Comstock Announces Passing of Board Member Socrates Verses

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Comstock Holding Companies, Inc. (Nasdaq: CHCI) announced the passing of longtime board member Socrates ("Soc") Verses. Christopher Clemente, Chairman and CEO, expressed deep sadness and gratitude for Verses' dedicated service and contributions to the company. In response, Comstock has temporarily reduced its Board of Directors from seven to six members.

The company has also made two key appointments: David M. Guernsey has been named Chair of the Compensation Committee, replacing Verses, and James A. MacCutcheon has joined the Compensation Committee as its newest member. These changes reflect Comstock's commitment to maintaining strong governance and strategic oversight during this transition.

Comstock Holding Companies, Inc. (Nasdaq: CHCI) ha annunciato la scomparsa del storico membro del consiglio Socrates ("Soc") Verses. Christopher Clemente, Presidente e CEO, ha espresso profondo cordoglio e gratitudine per il servizio e i contributi dedicati di Verses all'azienda. In risposta, Comstock ha temporaneamente ridotto il suo Consiglio di Amministrazione da sette a sei membri.

La società ha anche effettuato due importanti nomine: David M. Guernsey è stato nominato Presidente del Comitato per la Compensazione, sostituendo Verses, e James A. MacCutcheon è entrato a far parte del Comitato per la Compensazione come suo membro più recente. Questi cambiamenti riflettono l'impegno di Comstock a mantenere una buona governance e una supervisione strategica durante questa transizione.

Comstock Holding Companies, Inc. (Nasdaq: CHCI) anunció el fallecimiento del miembro de la junta de larga data Socrates ("Soc") Verses. Christopher Clemente, Presidente y CEO, expresó su profunda tristeza y gratitud por el servicio y las contribuciones dedicadas de Verses a la empresa. En respuesta, Comstock ha reducido temporalmente su Junta Directiva de siete a seis miembros.

La empresa también ha hecho dos nombramientos clave: David M. Guernsey ha sido nombrado Presidente del Comité de Compensación, reemplazando a Verses, y James A. MacCutcheon se ha unido al Comité de Compensación como su nuevo miembro. Estos cambios reflejan el compromiso de Comstock de mantener una sólida gobernanza y supervisión estratégica durante esta transición.

Comstock Holding Companies, Inc. (Nasdaq: CHCI)는 오랜 이사 Socrates ("Soc") Verses의 별세를 발표했습니다. Christopher Clemente, 회장 겸 CEO는 Verses의 헌신적인 서비스와 회사에 대한 기여에 깊은 슬픔과 감사를 표했습니다. 이에 Comstock은 임시로 이사회를 7명에서 6명으로 축소했습니다.

회사는 또한 두 가지 주요 임명을 발표했습니다: David M. Guernsey가 Verses를 대신하여 보상위원회 의장으로 임명되었고, James A. MacCutcheon이 보상위원회의 최신 회원으로 합류했습니다. 이러한 변화는 Comstock이 전환 기간 동안 강력한 거버넌스와 전략적 감독을 유지할 것에 대한 약속을 반영합니다.

Comstock Holding Companies, Inc. (Nasdaq: CHCI) a annoncé le décès de Socrates ("Soc") Verses, un membre de longue date du conseil d'administration. Christopher Clemente, président et PDG, a exprimé sa profonde tristesse et sa gratitude pour le service et les contributions dévoués de Verses à l'entreprise. En réponse, Comstock a temporairement réduit son Conseil d'Administration de sept à six membres.

La société a également procédé à deux nominations clés : David M. Guernsey a été nommé président du Comité de Rémunération, remplaçant Verses, et James A. MacCutcheon a rejoint le Comité de Rémunération en tant que nouveau membre. Ces changements reflètent l'engagement de Comstock à maintenir une gouvernance solide et une supervision stratégique pendant cette transition.

Comstock Holding Companies, Inc. (Nasdaq: CHCI) gab den Tod des langjährigen Vorstandsmitglieds Socrates ("Soc") Verses bekannt. Christopher Clemente, Vorsitzender und CEO, drückte tiefe Trauer und Dankbarkeit für Verses' engagierten Dienst und Beiträge zum Unternehmen aus. In Reaktion darauf hat Comstock vorübergehend seinen Vorstand von sieben auf sechs Mitglieder reduziert.

Das Unternehmen hat auch zwei wichtige Ernennungen vorgenommen: David M. Guernsey wurde zum Vorsitzenden des Vergütungsausschusses ernannt, um Verses zu ersetzen, und James A. MacCutcheon ist als neuestes Mitglied dem Vergütungsausschuss beigetreten. Diese Änderungen spiegeln Comstocks Engagement wider, während dieses Übergangs eine starke Governance und strategische Aufsicht aufrechtzuerhalten.

  • Prompt action taken to maintain board functionality
  • Appointment of new Compensation Committee Chair
  • Addition of new member to Compensation Committee
  • Loss of a long-serving board member
  • Temporary reduction in board size from seven to six members

RESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Comstock Holding Companies, Inc. (Nasdaq: CHCI) (“Comstock” or the “Company”), a leading asset manager, developer, and operator of mixed-use and transit-oriented properties in the Washington, D.C. region, today announced that longtime board member Socrates ("Soc") Verses has passed away.

“We are deeply saddened by the loss of our friend and colleague Socrates Verses, and we extend our deepest condolences to the Verses family,” said Christopher Clemente, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Comstock. “Soc’s steady presence and thoughtful guidance over his tenure on our board were invaluable. We are grateful for his dedicated service and contribution to the Comstock mission. Soc will be deeply missed by all who had the privilege to know him.”

As the Company mourns the loss of Mr. Verses, it has decided to temporarily decrease the size of its Board of Directors from seven members to six. In addition, David M. Guernsey has been appointed as Chair of the Compensation Committee, replacing Mr. Verses in that role, and James A. MacCutcheon has joined the Compensation Committee as its newest member. Both appointments reflect Comstock's ongoing commitment to strong governance and strategic oversight.

About Comstock

Founded in 1985, Comstock is a leading asset manager, developer, and operator of mixed-use and transit-oriented properties in the Washington, D.C. region. With a managed portfolio comprising approximately 10 million square feet of stabilized, in-development, and planned developments strategically located at key Metro stations, Comstock is at the forefront of the urban transformation taking place in the fastest growing segments of one of the nation’s best real estate markets. Comstock’s developments include some of the largest and most prominent mixed-use and transit-oriented projects in the mid-Atlantic region, as well as multiple large-scale public-private partnership developments. For more information, please visit

Source: Comstock Holding Companies, Inc.


Who was Socrates Verses and what was his role at Comstock (CHCI)?

Socrates Verses was a longtime board member of Comstock Holding Companies, Inc. (CHCI) who served as the Chair of the Compensation Committee before his passing.

How has Comstock (CHCI) responded to the passing of Socrates Verses?

Comstock (CHCI) has temporarily reduced its Board of Directors from seven to six members, appointed David M. Guernsey as Chair of the Compensation Committee, and added James A. MacCutcheon to the Compensation Committee.

What changes were made to Comstock's (CHCI) Compensation Committee following Verses' passing?

David M. Guernsey was appointed as the new Chair of the Compensation Committee, replacing Socrates Verses, and James A. MacCutcheon joined the committee as its newest member.

How many members are now on Comstock's (CHCI) Board of Directors?

Following the passing of Socrates Verses, Comstock (CHCI) has temporarily reduced its Board of Directors from seven to six members.

Comstock Holding Companies, Inc.


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