Tenon Medical(R) Announces Issuance of Three U.S. Patents

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Tenon Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:TNON) has announced the issuance of three new U.S. patents, further strengthening its international patent portfolio for Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) stabilization systems. The patents include:

1. U.S. Patent Nos. 12,115,075 and 12,115,076: Enhanced Catamaran® prostheses with unique drug delivery compositions for improved sealing and bone growth.

2. U.S. Patent No. 12,115,077: SI joint prostheses designed to correct failed SI joint stabilization without removing the failed implant.

These additions bring Tenon's patent portfolio for the Catamaran® SI Joint Fusion System to 12 issued U.S. and foreign patents, with 23 pending applications. The company views these patents as reinforcing its focus on innovation and strengthening its competitive position in the industry.

Tenon Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:TNON) ha annunciato il rilascio di tre nuovi brevetti negli Stati Uniti, rafforzando ulteriormente il suo portafoglio di brevetti internazionale per i sistemi di stabilizzazione della articolazione sacroiliaca (SIJ). I brevetti includono:

1. Brevetto Statunitense N. 12,115,075 e N. 12,115,076: protesi Catamaran® avanzate con composizioni uniche per la somministrazione di farmaci, per un miglioramento della sigillatura e della crescita ossea.

2. Brevetto Statunitense N. 12,115,077: protesi per la articolazione SI progettate per correggere la stabilizzazione della articolazione SI fallita senza rimuovere l'impianto non riuscito.

Queste nuove aggiunte portano il portafoglio di brevetti di Tenon per il sistema di fusione della articolazione SI Catamaran® a 12 brevetti statunitensi e stranieri concessi, con 23 domande pendenti. L'azienda considera questi brevetti come un rinforzo della sua attenzione all'innovazione e un rafforzamento della sua posizione competitiva nel settore.

Tenon Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:TNON) ha anunciado la emisión de tres nuevas patentes en Estados Unidos, lo que refuerza aún más su cartera internacional de patentes para sistemas de estabilización de la articulación sacroilíaca (SIJ). Las patentes incluyen:

1. Patente de EE. UU. N.º 12,115,075 y N.º 12,115,076: prótesis Catamaran® mejoradas con composiciones únicas de liberación de fármacos para una mejor sellado y crecimiento óseo.

2. Patente de EE. UU. N.º 12,115,077: prótesis de articulación SI diseñadas para corregir la estabilización fallida de la articulación SI sin eliminar el implante fallido.

Estas adiciones llevan el portafolio de patentes de Tenon para el Sistema de Fusión de la Articulación SI Catamaran® a 12 patentes estadounidenses y extranjeras emitidas, con 23 solicitudes pendientes. La compañía ve estas patentes como un refuerzo a su enfoque en la innovación y un fortalecimiento de su posición competitiva en la industria.

Tenon Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:TNON)은 세 가지 새로운 미국 특허의 발행을 발표하였으며, 이는 천장 관절(SIJ) 안정화 시스템에 대한 국제 특허 포트폴리오를 더욱 강화합니다. 특허 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 미국 특허 번호 12,115,075 및 12,115,076: 개선된 Catamaran® 보철물은 독특한 약물 전달 조합을 사용하여 밀폐성과 뼈 성장 개선에 기여합니다.

2. 미국 특허 번호 12,115,077: 실패한 SI 관절 안정화를 없애지 않고도 수정할 수 있도록 설계된 SI 관절 보철물.

이러한 추가 항목들은 Tenon의 Catamaran® SI 관절 융합 시스템에 대한 특허 포트폴리오를 미국 및 외국에서 발급된 12개의 특허와 23개의 대기신청으로 확장합니다. 회사는 이러한 특허를 혁신에 대한 초점을 강화하고 업계에서의 경쟁력을 높이는 것으로 보고 있습니다.

Tenon Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:TNON) a annoncé l'émission de trois nouveaux brevets aux États-Unis, renforçant ainsi son portefeuille de brevets international pour les systèmes de stabilisation de l'articulation sacro-iliaque (SIJ). Les brevets incluent :

1. Brevets américains n° 12,115,075 et 12,115,076 : Prothèses Catamaran® améliorées avec des compositions uniques de délivrance de médicaments pour une meilleure étanchéité et une croissance osseuse améliorée.

2. Brevet américain n° 12,115,077 : Prothèses de l'articulation SI conçues pour corriger une stabilisation échouée de l'articulation SI sans retirer l'implant défaillant.

