C40 and Carrier Collaborate to Help Cities Tackle Extreme Heat and Enhance Climate Resilience
Carrier Global has partnered with C40 Cities to address extreme heat challenges in urban areas through a three-year $1.05 million grant. The collaboration aims to promote sustainable cooling solutions in buildings while adhering to Paris Agreement climate goals. The initiative comes as nearly one-third of the world's population faces life-threatening heat extremes for 20+ days annually. C40 will support cities in assessing temperature impacts on health and energy demand, developing cooling strategies, and creating policy solutions aligned with Climate Action Plans.
Carrier Global ha stretto una collaborazione con C40 Cities per affrontare le sfide del caldo estremo nelle aree urbane attraverso un finanziamento di 1,05 milioni di dollari della durata di tre anni. L'obiettivo della collaborazione è promuovere soluzioni di raffrescamento sostenibili negli edifici, rispettando al contempo gli obiettivi climatici dell'Accordo di Parigi. L'iniziativa nasce in un contesto in cui quasi un terzo della popolazione mondiale affronta estati con temperature letali per più di 20 giorni all'anno. C40 supporterà le città nella valutazione degli impatti delle temperature sulla salute e sulla domanda energetica, nello sviluppo di strategie di raffrescamento e nella creazione di soluzioni politiche in linea con i Piani di Azione per il Clima.
Carrier Global se ha asociado con C40 Cities para abordar los desafíos del calor extremo en áreas urbanas a través de una subvención de 1,05 millones de dólares durante tres años. La colaboración tiene como objetivo promover soluciones de enfriamiento sostenibles en edificios, mientras se cumplen los objetivos climáticos del Acuerdo de París. La iniciativa surge en un contexto en el que casi un tercio de la población mundial enfrenta extremos de calor que amenazan la vida durante más de 20 días al año. C40 apoyará a las ciudades en la evaluación de los impactos de la temperatura sobre la salud y la demanda energética, el desarrollo de estrategias de enfriamiento y la creación de soluciones políticas alineadas con los Planes de Acción Climática.
캐리어 글로벌가 C40 도시와 협력하여 도시 지역의 극한 열 문제를 해결하기 위해 3년 동안 105만 달러 지원금을 제공합니다. 이 협업의 목표는 파리 협정의 기후 목표를 준수하면서 건물에서 지속 가능한 냉방 솔루션을 촉진하는 것입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 전 세계 인구의 거의 3분의 1이 매년 20일 이상 생명을 위협하는 극단적인 고온에 직면하고 있는 상황에서 출발합니다. C40은 도시들이 건강과 에너지 수요에 대한 온도의 영향을 평가하고, 냉방 전략을 개발하며, 기후 행동 계획에 부합하는 정책 솔루션을 수립하는 데 지원할 것입니다.
Carrier Global a établi un partenariat avec C40 Cities pour faire face aux défis de la chaleur extrême dans les zones urbaines grâce à une subvention de 1,05 million de dollars sur trois ans. Cette collaboration vise à promouvoir des solutions de refroidissement durables dans les bâtiments tout en respectant les objectifs climatiques de l'Accord de Paris. L'initiative intervient alors qu'un tiers de la population mondiale est confronté à des vagues de chaleur menaçantes pour la vie pendant plus de 20 jours chaque année. C40 accompagnera les villes dans l'évaluation des impacts de la température sur la santé et la demande énergétique, le développement de stratégies de refroidissement et la création de solutions politiques alignées avec les Plans d'Action Climatique.
Carrier Global hat sich mit C40 Cities zusammengetan, um extreme Hitzeherausforderungen in städtischen Gebieten durch ein drei Jahre laufendes 1,05 Millionen Dollar Stipendium anzugehen. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, nachhaltige Kühlungslösungen in Gebäuden zu fördern und gleichzeitig die Klimaziele des Pariser Abkommens einzuhalten. Die Initiative entsteht in einem Kontext, in dem fast ein Drittel der Weltbevölkerung jährlich mehr als 20 Tage lang mit lebensbedrohlicher Hitze konfrontiert ist. C40 wird die Städte bei der Bewertung der Temperaturauswirkungen auf Gesundheit und Energiebedarf, bei der Entwicklung von Kühlstrategien und bei der Schaffung von politischen Lösungen, die mit den Klimaschutzplänen übereinstimmen, unterstützen.
- Secured strategic partnership with C40 Cities network, accessing nearly 100 global cities
- Investment of $1.05 million demonstrates commitment to sustainable solutions
- Positions Carrier as leader in addressing climate resilience challenges
- None.
The timing is particularly strategic given recent record-breaking temperatures and increasing focus on urban heat mitigation. This positions Carrier to capture market share in the expanding sustainable cooling solutions sector, especially in developing regions where urban growth intersects with rising temperatures. The initiative could lead to increased adoption of Carrier's energy-efficient cooling technologies in municipal projects.
While the immediate financial impact is minimal, the long-term potential for securing large-scale urban cooling contracts and shaping city cooling policies could create significant revenue opportunities.
- C40 and Carrier work together to support cities in the midst of extreme heat events in cities.
- Cities and mayors to assess the impact of rising temperatures, develop cooling policies and exchange best practices to keep residents safe from heat, reducing vulnerabilities and increasing comfort in buildings.
A three-year
August 2024 was the hottest month on Earth since global records began (Source: https://nasa.gov/earth/nasa-finds-summer-2024-hottest-to-date/), so creating equitable access to cooling to all city dwellers has never been more important.
Nearly one third of the world's population is currently exposed to life-threatening heat extremes for 20 days a year or more - exposing them to a wide range of health and socio-economic issues. If not delivered in a sustainable, efficient and equitable way, an increase in cooling supply risks accelerating climate change and the urban heat island effect.
In this context, C40 will support cities around the globe to assess the impact of rising temperatures on areas such as residents' health, energy poverty and cooling-related energy demand. C40 will also utilize this funding to support cities in developing effective cooling strategies, roadmaps and policy solutions aligned with cities' Climate Action Plans and mitigation strategies.
This program is part of a wider number of heat related projects that C40 is implementing across cities to ensure that solutions for keeping residents safe from extreme heat are in line with the Paris Agreement goals, equally distributed and considering frontline communities.
"Cities and urban areas face additional risks and effects from extreme heat, and often residents feel the impacts most acutely within their own homes. By tackling both building and resilience policies together, this project will demonstrate cities' climate leadership, providing cooling solutions in a sustainable, efficient and equitable way," said Mark Watts, C40 Executive Director.
"As global temperatures rise, public-private partnerships are crucial," said Hakan Yilmaz, Carrier Senior Vice President, Chief Technology & Sustainability Officer. "Carrier is excited to collaborate with C40 to address the urgent need for effective cooling strategies. This program is another step in the right direction as Carrier continues innovating to deliver sustainable technologies that will help ensure everyone can thrive in a changing climate."
About Carrier
Carrier Global Corporation, global leader in intelligent climate and energy solutions, is committed to creating solutions that matter for people and our planet for generations to come. From the beginning, we've led in inventing new technologies and entirely new industries. Today, we continue to lead because we have a world-class, diverse workforce that puts the customer at the center of everything we do. For more information, visit www.corporate.carrier.com or follow Carrier on social media at @Carrier.
Contact: | Jason Shockley |
561-542-0207 | |
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SOURCE Carrier Global Corporation