Vera Bradley Announces Appointment of Ian Bickley to the Board of Directors
Vera Bradley (NASDAQ:VRA) has appointed Ian Bickley to its Board of Directors, effective November 1, 2024. Bickley brings extensive experience from his tenure at Tapestry, Inc. (formerly Coach, Inc.), where he grew international sales from under $20 million to over $2 billion. He currently serves on the boards of Crocs, Inc. and Brilliant Earth, bringing valuable expertise in global fashion lifestyle and luxury brands. The appointment is part of Vera Bradley's ongoing board refresh initiative, aimed at building long-term shareholder value through enhanced brand transformation and business development expertise.
Vera Bradley (NASDAQ:VRA) ha nominato Ian Bickley nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione, con effetto dal 1° novembre 2024. Bickley porta una vasta esperienza dal suo periodo in Tapestry, Inc. (precedentemente Coach, Inc.), dove ha incrementato le vendite internazionali da meno di 20 milioni di dollari a oltre 2 miliardi. Attualmente, è membro dei consigli di Crocs, Inc. e Brilliant Earth, portando con sé competenze preziose nel settore della moda globale e dei marchi di lusso. Questa nomina fa parte dell'iniziativa di rinnovamento del consiglio di Vera Bradley, volta a costruire un valore per gli azionisti a lungo termine attraverso una trasformazione del marchio migliorata e competenze nello sviluppo aziendale.
Vera Bradley (NASDAQ:VRA) ha nombrado a Ian Bickley en su Junta Directiva, con efecto a partir del 1 de noviembre de 2024. Bickley aporta una amplia experiencia de su etapa en Tapestry, Inc. (anteriormente Coach, Inc.), donde hizo crecer las ventas internacionales de menos de 20 millones de dólares a más de 2 mil millones. Actualmente, es miembro de las juntas de Crocs, Inc. y Brilliant Earth, aportando una valiosa experiencia en moda global y marcas de lujo. Esta designación es parte de la iniciativa de renovación de la junta de Vera Bradley, destinada a construir un valor sostenible para los accionistas mediante una transformación de marca mejorada y experiencia en desarrollo empresarial.
베라 브래들리 (NASDAQ:VRA)는 이안 비클리를 이사회에 임명하였으며, 이는 2024년 11월 1일부터 효력을 발생합니다. 비클리는 전에 Tapestry, Inc. (이전의 Coach, Inc.)에서 재직하며 국제 매출을 2천만 달러 미만에서 20억 달러 이상으로 증가시킨 풍부한 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 현재 그는 Crocs, Inc.와 Brilliant Earth의 이사로 활동하며, 글로벌 패션 라이프스타일 및 고급 브랜드에 대한 귀중한 전문 지식을 제공합니다. 이번 임명은 Vera Bradley의 이사회 갱신 이니셔티브의 일환으로, 브랜드 변환 및 비즈니스 개발 전문성을 통해 장기적인 주주 가치를 구축하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
Vera Bradley (NASDAQ:VRA) a nommé Ian Bickley à son Conseil d'Administration, avec effet au 1er novembre 2024. Bickley apporte une vaste expérience de son passage chez Tapestry, Inc. (anciennement Coach, Inc.), où il a fait passer les ventes internationales de moins de 20 millions de dollars à plus de 2 milliards. Il siège actuellement aux conseils d'administration de Crocs, Inc. et de Brilliant Earth, apportant une expertise précieuse en matière de mode mondiale et de marques de luxe. Cette nomination s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'initiative de renouvellement du conseil de Vera Bradley, visant à construire une valeur actionnariale à long terme grâce à une transformation de la marque améliorée et à une expertise en développement commercial.
Vera Bradley (NASDAQ:VRA) hat Ian Bickley in den Aufsichtsrat berufen, mit Wirkung zum 1. November 2024. Bickley bringt umfangreiche Erfahrungen aus seiner Zeit bei Tapestry, Inc. (ehemals Coach, Inc.) mit, wo er die internationalen Verkäufe von unter 20 Millionen auf über 2 Milliarden Dollar steigerte. Derzeit ist er Mitglied der Aufsichtsräte von Crocs, Inc. und Brilliant Earth und bringt wertvolle Fachkenntnisse in den Bereichen globale Mode und Luxusmarken mit. Die Ernennung ist Teil der laufenden Initiative zur Erneuerung des Aufsichtsrats von Vera Bradley, die darauf abzielt, einen langfristigen Aktionärswert durch verbesserte Markentransformations- und Geschäftsentwicklungskompetenz aufzubauen.
