Fund 1 Sends Letter to Vera Bradley’s Board of Directors Highlighting the Opportunity for Value-Enhancing Strategic Alternatives

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Fund 1 Investments , Vera Bradley's (VRA) largest shareholder with 10% ownership and 20% economic exposure, has sent a letter to the company's Board highlighting the need for strategic alternatives. The investor points out that despite Vera Bradley's iconic brand status, the company's current performance doesn't reflect its true value, with revenue stagnating at $380 million (similar to IPO levels) but now burning cash instead of generating profits.

The letter emphasizes that Vera Bradley faces multiple challenges, including value destruction, poor operational performance, failed brand turnaround, negative fashion brand sentiment, and public float. Fund 1 suggests the company would benefit from operating under a larger organization or in private markets, allowing for brand revival without quarterly earnings pressure and additional cost-saving opportunities.

Investimenti del Fondo 1, il maggiore azionista di Vera Bradley (VRA) con una partecipazione del 10% e un'esposizione economica del 20%, ha inviato una lettera al Consiglio dell'azienda evidenziando la necessità di alternative strategiche. L'investitore sottolinea che, nonostante il prestigioso status del brand Vera Bradley, le attuali performance dell'azienda non riflettono il suo vero valore, con ricavi stagnanti a 380 milioni di dollari (simili ai livelli dell'IPO), ma ora in perdita anziché generare profitti.

La lettera mette in evidenza che Vera Bradley affronta molteplici sfide, tra cui distruzione di valore, scarse performance operative, fallimenti nel rilancio del brand, sentiment negativo nel mondo della moda e flottazione pubblica. Il Fondo 1 suggerisce che l'azienda trarrebbe beneficio dall'operare sotto un'organizzazione più grande o nei mercati privati, consentendo una rivitalizzazione del brand senza la pressione dei guadagni trimestrali e opportunità aggiuntive di risparmio sui costi.

Inversiones de Fondo 1, el mayor accionista de Vera Bradley (VRA) con una participación del 10% y una exposición económica del 20%, ha enviado una carta a la Junta de la compañía subrayando la necesidad de alternativas estratégicas. El inversor señala que, a pesar de el estatus icónico de la marca Vera Bradley, el rendimiento actual de la empresa no refleja su verdadero valor, con ingresos estancados en 380 millones de dólares (similares a los niveles de la OPI), pero ahora quemando efectivo en lugar de generar ganancias.

La carta enfatiza que Vera Bradley enfrenta múltiples desafíos, incluyendo destrucción de valor, mal rendimiento operativo, fracasos en la recuperación de la marca, sentimiento negativo en el sector de la moda y flotación pública. Fondo 1 sugiere que la empresa se beneficiaría de operar bajo una organización más grande o en mercados privados, permitiendo la revitalización de la marca sin la presión de ganancias trimestrales y oportunidades adicionales de ahorro de costos.

펀드 1 투자는 베라 브래들리(VRA)의 최대 주주로 10%의 지분과 20%의 경제적 노출을 가지고 있으며, 회사 이사회에 전략적 대안의 필요성을 강조하는 서한을 발송했습니다. 투자자는 베라 브래들리의 아이코닉한 브랜드 지위에도 불구하고 현재 회사의 성과가 진정한 가치를 반영하지 않는다고 지적하며, 수익은 3억 8천만 달러(IPO 수준 유사)에서 정체되고 있으며, 현재는 이익을 창출하기보다는 현금을 소모하고 있다고 합니다.

이 서한에서는 베라 브래들리가 가치 파괴, 열악한 운영 성과, 브랜드 재활의 실패, 부정적인 패션 브랜드 감정 및 공개 유통 등 여러 도전에 직면하고 있다고 강조합니다. 펀드 1은 회사가 더 큰 조직에서 운영하거나 사적 시장에서 운영할 경우, 분기별 수익 압박 없이 브랜드 부활이 가능하고 추가적인 비용 절감 기회를 가질 수 있을 것이라고 제안합니다.

