iQIYI Reaches Framework Agreement with Baidu on AI-Generated Content

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(Very Positive)

BEIJING, Feb. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- On Feb. 15, iQIYI, Inc. (Nasdaq: IQ) ("iQIYI" or the "Company"), a leading provider of online entertainment video services in China, announced a framework agreement with Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU), connecting iQIYI to Baidu's generative dialogue product ERNIE Bot. Under the agreement, iQIYI and Baidu will jointly explore leveraging AI-Generated Content (AIGC) technologies on iQIYI's various business endeavors, including content search, promotion, novel creation and tools, among other areas. The partnership marries iQIYI's rich online entertainment resources and Baidu's advanced technologies, which further empowers iQIYI to enhance its creative capabilities, production efficiency, and the ability to provide superior user experiences.

ERNIE Bot is a generative dialogue product Baidu launched based on its ERNIE technology. LIU Wenfeng, Chief Technology Officer of iQIYI, remarked that iQIYI will adhere to its corporate vision and aspire to become a technology-based entertainment company. iQIYI sees technological innovation as a key driver of the development of film and television industry, where new technologies such as AIGC would become the prominent driver of progress. Connecting iQIYI with ERNIE Bot not only improves content production and promotion efficiency, but it also helps creators unlock their imagination and produce more high-quality film and TV content.

iQIYI's access to ERNIE Bot will further enhance its user experience. iQIYI would be given priority and internal access to trial ERNIE Bot. The technological capabilities will be deployed to facilitate the corporation between iQIYI and Baidu on production research and development, standard setting, and other areas.


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公司介绍 爱奇艺,中国视频行业领先者。2010年4月22日正式上线,秉承“悦享品质”的品牌口号,积极推动产品、技术、内容、营销等全方位创新,为用户提供丰富、高清、流畅的专业视频体验,致力于让人们平等、便捷地获得更多、更好的视频。目前,爱奇艺已成功构建了包含电商、游戏、电影票等业务在内、连接人与服务的视频商业生态,引领视频网站商业模式的多元化发展。 爱奇艺品质、青春、时尚的品牌调性深入人心,网罗了中国最广大的年轻用户群体。爱奇艺打造涵盖电影、电视剧、综艺、动漫在内的十余种类型的中国最大正版视频内容库,并通过“爱奇艺出品”战略的持续推动,让“纯网内容”进入真正意义上的全类别、高品质时代。同时,作为中国付费用户规模最大的视频网站,爱奇艺倡导“轻奢新主义”的vip会员理念,主张人们对高品质生活细节的追求,坚持为广大vip会员提供专属的海量精品内容,极致的视听体验,以及独有的线下会员服务。 2014年,爱奇艺在全球范围内率先建立起首个基于搜索和视频数据理解人类行为的视频大脑——爱奇艺大脑,用大数据指导内容的制作、生产、运营、消费。并通过强大的云计算能力,以及领先行业的带宽储备,和全球最庞大的视频分发网络,为用户提供更好的视频服务。在技术与内容双核驱动的新体验营销时代,爱奇艺创造性地提出了“ijoy悦享营销”客户服务价值观和方法论。通过多屏触点、创意内容、技术优化、互动参与、实现购买等路径全面提升roi,让客户享受到创新营销带来的成功与快乐。 未来,爱奇艺将在多元化的内容储备、个性化的产品体验、定制化营销服务领域继续发力,引领视频体验革命。不断提升连接人与服务的能力,更好的改变人们的生活。 品牌口号 悦享品质 品牌关键词 品质 青春 时尚 vip会员理念 轻奢新主义——2015年6月16日 在“付费的力量”爱奇艺vip会员战略发布会上,爱奇艺“轻奢新主义”会员品牌口号正式发布。“轻奢新主义”是爱奇艺“悦享品质”品牌口号的延展。 我们推崇精致而实用的生活态度,倡导格调与乐趣的双重质感。轻奢“与财富多寡、地位高低”无关,代表着对高品质生活细节的追求。 企业愿景 让人们平等便捷地获得更多、更好的视频 企业文化 简单想 简单做 recent updates: