NXG Cushing® Midstream Energy Fund (NYSE: SRV) Announces the Preliminary Results of its Rights Offering
NXG Cushing® Midstream Energy Fund (NYSE: SRV) has announced the preliminary results of its transferable rights offering, which ran from October 23 to November 14, 2024. The oversubscribed offering allowed rights holders to subscribe for up to 1,004,176 common shares at $41.80 per share, representing 89% of the Fund's NAV at closing. The offering is expected to generate gross proceeds of approximately $42,000,000. The Fund plans to invest the net proceeds in alignment with its investment objectives and policies. Common shares will be issued after completion of shareholder payments and pro-rata allocation of oversubscription privileges.
Il NXG Cushing® Midstream Energy Fund (NYSE: SRV) ha annunciato i risultati preliminari della sua offerta di diritti trasferibili, che si è svolta dal 23 ottobre al 14 novembre 2024. L'offerta, sovrascritta, ha consentito ai detentori di diritti di sottoscrivere fino a 1.004.176 azioni ordinarie a $41,80 per azione, rappresentando l'89% del NAV del Fondo alla chiusura. Si prevede che l'offerta genererà proventi lordi di circa $42.000.000. Il Fondo prevede di investire i proventi netti in conformità con i suoi obiettivi e politiche di investimento. Le azioni ordinarie saranno emesse dopo il completamento dei pagamenti agli azionisti e dell'allocazione pro-rata dei privilegi di sovrascrizione.
El NXG Cushing® Midstream Energy Fund (NYSE: SRV) ha anunciado los resultados preliminares de su oferta de derechos transferibles, que se llevó a cabo del 23 de octubre al 14 de noviembre de 2024. La oferta, que estuvo sobarbicada, permitió a los titulares de derechos suscribirse hasta 1.004.176 acciones ordinarias a $41.80 por acción, representando el 89% del NAV del Fondo al cierre. Se espera que la oferta genere ingresos brutos de aproximadamente $42,000,000. El Fondo planea invertir los ingresos netos de acuerdo con sus objetivos y políticas de inversión. Las acciones ordinarias se emitirán después de completar los pagos a los accionistas y la asignación pro-rata de los privilegios de sobre suscripción.
NXG Cushing® Midstream Energy Fund (NYSE: SRV)는 2024년 10월 23일부터 11월 14일까지 진행된 이전 권리 양도 가능 제안의 예비 결과를 발표했습니다. 초과 구독된 이번 제안에서는 권리 보유자가 주당 41.80달러에 최대 1,004,176주에 대한 구속을 가능하게 하였으며, 이는 펀드의 NAV의 89%를 차지합니다. 이번 제안은 약 4200만 달러의 총수익을 생성할 것으로 예상됩니다. 펀드는 순수익을 투자 목표 및 정책에 부합하게 투자할 계획입니다. 일반 주식은 주주 지급 완료 및 초과 구독 특권의 비례 배분이 완료된 후 발행됩니다.
Le NXG Cushing® Midstream Energy Fund (NYSE: SRV) a annoncé les résultats préliminaires de son offre de droits transférables, qui s'est déroulée du 23 octobre au 14 novembre 2024. L'offre, surdemandée, a permis aux détenteurs de droits de souscrire jusqu'à 1.004.176 actions ordinaires à 41,80 $ par action, représentant 89 % de la valeur liquidative (NAV) du Fonds à la clôture. On s'attend à ce que l'offre génère des produits bruts d'environ 42.000.000 $. Le Fonds prévoit d'investir les produits nets en conformité avec ses objectifs et politiques d'investissement. Les actions ordinaires seront émises après le règlement des paiements aux actionnaires et l'attribution au prorata des privilèges de sursouscription.
Der NXG Cushing® Midstream Energy Fund (NYSE: SRV) hat die vorläufigen Ergebnisse seines übertragbaren Rechtsangebots bekannt gegeben, das vom 23. Oktober bis 14. November 2024 stattfand. Das überzeichnete Angebot ermöglichte es den Berechtigten, bis zu 1.004.176 Stammaktien zu einem Preis von 41,80 $ pro Aktie zu zeichnen, was 89 % des NAV des Fonds zum Schlusskurs entspricht. Es wird erwartet, dass das Angebot brutto Einnahmen von etwa 42.000.000 $ generiert. Der Fonds plant, die Nettomittel gemäß seinen Anlagezielen und -richtlinien zu investieren. Stammaktien werden nach Abschluss der Zahlungen an die Aktionäre und der pro-rata Zuteilung der Überzeichnungsprivilegien ausgegeben.
- Successfully completed oversubscribed rights offering
- Expected to raise approximately $42 million in gross proceeds
- Potential dilution of existing shareholders due to new share issuance
- Shares offered at 11% discount to NAV
The rights offering by NXG Cushing® Midstream Energy Fund demonstrates strong investor confidence, with the offering being oversubscribed at an attractive
The pricing at an
Gross proceeds of the Offer are expected to be approximately
This document is not an offer to sell any securities and is not soliciting an offer to buy any securities in any jurisdiction where the offer or sale is not permitted. This document is not an offering, which can only be made by a prospectus. Investors should consider the Fund's investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. Such information, including other information about the Fund, can be found on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission and should be read carefully before investing.
About NXG Investment Management
Cushing Asset Management, LP ("
About NXG
The Fund is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company with an investment objective to obtain a high after-tax total return from a combination of capital appreciation and current income. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing, under normal market conditions, at least
The Fund utilizes leverage as part of its investment strategy. There can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objectives.
For information about the Fund, please contact your financial advisor.
Blake Nelson
NXG Investment Management
View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/nxg-cushing-midstream-energy-fund-nyse-srv-announces-the-preliminary-results-of-its-rights-offering-302306762.html
SOURCE Cushing® Asset Management, LP d/b/a NXG Investment Management