Investissements du Fonds 1, le principal actionnaire de Vera Bradley (VRA) avec une participation de 10 % et une exposition économique de 20 %, a envoyé une lettre au conseil d'administration de l'entreprise soulignant la nécessité d'alternatives stratégiques. L'investisseur souligne que, malgré le statut emblématique de la marque Vera Bradley, la performance actuelle de l'entreprise ne reflète pas sa véritable valeur, avec un chiffre d'affaires stagné à 380 millions de dollars (similaire aux niveaux de l'IPO), mais maintenant en train de brûler des liquidités au lieu de générer des bénéfices.

La lettre souligne que Vera Bradley fait face à plusieurs défis, notamment la destruction de valeur, de mauvaises performances opérationnelles, un échec dans le redressement de la marque, un sentiment négatif envers la marque de mode et une flottation publique. Le Fonds 1 suggère que l'entreprise tirerait profit d'opérer sous une organisation plus grande ou dans des marchés privés, permettant ainsi un renouveau de la marque sans la pression des résultats trimestriels et des opportunités supplémentaires d'économies de coûts.

Fonds 1 Investitionen, der größte Aktionär von Vera Bradley (VRA) mit einem Anteil von 10% und einer wirtschaftlichen Exposition von 20%, hat einen Brief an den Vorstand des Unternehmens gesendet, in dem die Notwendigkeit strategischer Alternativen hervorgehoben wird. Der Investor weist darauf hin, dass trotz des ikonischen Markenstatus von Vera Bradley die aktuelle Leistung des Unternehmens nicht den tatsächlichen Wert widerspiegelt, da der Umsatz bei 380 Millionen Dollar stagniert (ähnlich den IPO-Niveaus) und nun Geld verbrennt, anstatt Gewinne zu erwirtschaften.

Der Brief betont, dass Vera Bradley mit mehreren Herausforderungen konfrontiert ist, darunter Wertvernichtung, schlechte operative Leistung, gescheiterte Markenwiederbelebung, negatives Fashion-Markenimage und öffentliche Streuung. Fonds 1 schlägt vor, dass das Unternehmen von einem Betrieb unter einem größeren Unternehmen oder in privaten Märkten profitieren würde, da dies eine Wiederbelebung der Marke ohne den Druck von Quartalsgewinnen und zusätzliche Einsparmöglichkeiten ermöglichen würde.

  • Largest shareholder's support for strategic alternatives exploration
  • Board's openness to consider all options for maximizing shareholder value
  • Potential for premium valuation in case of acquisition
  • Cash burn on $380M revenue vs. historical $50M free cash flow generation on $366M revenue
  • Failed brand turnaround attempts
  • Poor operational performance
  • public float of less than $60M
  • History of value destruction and questionable capital allocation

Believes Vera Bradley’s Iconic Brand is Highly Valuable and That Value Is Not Reflected in Today’s Share Price

Contends Vera Bradley Will Be Best Equipped to Focus on Brand Revival and Operational Improvements Under a Larger Organization or In the Private Markets

Pleased to Hear All Options Are on the Table to Maximize Shareholder Value

RINCON, Puerto Rico--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Fund 1 Investments LLC (together with its affiliates, “Fund 1”) is the largest shareholder of Vera Bradley, Inc. (NASDAQ: VRA) ("Vera Bradley" or the "Company"), beneficially owning 10.0% of the Company’s outstanding shares and having economic exposure of 20.0% of the outstanding shares. Today, Fund 1 sent the below letter to the Company’s Board of Directors:

December 30, 2024

Vera Bradley, Inc.
12420 Stonebridge Road
Roanoke, Indiana 46783

Attention: Robert Hall
cc: Board of Directors


Fund 1 Investments LLC (together with its affiliates, “Fund 1”, or “we”) beneficially owns approximately 10.0% of the outstanding shares of common stock of Vera Bradley, Inc. ("Vera Bradley" or the "Company"), and has economic exposure of 20.0% of the outstanding shares, making us the Company's largest shareholder.