Ces ajouts portent le portefeuille de brevets de Tenon pour le système de fusion de l'articulation SI Catamaran® à 12 brevets américains et étrangers délivrés, avec 23 demandes en attente. L'entreprise considère ces brevets comme un renforçement de son engagement en matière d'innovation et un renforcement de sa position concurrentielle dans l'industrie.

Tenon Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:TNON) hat die Erteilung von drei neuen US-Patenten bekannt gegeben, die das internationale Patentportfolio für Sakroiliakgelenk(SIJ) Stabilisierungssysteme weiter stärken. Die Patente umfassen:

1. US-Patent-Nr. 12,115,075 und 12,115,076: Verbesserte Catamaran®-Prothesen mit einzigartigen Arzneimittelauslieferungskompositionen zur Verbesserung der Dichtheit und des Knochenwachstums.

2. US-Patent-Nr. 12,115,077: SI-Gelenk-Prothesen, die zur Korrektur von gescheiterten SI-Gelenkstabilisationen entwickelt wurden, ohne das fehlgeschlagene Implantat zu entfernen.

Diese Ergänzungen bringen Tenons Patentportfolio für das Catamaran® SI-Gelenk-Fusionssystem auf 12 erteilte US- und ausländische Patente, mit 23 anhängigen Anmeldungen. Das Unternehmen betrachtet diese Patente als Stärkung seines Innovationsfokus und der Wettbewerbsposition in der Branche.

  • Issuance of three new U.S. patents, strengthening the company's intellectual property portfolio
  • Enhanced Catamaran® prostheses with unique drug delivery compositions for improved sealing and bone growth
  • New patent for SI joint prostheses designed to correct failed SI joint stabilization without removing the failed implant
  • Growing patent portfolio now comprises 12 issued U.S. and foreign patents
  • 23 pending U.S. and foreign patent applications, indicating potential for future IP expansion
  • None.


The issuance of three new U.S. patents to Tenon Medical significantly strengthens their intellectual property portfolio in the Sacroiliac (SI) Joint stabilization market. The patents cover innovative features such as drug delivery compositions for enhanced bone sealing and growth, as well as unique prosthesis designs for revision surgeries.

This development is particularly noteworthy as it addresses two critical areas in SI joint treatment:

  • Improving the efficacy of initial implantation procedures
  • Providing solutions for failed SI joint stabilizations without removing the original implant

With a total of 12 issued patents and 23 pending applications, Tenon is positioning itself as a leader in SI joint fusion technology. This expanded patent protection could potentially increase barriers to entry for competitors and secure Tenon's market share in the growing SI joint disorder treatment space.

However, investors should note that while patents are valuable assets, their true worth lies in successful commercialization and market adoption of the protected technologies. Tenon's ability to translate these innovations into revenue growth and market leadership will be important for long-term success.

The issuance of these patents represents a significant intangible asset for Tenon Medical, potentially enhancing the company's competitive advantage and future revenue streams. For a small-cap company ($1.98 million market cap), intellectual property can be a important differentiator and value driver.

Key financial implications include:

  • Increased licensing potential: Tenon could generate additional revenue by licensing its patented technologies to other medical device companies.
  • Enhanced product pricing power: Unique, patented features may allow for premium pricing of Tenon's Catamaran® SI Joint Fusion System.
  • Potential for market share growth: Proprietary revision surgery solutions could capture a niche but valuable segment of the SI joint treatment market.

However, investors should also consider the costs associated with maintaining and defending this expanded patent portfolio. The impact on Tenon's R&D expenses and legal costs should be monitored in future financial reports.

While this news is positive for Tenon's long-term prospects, its immediate financial impact may be The company's ability to commercialize these innovations and achieve market penetration will be critical for translating patent strength into shareholder value.

Further Solidifies International Patent Portfolio and Underscores the Company's Commitment to Innovation of SI Joint Stabilization Systems and Methods

LOS GATOS, CA / ACCESSWIRE / October 17, 2024 / Tenon Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ:TNON) ("Tenon" or the "Company"), a company transforming care for patients suffering from certain Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) disorders, today announced the issuance of U.S. Patent Nos. 12,115,075, 12,115,076 and 12,115,077.

U.S. Patent Nos. 12,115,075 and 12,115,076, both entitled "Sacroiliac Joint Stabilization Prostheses", are directed to Tenon's enhanced Catamaran® prostheses that include unique drug delivery compositions, which enhance sealing of the prostheses in SI joint bone structures and bone growth about and within the prostheses when the prostheses are implanted in a SI joint.

