Facing Increased Costs, 64% of Medicare Beneficiaries Express Higher Confidence in the Future of Medicare Under a Trump Administration
eHealth's latest research reveals significant changes in Medicare costs and beneficiary sentiments during the Annual Enrollment Period. The average premium for Medicare Part D drug plans has increased 17% compared to last year. Survey findings show that 64% of Medicare beneficiaries feel more confident about Medicare's future under Trump's administration, with 72% believing he will prioritize their needs. Beneficiaries' top priorities include lowering drug costs, reducing out-of-pocket expenses, and strengthening Medicare Advantage. Notably, 79% of enrollees report changes in their current plan costs or benefits, while 87% feel more confident selecting plans with licensed agent assistance.
Le ultime ricerche di eHealth rivelano cambiamenti significativi nei costi di Medicare e nei sentimenti dei beneficiari durante il Periodo di Iscrizione Annuale. Il premio medio per i piani di farmaci Medicare Parte D è aumentato del 17% rispetto all'anno scorso. I risultati del sondaggio mostrano che il 64% dei beneficiari di Medicare si sente più fiducioso riguardo al futuro di Medicare sotto l'amministrazione di Trump, con il 72% che crede che lui darà priorità alle loro necessità. Le principali priorità dei beneficiari includono abbassare i costi dei farmaci, ridurre le spese personali e rafforzare Medicare Advantage. È importante notare che il 79% degli iscritti segnala cambiamenti nei costi o nei benefici del proprio piano attuale, mentre l'87% si sente più sicuro nella scelta dei piani con l'assistenza di agenti autorizzati.
La última investigación de eHealth revela cambios significativos en los costos de Medicare y en la percepción de los beneficiarios durante el Período de Inscripción Anual. La prima promedio para los planes de medicamentos de Medicare Parte D ha aumentado un 17% en comparación con el año pasado. Los resultados de la encuesta muestran que el 64% de los beneficiarios de Medicare se siente más confiado sobre el futuro de Medicare bajo la administración de Trump, con el 72% creyendo que él priorizará sus necesidades. Las principales prioridades de los beneficiarios incluyen bajar los costos de medicamentos, reducir los gastos de bolsillo y fortalecer Medicare Advantage. Notablemente, el 79% de los inscritos informan cambios en los costos o beneficios de su plan actual, mientras que el 87% se siente más seguro al seleccionar planes con la asistencia de agentes autorizados.
eHealth의 최신 연구는 연례 가입 기간 동안 Medicare 비용과 수혜자 감정의 중요한 변화를 드러냅니다. Medicare 약물 계획 Part D의 평균 프리미엄이 작년 대비 17% 증가했습니다. 조사 결과에 따르면 Medicare 수혜자의 64%가 트럼프 행정부 하에서 Medicare의 미래에 대해 더 많은 신뢰를 느끼고 있으며, 72%는 그가 자신의 필요를 우선시 할 것이라고 믿고 있습니다. 수혜자들의 가장 큰 우선 사항은 약물 비용 인하, 본인 부담 비용 감소 및 Medicare Advantage 강화입니다. 특히, 79%의 가입자가 현재 플랜의 비용 또는 혜택에 변화를 보고하고 있으며, 87%는 면허가 있는 대리인의 도움을 받아 계획을 선택하는 데 더 많은 자신감을 느끼고 있습니다.
Les dernières recherches d'eHealth révèlent des changements significatifs dans les coûts de Medicare et les sentiments des bénéficiaires pendant la Période d'Inscription Annuelle. La prime moyenne pour les plans de médicaments Medicare Partie D a augmenté de 17% par rapport à l'année dernière. Les résultats de l'enquête montrent que 64% des bénéficiaires de Medicare se sentent plus confiants quant à l'avenir de Medicare sous l'administration de Trump, avec 72% croyant qu'il donnera la priorité à leurs besoins. Les principales priorités des bénéficiaires incluent la réduction des coûts des médicaments, la diminution des dépenses personnelles et le renforcement de Medicare Advantage. Il est à noter que 79% des inscrits signalent des changements dans les coûts ou les avantages de leur plan actuel, tandis que 87% se sentent plus confiants pour choisir des plans avec l'assistance d'agents agréés.
Die neuesten Forschungen von eHealth zeigen signifikante Veränderungen bei den Medicare-Kosten und den Gefühlen der Begünstigten während der Jahresanmeldefrist. Die durchschnittliche Prämie für Medicare Teil D Arzneimittelpläne ist um 17% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr gestiegen. Die Umfrageergebnisse zeigen, dass 64% der Medicare-Begünstigten sich unter der Verwaltung von Trump zuversichtlicher über die Zukunft von Medicare fühlen, wobei 72% glauben, dass er ihre Bedürfnisse priorisieren wird. Die höchsten Prioritäten der Anspruchsberechtigten sind die Senkung der Arzneimittelkosten, die Verringerung der Eigenkosten und die Stärkung von Medicare Advantage. Bemerkenswert ist, dass 79% der Eingetragenen von Veränderungen in den Kosten oder Leistungen ihres aktuellen Plans berichten, während 87% sich sicherer fühlen, wenn sie Pläne mit Unterstützung von lizenzierten Agenten auswählen.
- 87% of beneficiaries report increased confidence when working with licensed agents
- High engagement rate with 88% of beneficiaries reviewing coverage options
- Strong customer trust indicated by 72% confidence in future policy priorities
- 17% increase in average Medicare Part D drug plan premiums
- 79% of enrollees facing changes in current plan costs or benefits
The survey's political findings, showing
eHealth research examines costs & trends midway through Medicare's Annual
Enrollment Period and outlines beneficiaries' priorities for President-elect Trump
Survey data included in eHealth's report show that
"Midway through Medicare's Annual Enrollment Period, many beneficiaries are grappling with significant cost increases and changes to their benefits, forcing them to shop for new plans," said eHealth CEO Fran Soistman. "It can be challenging to choose the right Medicare plan for your personal needs and budget. However, as shown in our report, almost nine-in-ten beneficiaries say they feel more confident selecting a new Medicare plan when they work with a licensed health insurance agent."
Additional highlights:
79% of Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plan enrollees say costs or benefits are changing under their current plan88% have already begun reviewing their coverage options, while63% of these say they have enrolled, or will enroll, in a new Medicare plan for 202587% say that working with a licensed agent increases their confidence when selecting a Medicare plan
Read the full report.
Medicare's Annual Enrollment Period for 2025 coverage is scheduled to conclude on December 7, 2024. eHealth's report is based on an analysis of tens of thousands of Medicare plans selected through eHealth in the period from October 15 through November 8, 2024. Survey findings are based on a poll of Medicare beneficiaries drawn from the general population and conducted through a third-party survey vendor. For more information, refer to the methodology section of the report.
No information relevant to eHealth's financial performance should be drawn from this report. Like other insurance brokers, eHealth is compensated on a fixed per-member basis for Medicare Advantage and Part D plans, as regulated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
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SOURCE eHealth, Inc.