadre nazionali. La collaborazione mira a fornire agli atleti degli USA Eagles i prodotti ricchi di proteine di Quest, tra cui barrette, biscotti e patatine, per sostenere le loro esigenze di allenamento e competizione. La partnership sarà particolarmente vantaggiosa per il USA Women's Sevens Team, che partecipa a sette tornei su cinque continenti ogni anno. I prodotti di Quest aiuteranno a mantenere i livelli di energia degli atleti durante le loro intense sessioni di allenamento e le competizioni globali.
Quest Nutrition ha anunciado una asociación con USA Rugby como su socio oficial de snacks proteicos para los equipos nacionales. La colaboración tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los atletas de USA Eagles productos ricos en proteínas de Quest, incluyendo barras, galletas y papas fritas, para apoyar sus necesidades de entrenamiento y competición. La asociación beneficiará especialmente al USA Women's Sevens Team, que compite en siete torneos en cinco continentes cada año. Los productos de Quest ayudarán a mantener los niveles de energía de los atletas durante sus rigurosas sesiones de entrenamiento y competiciones internacionales.
Quest Nutrition은 USA Rugby와 파트너십을 체결하고 국가 대표팀의 공식 프로틴 스낵 파트너가 되었다고 발표했습니다. 이 협력은 USA Eagles 선수들에게 바, 쿠키, 칩과 같은 Quest의 단백질 풍부한 제품을 제공하여 그들의 훈련과 경쟁 필요를 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 파트너십은 매년 5개 대륙에서 7개의 토너먼트에 참가하는 USA Women's Sevens Team에 특히 혜택을 줄 것입니다. Quest의 제품은 선수들이 철저한 훈련 세션과 글로벌 경쟁 중에 에너지 수준을 유지하는 데 도움을 줄 것입니다.
Quest Nutrition a annoncé un partenariat avec USA Rugby en tant que partenaire officiel de collations protéinées pour les équipes nationales. Cette collaboration vise à fournir aux athlètes des USA Eagles des produits riches en protéines de Quest, y compris des barres, des biscuits et des chips, pour soutenir leurs besoins en entraînement et en compétition. Le partenariat bénéficiera particulièrement à l'USA Women's Sevens Team, qui participe chaque année à sept tournois sur cinq continents. Les produits de Quest aideront à maintenir les niveaux d'énergie des athlètes lors de leurs séances d'entraînement rigoureuses et de leurs compétitions internationales.
Quest Nutrition hat eine Partnerschaft mit USA Rugby als ihrem offiziellen Protein-Snack-Partner für die Nationalmannschaften bekannt gegeben. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, den Athleten der USA Eagles Quest's proteinreiche Produkte wie Riegel, Kekse und Chips zur Unterstützung ihrer Trainings- und Wettbewerbsbedürfnisse bereitzustellen. Diese Partnerschaft wird insbesondere dem USA Women's Sevens Team zugutekommen, das jährlich an sieben Turnieren auf fünf Kontinenten teilnimmt. Die Produkte von Quest werden helfen, die Energielevels der Athleten während ihrer intensiven Trainingseinheiten und globalen Wettbewerbe aufrechtzuerhalten.
- Strategic partnership with USA Rugby national teams enhances brand visibility in sports nutrition
- Access to elite athlete market segment through USA Women's Sevens Team exposure across five continents
- Product placement opportunity in high-performance sports environment
- None.
This partnership announcement, while positive for brand visibility, represents a relatively minor development for The Simply Good Foods Company (SMPL), Quest's parent company. With a
The deal's strategic value lies in associating Quest with elite athletes, potentially strengthening brand perception among fitness enthusiasts. However, USA Rugby's relatively small following in the U.S. compared to major sports leagues limits the partnership's immediate commercial potential. The arrangement appears focused on product placement and brand awareness rather than significant revenue generation.
Quest Fuels
"We are thrilled to join forces with
The partnership will especially benefit the
"As our athletes compete all around the world, at the highest levels of World Rugby, we're thrilled to partner with Quest Nutrition to help fuel each player at every stage of their preparation and competition," said
To explore Quest's full range of protein, flavor-forward products, visit
About The Simply Good Foods Company
The Simply Good Foods Company (Nasdaq: SMPL), headquartered in
The Quest™ brand aims to revolutionize snacking by providing products that are big on protein, low on sugar, and huge on taste. The current product line includes bars, salty snacks, cookies, candy, shakes, protein powders, and pizza. To learn more, visit
Established in 1975,
Alyssa Cordero
Senior Manager of Brand Engagement
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SOURCE Simply Good Foods USA, Inc.