- Appointment of experienced executive with proven track record of growing international sales from $20M to $2B at Coach/Tapestry
- Addition of board member with extensive global fashion and luxury brand expertise
- Strategic move to strengthen board expertise in brand transformation and business development
- None.
FORT WAYNE, Ind., Nov. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vera Bradley, Inc. (“Vera Bradley” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ:VRA) today announced the appointment of Ian Bickley to its Board of Directors (the “Board”) effective November 1, 2024.
“We are pleased to welcome Ian to our Board,” said Jacqueline Ardrey, President & CEO of Vera Bradley and an executive member of the Company’s Board. “Ian’s deep, decades-long executive and public company leadership experience at global fashion lifestyle and luxury brands will be invaluable to Vera Bradley as we continue to execute our strategy to build long-term value for our shareholders.”
Mr. Bickley served as a key architect and leader at Tapestry, Inc. (formerly, Coach, Inc.), overseeing the company’s global expansion and growing Coach’s international sales from less than
“Ian’s appointment is another decisive step in Vera Bradley’s proactive and ongoing efforts to refresh the Board,” added Frances Philip, Lead Independent Director of the Vera Bradley Board and Chair of its Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. “The breadth of brand transformation and business development expertise that Ian brings aligns with the qualities we have been searching for in a new independent Board member. We are thrilled to welcome Ian to our Board of Directors.”
About Vera Bradley, Inc.
Vera Bradley, Inc. operates two unique lifestyle brands – Vera Bradley and Pura Vida. Vera Bradley and Pura Vida are complementary businesses, both with devoted, emotionally-connected, and multi-generational female customer bases; positioning as “gifting” brands; strong, entrepreneurial cultures; a keen focus on community and charity; multi-channel distribution strategies; and talented leadership teams aligned and committed to the long-term success of their brands.
Vera Bradley, based in Fort Wayne, Indiana, is a leading designer of women’s handbags, luggage and other travel items, fashion and home accessories, and unique gifts. Founded in 1982 by friends Barbara Bradley Baekgaard and Patricia R. Miller, the brand is known for its innovative designs, iconic patterns, and brilliant colors that inspire and connect women unlike any other brand in the global marketplace.
Pura Vida, based in La Jolla, California, is a digitally native, highly-engaging lifestyle brand with a differentiated and expanding offering of bracelets, jewelry, and other lifestyle accessories.
The Company has three reportable segments: Vera Bradley Direct (“VB Direct”), Vera Bradley Indirect (“VB Indirect”), and Pura Vida. The VB Direct business consists of sales of Vera Bradley products through Vera Bradley Full-Line and Outlet stores in the United States; Vera Bradley’s websites,,, and; and the Vera Bradley annual outlet sale in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The VB Indirect business consists of sales of Vera Bradley products to approximately 1,450 specialty retail locations throughout the United States, as well as select department stores, national accounts, third party e-commerce sites, and third-party inventory liquidators, and royalties recognized through licensing agreements related to the Vera Bradley brand. The Pura Vida segment consists of sales of Pura Vida products through the Pura Vida websites, and; through the distribution of its products to wholesale retailers and department stores; and through its Pura Vida retail stores.
Vera Bradley Safe Harbor Statement
Certain statements in this release are "forward-looking statements" made pursuant to the safe-harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements reflect the Company's current expectations or beliefs concerning future events and are subject to various risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those that we expected, including: possible adverse changes in general economic conditions and their impact on consumer confidence and spending; possible inability to predict and respond in a timely manner to changes in consumer demand; possible loss of key management or design associates or inability to attract and retain the talent required for our business; possible inability to maintain and enhance our brands; possible inability to successfully implement the Company’s long-term strategic plan; possible inability to successfully open new stores, close targeted stores, and/or operate current stores as planned; incremental tariffs or adverse changes in the cost of raw materials and labor used to manufacture our products; possible adverse effects resulting from a significant disruption in our distribution facilities; or business disruption caused by pandemics or other macro factors. More information on potential factors that could affect the Company’s financial results is included from time to time in the “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” sections of the Company’s public reports filed with the SEC, including the Company’s Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended February 3, 2024. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement. Financial schedules are attached to this release.
Tom Filandro, Partner
ICR, Inc.
877-708-VERA (8372)

When did Ian Bickley join Vera Bradley's Board of Directors (VRA)?
What is Ian Bickley's track record at Coach/Tapestry before joining VRA?