U.S. Patent No. 12,115,077, entitled "Systems, Apparatus and Methods for Stabilizing Sacroiliac Joints", is directed to SI joint prostheses with unique structures and configurations to correct failed SI joint stabilization with alternative commercial SI joint implants without requiring removal of the failed implant.

The three (3) U.S. patents further enhance the Company's growing patent portfolio for its Catamaran® SI Joint Fusion System, which now comprises twelve (12) issued U.S. and foreign (International) patents, and twenty-three (23) pending U.S. and foreign patent applications.

"We are pleased with the USPTO's recognition of the novel Catamaran® SI joint prostheses that will provide a best in class solution to specifically address the need for revision of other ineffective SI joint devices," commented Richard Ginn, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Tenon Medical. He concluded, "The issuance of these patents reinforces Tenon's focus on innovation while simultaneously protecting our technology platform which strengthens our competitive position in the industry."

About Tenon Medical, Inc.

Tenon Medical, Inc., a medical device company formed in 2012, has developed The Catamaran SI Joint Fusion System that offers a novel, less invasive approach to the SI joint using a single, robust titanium implant. The system features the Catamaran™ Fixation Device which passes through both the axial and sagittal planes of the ilium and sacrum, stabilizing and transfixing the SI Joint along its longitudinal axis. The angle and trajectory of the Catamaran surgical approach is also designed to provide a pathway away from critical neural and vascular structures and into the strongest cortical bone. Since the national launch of the Catamaran SI Joint Fusion System in October 2022 Tenon is focused on two commercial opportunities with its System in the SI Joint market which includes: 1) Primary SI Joint procedures, and 2) Revision procedures of failed SI Joint implants. For more information, please visit

The Tenon Medical logo shown above, and Catamaran®, PiSIF®, CAT PiSIF®, ETAD®, Posterior Inferior Sacroiliac Fusion®, CAT SIJ Fusion System®, Catamaran SIJ Fusion System®, Catamaran Inferior Posterior Fusion System®, Catamaran Transfixation Fusion System®, and Catamaran Transfixation Fusion Device® are registered trademarks of Tenon Medical, Inc. MAINSAILTM is also a trademark of Tenon Medical, Inc.

Safe Harbor

This press release contains "forward-looking statements," which are statements related to events, results, activities, or developments that Tenon expects, believes, or anticipates will or may occur in the future. Forward-looking often contains words such as "intends," "estimates," "anticipates," "hopes," "projects," "plans," "expects," "seek," "believes," "see," "should," "will," "would," "target," "aims," and similar expressions and the negative versions thereof. Such statements are based on Tenon's experience and perception of current conditions, trends, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate under the circumstances, and speak only as of the date made. Forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain and actual results may differ materially from assumptions, estimates or expectations reflected or contained in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. For details on the uncertainties that may cause our actual results to be materially different than those expressed in our forward-looking statements, please review our Annual Report on 10-K on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission at, particularly the information contained in the section entitled "Risk Factors". We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect new information or future events or otherwise unless required by law.

IR Contact:

Shannon Devine / Rory Rumore
MZ North America

SOURCE: Tenon Medical, Inc.

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What new patents has Tenon Medical (TNON) been issued?

Tenon Medical has been issued three new U.S. patents: Nos. 12,115,075 and 12,115,076 for enhanced Catamaran® prostheses with drug delivery compositions, and No. 12,115,077 for SI joint prostheses designed to correct failed SI joint stabilization.

How many patents does Tenon Medical (TNON) now hold for its Catamaran® SI Joint Fusion System?

Tenon Medical now holds 12 issued U.S. and foreign patents for its Catamaran® SI Joint Fusion System, with an additional 23 pending U.S. and foreign patent applications.

What is the significance of Tenon Medical's (TNON) new patents for SI joint stabilization?

The new patents strengthen Tenon Medical's competitive position in the industry by protecting their innovative technology for SI joint stabilization, including enhanced prostheses with drug delivery compositions and methods to correct failed SI joint stabilization without removing the failed implant.

How does Tenon Medical's (TNON) latest patent issuance impact its market position?

The issuance of these patents reinforces Tenon Medical's focus on innovation and strengthens its competitive position in the SI joint stabilization industry by protecting its unique technology platform and expanding its intellectual property portfolio.

Tenon Medical, Inc.


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Medical Devices
Surgical & Medical Instruments & Apparatus
United States of America