As we described to you over the phone, Fund 1 is a global long/short equity firm that makes both public and private investments primarily focused on the consumer, telecom, media, and technology sectors. We possess significant retail expertise and have a long history of constructively engaging with management teams and boards to offer value-enhancing ideas, introductions to relevant executives, and capital for strategic initiatives to our portfolio companies. We encourage you to speak with executives from other companies that we have invested in to understand the valuable insight we endeavor to bring and how we strive to approach each situation with humility and level-headedness.

We thank you and appreciate the time you spent with us the other week as we have the utmost respect for you and the beloved brand your family has built over the past 40 years. As we have conducted substantial research on the Company over the past few years, we can’t help but admire Barb’s vision and tenacity – to build a business from scratch that, at its peak, generated ~$550 million of annual revenue is inspiring and representative of the American Dream. Barb’s designs were iconic globally and the Vera Bradley name has been synonymous with innovation and disruption for decades. The Company and its products have a truly remarkable legacy.

We, as your largest shareholder, simply want Vera Bradley to return to its winning ways. In its first year of being public, Vera Bradley generated $366 million of revenue and nearly $50 million of free cash flow, translating into a $1.5 billion enterprise value company. Today, analysts expect $380 million of revenue – essentially the same topline as when the Company IPO’d. Except, that same $360+ million of revenue is expected to burn cash and that $1.5 billion enterprise value implies negative value today, adjusted for the acquisition of Pura Vida.1

The Company is now experiencing a perfect storm – i) a history of value destruction and questionable capital allocation, ii) poor recent operational performance, iii) a failed brand turnaround, iv) extremely negative macro sentiment for fashion brands, and v) a less than $60 million of public float. As you well know, thriving as a microcap company in today’s public markets is near impossible. It is clear to us that the best option for Vera Bradley and its shareholders is to commence a strategic alternatives process and pursue opportunities to fix the Company under the umbrella of a larger organization or in the private markets. We were pleased to hear the Board of Directors believes everything is on the table to maximize shareholder value and we are highly supportive of this.

We believe Vera Bradley can be a much more valuable company and has a timely opportunity to return to its winning ways. If the Company were out of the public spotlight, there are many advantages for Vera Bradley: i) ability to focus on the brand revival without quarterly earnings, ii) cost savings opportunities unavailable in the public markets, and iii) more time for management to focus on the business as opposed to frequent meetings with shareholders.

We believe that a strategic or financial buyer would be able to complete a transaction at an attractive premium for shareholders. If a financial buyer provides the best opportunity, the Company should consider transaction structures that would enable existing stakeholders to participate in a transaction and maintain or increase their interests in the Company, which we would be willing to do.

As we discussed the other week, we wish to continue to have a constructive engagement with you and are available to discuss the contents of this letter at your convenience.

We look forward to supporting a successful outcome for the shareholders, employees and customers of Vera Bradley.

Best Regards,

Fund 1 Investments LLC

About Fund 1

Fund 1 Investments LLC is a global long/short equity firm that makes both public and private investments primarily focused on the consumer, telecom, media, and technology sectors.

1 Current Enterprise Value of $84 million less $85 million in cash paid for Pura Vida over two transactions.

Longacre Square Partners

Charlotte Kiaie / Bela Kirpalani, 646-386-0091

Source: Fund 1 Investments LLC


What percentage of Vera Bradley (VRA) does Fund 1 Investments own?

Fund 1 Investments owns 10% of VRA's outstanding shares and has a 20% economic exposure, making it the company's largest shareholder.

How does VRA's current revenue compare to its IPO performance?

VRA's current expected revenue of $380M is similar to its IPO-year revenue of $366M, but the company is now burning cash instead of generating the $50M free cash flow it did at IPO.

What are the main challenges facing Vera Bradley (VRA) according to Fund 1?

The main challenges include value destruction, poor operational performance, failed brand turnaround, negative macro sentiment for fashion brands, and public float under $60M.

What strategic alternatives does Fund 1 suggest for VRA?

Fund 1 suggests VRA should pursue opportunities either under a larger organization or in the private markets, allowing for brand revival without quarterly earnings pressure.

Vera Bradley, Inc.


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